The HM-1 is a miniature cardioid polar pattern headworn dynamic micro-
phone, specifically designed to provide enhanced professional quality
vocal pick-up in applications for which hands-free operation is required.
With the introduction of the original Headmic™ over 15 years ago,
Nady pioneered the first headworn mics on the market. Now, Nady sets
the latest performance standard for headset mics with the new Nady
HM-1 Headmic™.
With the HM-1, singers/musicians, The HM-1 is designed to operate either
DJ’s, Aerobic instructors, TV broadcasters, with hardwired or wireless microphone
and others who require the highest quali- transmitters. And unlike condenser mics
ty vocals with improved gain before feed- used on many other headworn mics, the
back can achieve better performance dynamic mic on the HM-1 requires no
than is available with small omnidirec- draining phantom power or troublesome
tional lapel microphones or even full- batteries.
sized stand-mounted cardioid micro-
phones. With its high sensitivity and wide
The head band's shaped rests are
band width, the HM-1 is optimally
placed on top of each ear and the rest of
designed for both singing and speaking
the band extends around the back of the
applications. The close-up unidirectional
head.The the pad supporting the goose-
vocal pickup provides a full sound while
neck rests on the temple in front of the
suppressing irritating background noises.
ear providing the necessary stability dur-
Polar Pattern Directional Characteristic
Top Level: -50 dB
Frequency: 1k Hz
Type: HM-1
ing use. The temple pad can be adjusted
The HM-1 features an adjustable forward or back as necessary for a per-
gooseneck which can be set at any angle fect fit for anyone. The flexible mic
required by the user. The head worn sup- boom descends from the ear on the left
port system is extremely light and com- side.
fortable, and is designed to be visually
The entire HM-1 assembly has been
unobtrusive while worn. Its ear rests and moisture-proofed to guard against deteri-
temple provide maximum stability during oration during use. After use in a high
use, even while moving, dancing, or shak- moisture application such as aerobics or
ing the head. The durable cable assembly a stage performance, remove the foam
and internal construction are designed to screen, wipe off the headset with a
minimize handling noise from contact and towel, and permit it to air-dry. Do not
Frequency in Hz
store the unit in a closed space (e.g., a
Element: Dynamic (UM-4)
The HM-1 is Nady's newest head- plastic bag) until all moisture has evapo-
worn mic and it incorporates state-of-the- rated, and avoid conditions of extremely
art technology for the best frequency and high humidity. This will help maintain the
transient response available. The HM-1’s excellent performance. While the
advanced design offers improved reliabil- HM-1 is not unusually sensitive to the out-
ity under adverse operating conditions side environment, extremes in tempera-
and negligible distortion as compared to ture can be harmful. Therefore, for exam-
other head worn mics. The result is ple, avoid leaving the microphone in
Polar Pattern: Cardioid (Unidirectional)
Frequency response: 100Hz~15kHz
Sensitivity: -78dB 3dB(@1kHz, 74dB SPL)
Impedance: 800 ohms 30% @ 1kHz
Cable Length: 52" (1300 mm)
Dimensions: Headset: 5.66" (144 mm) nominal
at widest point; 3.74" (95 mm) flexible boom,
.187" (4.4 mm) diameter
Weight: 1.65 oz. (46.2 grams) with cable
remarkably stable performance.
direct sunlight for long periods of time.
Nady Systems, Inc.
6701 Shellmound Street, Emeryville, CA 94608 • 510.652.2411 • Fax 510.652.5075
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