Oracle Audio Technologies Computer Drive B10508 01 User Manual |
Installation Guide
Release 2 ( for hp OpenVMS Alpha
Part No. B10508-01
December 2002
Send Us Your Comments................................................................................................................... ix
Preface............................................................................................................................................................ xi
Oracle9i Installation Overview........................................................................................................ 1-2
Oracle9i Products for Installation .............................................................................................. 1-2
Oracle9i Database Configurations .................................................................................................. 1-4
Environment Descriptions .......................................................................................................... 1-4
Database Configuration Assistant.............................................................................................. 1-5
Installation With Existing Oracle Databases................................................................................. 1-7
System Installation Requirements ................................................................................................. 1-8
Time Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 1-8
Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................................. 1-8
Minimum Hardware Requirements .......................................................................................... 1-8
Disk Space Requirements............................................................................................................ 1-9
Images .......................................................................................................................................... 1-10
Operating System Software Requirements............................................................................. 1-11
Product Dependencies..................................................................................................................... 1-13
Important Compatibility Issues................................................................................................ 1-13
Additional Product-Specific Installation Requirements....................................................... 1-13
Configuration Restrictions.............................................................................................................. 1-15
Copying Oracle Executables ..................................................................................................... 1-16
Oracle Net Linking Options........................................................................................................... 1-16
Silent Mode Installation.................................................................................................................. 1-16
What Is a Silent Installation?..................................................................................................... 1-16
What Is a Response File?............................................................................................................ 1-18
Why Perform a Silent Installation? .......................................................................................... 1-18
Modifying a Response File ........................................................................................................ 1-18
Invoking the Installer. ................................................................................................................ 1-19
Product Set ........................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Changes and Enhancements ............................................................................................................. 2-2
Known Restrictions ............................................................................................................................ 2-6
The following items are not supported: .................................................................................... 2-6
HP OpenVMS and Installation-Specific Issues and Restrictions ............................................ 3-2
New ORA_ROOT ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)............................................................................................... 3-2
Character Mode............................................................................................................................. 3-2
Upgrading and Migrating ........................................................................................................... 3-3
File Systems ................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Optimal Flexible Architecture .................................................................................................... 3-3
Using Hummingbird Exceed ...................................................................................................... 3-3
Installation Procedure Requirements............................................................................................. 3-4
Oracle Server Database Administrator Account...................................................................... 3-5
Oracle9i Account is NOT the SYS or SYSTEM Account ......................................................... 3-6
Oracle9i Account UIC Must Be Greater than MAXSYSGROUP............................................ 3-6
Finding MAXSYSGROUP ........................................................................................................... 3-6
Adding a Record in the User Authorization File (UAF)......................................................... 3-6
Setting Account Privileges .......................................................................................................... 3-8
Setting Account Quotas ............................................................................................................... 3-9
Process Rights for Database Administrators.......................................................................... 3-10
Process Rights for SGA Protection........................................................................................... 3-11
Process Rights for Intelligent Agent (OEMAGENT)............................................................. 3-12
Security Issues with Multiple Databases ................................................................................ 3-12
Completing Account Setup....................................................................................................... 3-12
Verifying Privileges.................................................................................................................... 3-12
HP OpenVMS Alpha SYSGEN Parameters................................................................................. 3-13
Using the Reserved Memory Registry..................................................................................... 3-13
Using AUTOGEN....................................................................................................................... 3-14
HP OpenVMS Alpha System Configuration .............................................................................. 3-16
Setup Tasks to Perform as the SYSTEM User ............................................................................. 3-16
Create an OpenVMS Account to Own Oracle Software ....................................................... 3-17
Create an OpenVMS Account to Own the Apache Server................................................... 3-17
Setup Tasks to Perform as the Oracle User ................................................................................. 3-18
Set Permissions for File Creation.............................................................................................. 3-18
Set Display................................................................................................................................... 3-19
Setup Tasks for Oracle Products.................................................................................................... 3-19
Precompilers and Tools ............................................................................................................. 3-19
Network and System Management Products......................................................................... 3-20
Installation Mount Options.............................................................................................................. 4-2
Installation Option, Installing Oracle9i from the Hard Drive................................................... 4-2
Oracle Universal Installer ................................................................................................................. 4-3
Installing an Oracle9i Database .................................................................................................. 4-3
Installing Oracle9i Client ............................................................................................................. 4-6
Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session............................................................................... 4-8
Installing Real Application Clusters .......................................................................................... 4-9
Completing Installation of Oracle9i Server Enterprise Edition ........................................... 4-11
Non-Interactive Installation and Configuration .................................................................... 4-11
Cleaning Up After a Failed Installation................................................................................... 4-11
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)................................................................................... 5-2
Interactive Mode........................................................................................................................... 5-2
Non-interactive Mode.................................................................................................................. 5-2
Using DBCA Response Files ....................................................................................................... 5-4
User Passwords.................................................................................................................................. 5-12
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the System User ................................................................. 5-12
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the Oracle User................................................................... 5-13
Set Initialization Parameters ..................................................................................................... 5-13
Post-Installation for Oracle Products ........................................................................................... 5-14
Oracle Net .................................................................................................................................... 5-14
Oracle Options ............................................................................................................................ 5-15
Shared Server............................................................................................................................... 5-15
Oracle Precompilers ................................................................................................................... 5-16
Oracle Supported Protocols ...................................................................................................... 5-17
Starter Database Contents............................................................................................................... 5-18
Unlocking and Resetting User Passwords .............................................................................. 5-18
Reviewing User Names and Passwords.................................................................................. 5-19
Identifying Databases................................................................................................................. 5-22
Tablespaces and Data Files........................................................................................................ 5-23
Locating the Initialization Parameter File............................................................................... 5-25
Locating Redo Log Files............................................................................................................. 5-25
Locating Control Files ................................................................................................................ 5-26
Using Rollback Segments .......................................................................................................... 5-26
Using the Data Dictionary......................................................................................................... 5-26
Adding or Upgrading Products...................................................................................................... 5-27
Relinking the Oracle Code.............................................................................................................. 5-29
Step 1 Shutdown the Given Database(s)................................................................................ 5-29
Step 2 Remove Images .............................................................................................................. 5-29
Step 3 Invoke the Oracle Installation Utility.......................................................................... 5-29
................................................................................................ A-2
Enterprise Edition......................................................................................................................... A-2
SE List............................................................................................................................................. A-5
Oracle9i Client Components ............................................................................................................ A-8
Runtime Edition............................................................................................................................ A-8
Administrator Edition................................................................................................................ A-11
Product Descriptions........................................................................................................................ A-14
Introduction to the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature.................................................................................... B-2
Introducing the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature .................................................................................... B-2
Benefits of the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature....................................................................................... B-2
Suggested Parameter Settings.......................................................................................................... B-3
Other Recommendations................................................................................................................... B-4
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway............................................................. C-2
RDB Gateway Requirements ...................................................................................................... C-3
RMS Gateway Requirements...................................................................................................... C-4
Tested Gateway Configurations................................................................................................. C-6
Gateway Installation Worksheets .............................................................................................. C-6
Installing Oracle Transparent Gateway.......................................................................................... C-8
Mounting Transparent Gateway from the CD-ROM.............................................................. C-8
Installation Prompts for Transparent Gateway ....................................................................... C-8
Removing Oracle Transparent Gateway ........................................................................................ C-9
Post-Installation Checklist................................................................................................................ D-2
Run AUTOGEN ............................................................................................................................ D-2
Check Disk Quota......................................................................................................................... D-2
Check for SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE...................................................................................... D-2
Test the Installation ............................................................................................................................ D-3
Browser Test .................................................................................................................................. D-3
TELNET Test ................................................................................................................................. D-3
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................ D-4
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS ......................................................................... D-4
Starting and Stopping the Server ............................................................................................... D-4
Server Log File............................................................................................................................... D-4
Customizing the Server Environment ....................................................................................... D-8
How to Configure Apache .......................................................................................................... D-8
Modules and Directives............................................................................................................... D-8
Supported and Unsupported Features................................................................................... D-14
File Formats ................................................................................................................................ D-19
File Naming Conventions......................................................................................................... D-20
File Transfer Process and Access Control List....................................................................... D-20
Logical Names............................................................................................................................ D-21
OpenVMS Cluster Considerations.......................................................................................... D-23
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ......................................................................................... D-24
Security Information ....................................................................................................................... D-27
Process Model............................................................................................................................. D-27
Privileged Images ...................................................................................................................... D-27
Privileges Required to Start and Stop the Server.................................................................. D-28
File Ownership and Protection................................................................................................ D-29
Server Extensions (CGI Scripts)............................................................................................... D-29
suEXEC Not Available for Protecting Script Execution....................................................... D-29
Open Source Licenses ..................................................................................................................... D-29
Apache................................................................................................................................................ D-29
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle9i Installation Guide, Release 2 ( for hp OpenVMS Alpha
Part No. B10508-01
Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this
publication. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.
Did you find any errors?
Is the information clearly presented?
Do you need more information? If so, where?
Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?
What features did you like most about this manual?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate the chapter,
section, and page number (if available). You can send comments to us at the following e-mail
If you would like a reply, please provide your name, address, and telephone number.
If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services.
This guide and the Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for
hp OpenVMS Alpha provide instructions for installing and configuring Oracle9i
Release 2 ( on hp OpenVMS Alpha systems. Documentation for the
products that are included with this software is in the Oracle9i generic
documentation set.
Refer to important release information in Chapter 2, "Release Information".
This document is intended for anyone responsible for installing Oracle9i
Release 2 ( on OpenVMS Alpha systems.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of
assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and
contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will
continue to evolve over time, and Oracle Corporation is actively engaged with other
market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our
documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For additional
information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at
Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
JAWS, a Windows screen reader, may not always correctly read the code examples
in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces
should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, JAWS may not always read a
line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.
Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
organizations that Oracle Corporation does not own or control. Oracle Corporation
neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these
Web sites.
Oracle9i Standard Edition and Oracle9i Enterprise Edition
Unless noted otherwise, features and functionality described in this document are
common to both Oracle9i Standard Edition and Oracle9i Enterprise Edition.
For the Latest Information
For the latest information about Oracle9i and related products, see the README
files in the Oracle product directories.
Install Only Licensed Products
You are entitled to install and use only those products for which you have a current
Oracle license agreement.
Typographic Conventions
Monospace type indicates OpenVMS DCL commands, directory
names, usernames, pathnames, and filenames.
brackets [ ]
Words enclosed in brackets indicate key names (for example,
Press [Return]). Note that brackets have a different meaning
when used in command syntax.
Italic type indicates a logical, including logicals portions of
filenames. It is also used for emphasis.
Uppercase letters indicate Structured Query Language (SQL)
reserved words, initialization parameters, and environment
Command Syntax
HP OpenVMS Alpha command syntax appears in monospacefont. The "$"
character at the beginning of command examples should not be entered at the
hyphen -
A hyphen indicates a command that is too long to fit on a single
line. Enter the line as printed or enter it as a single line without
a hyphen:
copy disk$server25:[oracle920.rdbms.admin]*.sql -
braces { }
Braces indicate required items: .DEFINE {macro1}
brackets [ ]
Brackets indicate optional items: cvtcrt termname [outfile]
Note that brackets have a different meaning when used in
regular text.
ellipses ...
Ellipses indicate an arbitrary number of similar items:
CHKVAL fieldname value1 value2... valueN
Italic type indicates a variable. Substitute a value for the
logical: library_name
vertical line |
A vertical line indicates a choice within braces or brackets:
SIZE filesize [K|M]
Related Documentation
Information about system administration and tuning for a production database
system is provided in the following documents:
Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for hp OpenVMS Alpha
Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide
Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide
Oracle9i Net Services Reference Guide
Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference
Information about migrating from a previous version of Oracle Server is provided
in Oracle9i Database Migration.
Oracle Services and Support
The Oracle corporate web page is located at the following web site:
Oracle Corporation offers a wide range of services to help facilitate corporate
system solutions, including Oracle Education courses, Oracle Consulting services,
and Oracle Support Services from the website. In addition, Oracle Corporation
provides free trial software, updates on Oracle products, and service and technical
brochures and data sheets.
Oracle Support Services
Technical Support contact information worldwide is listed at the following web site:
Templates are provided to help you prepare information about your problem before
you call. You will also need your CSI number (if applicable) or complete contact
details, including any special project information.
Oracle MetaLink
Oracle MetaLink is the Oracle Corporation web service for technical information.
Members of Oracle MetaLink can search for updates, alerts, patches, and other
information about products, releases, and operating systems, and can set
preferences to be notified automatically of new information. MetaLink offers a
variety of services to assist in setting up and administering Oracle products,
including procedures, scripts, commentary, and tuning and configuration
best-practices bulletins. In addition, it offers forums for information sharing
among Oracle customers, and direct communication with Oracle Support. Oracle
MetaLink is available to Product Support Customers at no extra cost. Sign up for
free membership for this service at the following web site:
Use your Support Access Code (SAC) number to register.
Products and Documentation
For U.S.A. customers, Oracle Store is at the following web site:
Links to Stores in other countries are provided from this site.
Product documentation can be found at the following web site:
Customer Service
Global Customer Service contacts are listed at the following web site:
Education and Training
Training information and worldwide schedules are available from the following
web site:
Oracle Technology Network
Register with the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at the following web site:
OTN delivers technical papers, code samples, product documentation, self-service
developer support, and Oracle key developer products to enable rapid
development and deployment of applications built on Oracle technology.
Support for Hearing and Speech Impaired Customers
Oracle Corporation provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle
Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For technical questions, call:
For non-technical questions, call:
Oracle9i Installation Planning
The following topics are included:
Oracle9i Installation Overview
System Installation Requirements
Product Dependencies
Configuration Restrictions
Oracle Net Linking Options
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-1
Oracle9i Installation Overview
Oracle9i Installation Overview
The installation of Oracle9i products has five stages:
1. Planning your installation: Use this chapter to help you plan and prepare for
your installation. This chapter provides information about products,
installation types, database configurations, and concepts that you should be
aware of during planning and installation.
2. Completing pre-installation tasks: Refer to the release notes for your
platform, and see Chapter 3, "CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements" in this
guide to complete pre-installation tasks.
3. Installing software: Use the Oracle Universal Installer that is provided on
your CD-ROM to install Oracle products (requires DECWindows Motif). Refer
to Chapter 4, "Installation".
4. Completing the post-installation tasks: Create database objects, establish the
user environment, and configure the installed Oracle products for the local
system. Refer to Chapter 5, "Post-Installation".
5. Installing the clients: If you want to install client tools, applications, and
client interfaces that are not included on the Oracle9i CD-ROM, then check the
requirements and instructions in the documentation for those products.
The following sections describe the choices of installation for different systems and
Oracle9i Products for Installation
During installation, you are asked to choose one of two products. These products
Oracle9i Database
Oracle9i Client
1-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Installation Overview
Oracle9i Database
The Oracle9i Database is an object-oriented relational database management system
that consists of an Oracle database and an Oracle instance. It may be installed in
one of three installation types: Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, or Custom
Enterprise Edition: If you select this type, then the Oracle Universal Installer
installs a preconfigured starter database, licensable Oracle options, networking
services, and Oracle utilities. The Enterprise Edition contains the set of
products that are most commonly used for database environments.
Standard Edition: If you select this type, then the Oracle Universal Installer
installs a preconfigured starter database, networking services, and Oracle
Custom: If you select this type, then the Oracle Universal Installer installs the
products that you select from the Enterprise Edition and from the Standard
Edition options.
Oracle9i Client
The Oracle9i Client is a front-end database application that connects to the database
through one or more application servers. Three client installation types are
available: Administrator, Runtime, and Custom.
Administrator: If you select this type, then the Oracle Universal Installer
installs networking services, utilities, and basic client software.
Runtime: If you select this type, then the Oracle Universal Installer installs
networking services and support files.
Custom: If you select this type, then the Oracle Universal Installer prompts
you to select individual components to install from the components that are
available with Administrator and Runtime.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-3
Oracle9i Database Configurations
Oracle9i Database Configurations
When you install the Oracle9i database product, you are prompted to select a
database configuration that is suited to your needs. Select from one of five Oracle9i
database configurations:
1. General Purpose
2. Online Transaction Processing
3. Data Warehouse
4. Customized
5. Software Only
Options one through three are preconfigured databases that you can use for your
Oracle9i database. Each preconfigured database is designed to provide optimal
support for particular database needs. Options four and five are configurations for
special needs. The following section describes some of these configurations.
Environment Descriptions
General Purpose
Users of this database type perform a variety of database tasks, ranging from simple
transactions to complex queries. Select this database environment for general
purpose use.
Online Transaction Processing
Users of this database type perform large numbers of concurrent transactions, in
which each transaction is a relatively simple operation that is processing a small
amount of data. Transactions consist of reading, writing, and deleting data in
database tables.
Billing databases, such as those commonly found on Internet commerce sites, are
the most common example of this database configuration. These databases are also
known as Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases.
1-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Database Configurations
This environment allows you to create a customized database configuration of
Oracle products that meets specialized requirements.
Select this option only if you are prepared to provide detailed product and database
environment choices. Choosing this option requires a longer installation session
than choosing a preconfigured database.
Software Only
This choice allows you to install Oracle products. It does not configure the
listeners or the network infrastructure, and it does not create a database.
database to serve as a template for database configuration.
See Also: Oracle9i Concepts, Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning
Guide and Reference, and Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Setup and
Configuration for more information on database environment issues.
Refer to "Database Configuration Assistant" on page 1-5 for more
information on how to choose a database.
Many of the Oracle documents that are included in the Oracle9i
Generic Documentation CD-ROM provide information about
database environments, the effect that database environment
settings have on performance, and how your database can be tuned
to maximize performance.
Database Configuration Assistant
Database Configuration Assistant enables you to copy an Oracle9i preconfigured
database, or to create a fully customized database to match your selected
environment and database configuration. It starts automatically (unless you
selected software only) after Oracle9i software has been installed during Oracle9i
When installing Oracle9i software using any database configuration option other
than the Custom and Software Only, the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) prompts
for a global database name and System Identifier (SID). After Oracle9i installation
is complete, the Database Configuration Assistant uses this information to create
the database.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-5
Oracle9i Database Configurations
The following list provides descriptions of database configurations:
General Purpose configuration: If you select this option with an Enterprise
Edition or Standard Edition installation, then the Database Configuration
Assistant creates a preconfigured, ready-to-use, multipurpose database with the
following features:
Default initialization parameters using server parameter file and Automatic
Undo Management
Automatic installation and configuration of Oracle Options and interMedia
Advanced Replication capabilities
Database configuration of dedicated server mode
Archiving mode of NOARCHIVELOG
Transaction Processing option: If you select this option, then the Database
Configuration Assistant creates a preconfigured, ready-to-use OLTP database.
Data Warehouse option: If you select this option, then the Database
Configuration Assistant creates a database that is fully enabled for data
warehousing applications.
Customized installation option: If you select this option, then the Database
Configuration Assistant guides you in creating a fully customized database.
You can choose to automatically or manually configure options, Oracle Text
components, and advanced replication.
Select this option only if you are experienced with advanced database creation
procedures. You will need to customize some or all of the following settings or
Data, control, and redo log file settings
Tablespace and extent sizes
Database memory parameters
Archiving modes, formats, and destinations
Trace file destinations
Character set values
1-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Installation With Existing Oracle Databases
Software Only option: If you select this option, then the Oracle Universal
Installer (OUI) installs only Oracle9i software. Database Configuration
Assistant does not start after installation, and no preconfigured database is
If a choice other than "Software Only option" is selected for database
configuration, then OUI will launch DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant)
during the installation session. If a "Software Only" installation is performed,
then DBCA can be run later from the command line. For more information on
running Database Configuration Assistant from the command line, refer to
"Non-interactive Mode" on page 5-2. For more information on database
character sets, refer to Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide
Release 2 (9.2).
Installation With Existing Oracle Databases
You can access different versions of Oracle on the same computer system at the
same time using Oracle Net Services. You can only access Oracle8i and Oracle9i
databases separately. You cannot submit a single query to access the databases
See Also: Oracle9i Database Migration and Oracle9i Database
Administrator’s Guide for more information on compatibility and
interoperability issues, and on connecting different client versions
to the database.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-7
System Installation Requirements
System Installation Requirements
Verify that your system meets the requirements that are described in the following
sections before you install Oracle9i products.
system does not meet the minimum requirements for the Oracle
Time Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Disk Space Requirements
Operating System Software Requirements
Additional Product-Specific Installation Requirements
Time Requirements
Installation time varies depending on the number of products installed and the type
1 to 3 hours.
Hardware Requirements
Software needs to be installed on an ODS-5 formatted disk. Refer to "Oracle9i
Release 2 Dependency on ODS-5 Disk Structure" on page 2-3 for details.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
Following is a list of the minimum hardware requirements to install Oracle9i
products on an HP OpenVMS Alpha system.
A minimum of 256 MB RAM is required to install Oracle9i products. Oracle9i
Client products require 192 MB of RAM
1-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
System Installation Requirements
Minimum global pages/sections
an amount of disk space equal to twice the amount of RAM for most systems.
CD-ROM Device
A CD-ROM drive supported by HP OpenVMS is required. Oracle uses ODS-5
format CD-ROM disks.
File System
ODS-5 is required for the software. Refer to Chapter 2, "Release Information" for
To determine the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed on your
system as well as the amount of paging currently configured on your system, enter
the following command:
To review memory reservations on your node, run the following command:
$ show memory/reserved
System Memory Resources on 13-JUL-2002 09:57:11.72
Memory Reservations (pages):
Reserved In Use Type
Page Table
Total (40.04 Mbytes reserved)
Please consult Hewlett-Packard documentation if you require more information
about reserving memory.
Disk Space Requirements
The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) allows you to choose your installation category
and type. Your choices will determine how much disk space that you will need.
The disk space requirements do not include the size of your database. A
production Oracle database server that is supporting many users requires
significant disk space and memory.
Table 1–1 lists the disk space requirements for Oracle9i Server.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-9
System Installation Requirements
Table 1–1 Disk Space Requirements for Oracle9i Server
Installation Type
Required Disk Space
3.3 GB
Enterprise Edition
Standard Edition
3.3 GB
depends upon the components
selected, but a minimum of 2 GB
From a staging area on disk 1 GB
Table 1–2 lists the disk space requirements for Oracle9i Client.
Table 1–2 Disk Space Requirements for Oracle9i Client
Installation Type
Required Disk Space
750 MB
650 MB
Up to a maximum of 800 MB
Two shared images that are linked with client code are built and installed when you
link Oracle9i Enterprise Edition. The new shared images reduce the size of all
Oracle client executable images (including precompiled user programs) by
removing direct references to Oracle Net and other common routines.
The image names are in the form of: and oracle.exe
1-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
System Installation Requirements
Operating System Software Requirements
Table 1–3 lists the operating system software requirements for Oracle9i products.
Table 1–3 Operating System Software Requirements
Operating System
HP OpenVMS version 7.3
Oracle Net Requirements Oracle Net on HP OpenVMS is developed and certified using
Hewlett-Packard TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX). If
you wish to use the TCP/IP protocol adapter for Oracle Net,
then you should have Version 5.1 ECO 4 or higher of TCP/IP
Services for HP OpenVMS Alpha installed. TCP/IP protocol
stacks from other vendors may work with Oracle, but
customers use these products at their own risk. Any TCP/IP
problems that cannot be reproduced using TCP/IP Services for
HP OpenVMS Alpha will simply be referred to the TCP/IP
Vendor-provided protocol services are usually upward
compatible, so that existing applications will continue to work
without modification. Thus, later releases of TCP/IP are
upward compatible with Oracle Net, provided that the
vendor-specified Application Programming Interface (API)
does not change with new releases.
Window Manager
X-Windows must be installed on the system from which the
Oracle Universal Installer is run. Use any
Hewlett-Packard-supported X-Windows server (for example,
Excursion, dtwm, twm, mwm) that supports Motif.
To determine your current operating system information, enter the following
To see information about all nodes in a cluster, add the /CLUSTERqualifier to the
above command.
To determine if your X-Windows system is working properly on your local system,
enter the following command:
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-11
System Installation Requirements
If a clock is not displayed on your screen, then X-Windows is not configured
correctly. See "Set Display" on page 3-19 for instructions on configuring
Oracle Net VMS Mailbox Driver
The Oracle Net VMS Mailbox driver (protocol IPC) is included in NETWORK. You
do not need an Oracle Net license to use the VMS Mailbox driver.
Programmatic Interface Support
The following DEC compilers were used to certify the programmatic interfaces:
Programmatic Interface: Certification Release
C release 6.4-008, C++ release 6.3-020
DEC COBOL release 2.8
Pro*FORTRAN: DEC FORTRAN release 7.1
SQL*Module: DEC ADA 3.5a23
1-12 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Dependencies
Product Dependencies
Some Oracle products depend on other Oracle products to work properly. Use the
following tables to determine the product dependencies. This section has the
following subsections:
Important Compatibility Issues
Additional Product-Specific Installation Requirements
Important Compatibility Issues
Warning: If you are upgrading to Oracle9i from a previous
version, then ensure that you have no Oracle symbols and logicals
defined prior to installing Oracle9i. DO NOT run any orauser
scripts as part of your login sequence. Failure to heed this warning
will result in numerous problems, including undefined symbols
and overwriting of the previous code tree.
Review the compatibility issues given in this section:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition must be installed in a location separate from all
other previous Oracle server installations.
Oracle products released for earlier versions of Oracle server (such as
release 9.0.1.x and release 8.1.7.x) must not be linked against an Oracle9i
installation. Contact your Sales Representative concerning releases of these
products that have been certified with Oracle9i.
Note: To install National Language Support (NLS), build all
must exist before NLS message files can be copied into them.
Additional Product-Specific Installation Requirements
This section provides additional product-specific information. For descriptions of
these products, see Appendix A, "Oracle9i Products".
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-13
Product Dependencies
List of the Restrictions and Requirements for Oracle9i and Options.
Product Name: Restrictions and Requirements
Oracle interMedia You must have at least 10 MB of disk space available for
the interMedia Text data dictionary.
Oracle Visual Information Retrieval Requires Oracle interMedia
List of the Restrictions and Requirements for Tools and Precompilers.
Product Name: Restrictions and Requirements
Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
JRE 1.1.8-5.
Oracle9i JVM (This product includes Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Java
utilities). See the Java READMEfile on the Oracle9i CD-ROM for restrictions and
Pro*C/C++ C release 6.4-008, C++ release 6.3-020
Pro*COBOL 1.8.75: DEC COBOL release 2.8
Pro*COBOL DEC COBOL release 2.8
Pro*FORTRAN 1.8.75: DEC FORTRAN release 7.1
SQL*Module Ada: DEC Ada 3.5a23
Networking and System Management Products
All network products require the underlying software and operating system
libraries for the supported network. The network software must be installed and
running prior to installing the Oracle Net products.
List of the Restrictions and Requirements for Networking and System
Management Products.
Product Name: Restrictions and Requirements
1-14 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Configuration Restrictions
Oracle Advanced Security Refer to "Oracle Advanced Security" on page 1-15
for information about Oracle Advanced Security authentication support
Oracle TCP/IP with SSL Protocol Support SSL 3.0 or later
Oracle Advanced Security
Oracle Advanced Security is an add-on product that will be added to the standard
Oracle Net Server or Oracle Net Client. If you purchase it, then install it on both
the server and the client. Oracle Advanced Security release requires
Oracle Net release and supports Oracle9i server.
Kerberos and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) have requirements for authentication
protocols that are supported by Oracle Advanced Security. No additional
authentication protocol software is required to relink Oracle products.
Kerberos: requires MIT Kerberos Version 5, release 1.1. The Kerberos authentication
server must be installed on a physically secure machine.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL): requires a wallet that is compatible with the Oracle Wallet
Manager version 2.1. Wallets that were created in earlier releases of the Oracle
Wallet Manager are not forward-compatible. Oracle Advanced Security provides
and installs Secure Socket Layer.
See Also: For more information about Oracle Advanced Security
and system management products, see the Oracle Advanced Security
Administrator’s Guide.
Note: No additional authentication protocol software is required
to relink Oracle products. However, Oracle Corporation does not
provide the third-party authentication servers (Kerberos, for
example). The appropriate authentication server for these
protocols must be installed and configured separately. Secure
Socket Layer is provided and is always installed with Oracle
Advanced Security.
Configuration Restrictions
This section lists current restrictions for HP OpenVMS Alpha.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-15
Oracle Net Linking Options
Copying Oracle Executables
Moving executables from one OpenVMS machine to another is not recommended
due to the usage of shared libraries and to the difficulty of ensuring valid
referencing. Oracle Corporation therefore recommends that you relink executables.
Oracle Net Linking Options
Keep the following guidelines in mind when linking Oracle Net:
The Net Mailbox Adapter (IPC) is always installed. It provides inter-process
communications through OpenVMS Mailboxes. The Mailbox Adapter can be
used to connect an Oracle tool and the Oracle server, but only if the tool and the
server are on the same OpenVMS system.
Oracle Net TCP/IP configurations are available for both OpenVMS clients and
The following table shows the range of use for Oracle Net drivers in client/server
and distributed database configurations. The data in this table is provided with the
assumption that clients in a client/server configuration run the Oracle tool and that
servers run the Oracle database. For distributed database examples, the clients and
servers each run both an Oracle tool and the Oracle database.
Table 1–4 Range of Use for Oracle Net Drivers
Client Tool
RDBMS Server
RDBMS Client
RDBMS Server
Oracle Net Driver
Oracle Net TCP/IP
Oracle Net OpenVMS Mailbox
Limited *
Limited *
Limited *
Limited *
Limited *: Limited only for communication between products on the same
Silent Mode Installation
What Is a Silent Installation?
A silent installation with OUI (Oracle Universal Installer) is non-interactive,
meaning that it takes place without using the Java GUI (Graphical User Interface).
OUI gets its information from a text file that is specified on the command line by
1-16 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Silent Mode Installation
using the –responseFile argument instead of interactive GUI input and
output. If the -responseFile flag is given, then the installation is assumed to
be a silent mode type.
Note: Because the design of OUI causes GUI classes to be loaded
(but not displayed), a silent installation still requires an
X connection.
A silent installation can also be performed in BATCH mode, as long as the process
has established an X connection via the SET DISPLAY command.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-17
Silent Mode Installation
What Is a Response File?
A response file contains answers to installation questions that otherwise would be
provided by the user in an interactive installation session. Each answer is stored as
a value for a variable that is identified in the response file. For example, values for
ORACLE_HOMEor Install Typecan be set automatically within the response file.
Response file templates are generated by the installation developer. The response
file template for the installation of your product can be found on your ship set
(CD-ROM number 1) under the <device>:[Disk1.stage.Response]
directory. You should be able to find one for your choice of install type (for
example, oracle.server.EE.rspfor an Enterprise Edition server installation,
oracle.server.SE.rspfor a Standard Edition, or
oracle.client.Runtime.rspfor a client/runtime installation).
Why Perform a Silent Installation?
Silent installations can be useful if you need to install an Oracle product multiple
times on multiple computers, or if you prefer not to use the GUI because of
performance reasons over a slow remote X connection. If the options that you select
while installing on each computer are always the same, then you save the time of
reviewing each installation screen and selecting the various installation options.
Silent installations can also ensure that multiple users in your organization use the
same installation options when they install your Oracle products. You can therefore
more easily support those users because you already know what components and
options have been installed on each computer.
Before you perform a silent installation, you should review the settings in the
response file template that is provided with your Oracle product.
Modifying a Response File
If your product installation includes a response file template, then you can find it on
your ship set (CD-ROM) under the <device>:[Disk1.stage.Response]
directory. For a list of response files, refer to "List of Response File Names" on
page 1-19. Mandatory items have the following comment just before the
definition: # OPENVMS_VALUE_REQUIRED. Three values must be provided:
1-18 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Silent Mode Installation
FROM_LOCATION is the complete path of the source of the products to be
installed (in other words, to the [.Disk1.stage]products.jarfile) from CD
number 1. If contents of CDs were copied to a local file system, then specify that
path. ORACLE_HOME is the directory into which the Oracle software will be
installed. The account from which the Oracle Universal Installer is run must have
appropriate privileges to create a root-level directory if the directory that was
specified for ORACLE_HOME does not already exist.
Note: FROM_LOCATION must be in UNIX-style syntax.
Note: ORACLE_HOME must be on an ODS-5 disk.
To modify the response file:
1. Make a copy of the response file for your product, and open it in a text editor.
2. Search for the three items that are listed above (or for the string
OPENVMS_VALUE_REQUIRED), and provide values for those items.
3. Modify other fields as applicable (refer to comments within the response file
that you are modifying).
List of Response File Names
File Name: Description
enterprise.rsp: Enterprise Edition Installation of Oracle9i Server
standard.rsp: Standard Edition Installation of Oracle9i Server
custom.rsp: Custom Edition Installation of Oracle9i Server
clientadmin.rsp: Administrator installation of Oracle9i Client
clientruntime.rsp: Runtime installation of Oracle9i Client
clientcustom.rsp: Custom installation of Oracle9i Client
dbca.rsp: Database Configuration Assistant
Invoking the Installer.
Setup the X Windows environment by using the following DCL command:
SET DISPLAY/CREATE/TRANSPORT=TCPIP/NODE=<workstation_name or IP_address>
@<path>runInstaller –responseFile <response_file>.
Oracle9i Installation Planning 1-19
Silent Mode Installation
1-20 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Set
Product Set
The following components are included on the product CD-ROM:
Release 2 (
Release 2 (
Oracle Net
Changes and Enhancements
In order to take full advantage of the latest OpenVMS CPU and compiler
optimizations in Oracle software products, Oracle9i Release 2 ( and
associated Oracle9i Release 2-based products will require HP OpenVMS
AlphaServers with EV56 or later generation CPUs. AlphaServers with earlier
generation CPUs will see a performance degradation. Refer to Note 181307.1 on
MetaLink for a list of affected models and for instructions on how to identify the
CPU model number.
The following changes and enhancements are unique to this release of Oracle9i for
In releases prior to Oracle9i Release 2 (, when one of the background
processes terminated abruptly with an access violation, no useful information was
readily available regarding the cause for termination. For troubleshooting, certain
actions needed to be taken, and the crash needed to be reproduced. Starting with
this release, by default, an image dump will be created when a background process
aborts. If you do not want this feature enabled, you can turn it off using the
following commands:
$ define/system ORA_<SID>_<PROCESS_NAME>_DMP FALSE
$ <start the instance and open the database>
$ define/system ORA_PROD_LMD0_DMP FALSE
$ sqlplus/nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> startup
Please note that this change has no effect on normal daily production behavior.
Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not define the dump logical.
2-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Changes and Enhancements
Oracle9i Release 2 Dependency on ODS-5 Disk Structure
In general, ODS-5 format allows VMS to support Microsoft Windows file naming
formats. Longer file names, additional character support, and the ability to have
lowercase and mixed-case file names are some of the features supported on ODS-5
The disks on which the Oracle code tree resides must be formatted in Files-11
On-Disk Structure Level 5 (ODS-5) format. This is the disk to which the VMS
logicals ora_root, ora_rootdir, and oracle_home will point. The
directory that is referenced by these logicals is the parent directory for all Oracle
and so forth. The disks on which Oracle database files reside can be formatted as
either ODS-2 or ODS-5.
Caution: Oracle Corporation STRONGLY urges you to read the
OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications PRIOR to
changing the structure of any disk. This guide discusses ODS-2
and ODS-5 formats in much more detail and has important
information that you must understand and follow.
Oracle Note 205630.1 can be viewed at Oracle MetaLink. Alternatively, use the
search function and search for "ODS-5" for more information.
Do not change the format of any VMS disk without first making a backup of the
Conversion from ODS-2 to ODS-5 does not require you to restore files.
Conversion from ODS-5 to ODS-2 does require you to restore files.
Contact Hewlett-Packard for more information on reverting back to ODS-2
format from ODS-5 format.
Release Information 2-3
Changes and Enhancements
Checking Disk Format
To check the current disk format, use the following DCL command:
$ SHOW DEVICE/FULL <device-name>
The Volume Status:will display the current ODS level. The default when
initializing disks is ODS-2.
Changing Disk Format
If you plan to reformat an existing (in use) disk from ODS-2 to ODS-5 format, then
do the following:
1. Make at least one VMS backup of the disk.
2. Use the Set Volume command:
Formatting a New Disk
If you plan to use a new (empty) disk, then use the Initialize command to format the
new disk to ODS-5 format, as follows:
$ INITIALIZE/STRUCTURE=5 <device-name>: <volume-label>
Oracle9i Release 2 New Directory Structure
Beginning with this release, the directory structure of Oracle9i for HP OpenVMS
closely resembles that of Oracle9i on UNIX systems. Database Administrators will
more quickly become familiar with Oracle9i as the platform by being able to make
file locations more consistent and predictable.
2-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Changes and Enhancements
Initialization Parameters in Oracle9i Release 2 That Have Been Desupported
Initialization Parameters in Oracle9i Release 2 That Are Becoming Obsolete
Release Information 2-5
Known Restrictions
Known Restrictions
RMAN Runs Only Over TCP/IP
The connection to both the catalog and the database must be a TCP/IP connection.
OpenVMS always performs its I/O asynchronously. Several init.ora
parameters that mimic asynchronous behavior are not needed on OpenVMS. Refer
to the Oracle9i Administrator’s Guide, section 1.5.3 for the list of parameters that are
not supported on OpenVMS.
With some limitations, Oracle9i for HP OpenVMS with iAS mid tier (with VMS
back end database configuration) is supported. For information about iAS support,
The following items are not supported:
RAC Guard and RAC High Availability Extensions
RAC Guard and RAC High Availability Extensions are not supported in this release
due to the lack of cluster failover in the Operating System.
RAC Management Pack
RAC Management Pack is not supported in this release.
LDAP (OID) is currently not supported. This feature is a candidate for support in
future releases.
iFS and Ultra Search
iFS and Ultra Search are not supported due to the lack of third party software called
INSO filter.
2-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Known Restrictions
Oracle9i for HP OpenVMS does not support EJB on the server. If customers have
iAS in mid tier, however, they can still use the database on OpenVMS in order to
use EJB.
Release Information 2-7
Known Restrictions
2-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
HP OpenVMS and Installation-Specific Issues and Restrictions
HP OpenVMS and Installation-Specific Issues and Restrictions
The following issues and restrictions can affect the installation or use of Oracle9i on
HP OpenVMS Alpha.
Re-installing Oracle9i Release 2 (
If you re-install Oracle9i server into an ORACLE_HOME where Oracle9i server
Release 2 ( is already installed, then you must also re-install any product
options, such as Oracle Partitioning, that were enabled before you began the
Do not install Oracle9i Release 2 ( into the root directory of an existing Oracle
installation containing any Oracle Software.
Oracle Corporation recommends that you install Oracle9i Release 2 (
products into a new ORA_ROOT.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
The JRE that is shipped with Oracle9i is used by Oracle Java applications such as
the Oracle Universal Installer and is the only Java application that is supported to
run with these applications. Customers must not modify this JRE, unless it is done
through a patch provided by Oracle Support Services.
The inventory can contain multiple versions of the JRE, each of which can be used
by one or more products or releases. The Oracle Universal Installer creates the
Character Mode
Installation cannot be performed using character mode with the Oracle Universal
Installer (OUI). For non-interactive installations, use the Silent Mode Installation,
which is described in Chapter 1, "Oracle9i Installation Planning" on page 1-16. The
Oracle Universal Installer can be run in the interactive mode directly from your
system X-Windows console or via an X-Terminal or PC X-Terminal on a remote
3-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
HP OpenVMS and Installation-Specific Issues and Restrictions
Upgrading and Migrating
If you are upgrading an existing system, then some issues may exist that exceed the
scope of this manual.
It is possible to migrate Oracle8i Release 2 (8.1.6) and Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7) and
Oracle9i Release 1 (9.0.1) to Oracle9i Release 2 ( To migrate from an Oracle
document ora_rdbms:readmemigvms.doc to migrate to Oracle9i Release 2 (
File Systems
As noted previously (refer to "Oracle9i Release 2 Dependency on ODS-5 Disk
Structure" on page 2-3), the Oracle9i release 2 software must be installed on an
ODS-5 formatted disk. The datafiles and redolog files, however, can be placed on
ODS-2 formatted disks as well.
Oracle9i server must be able to verify that files have been written to disk. File
systems that do not support this verification are not supported for use with Oracle
databases, although Oracle software can be installed on them.
Note: Because of this requirement for verification, third party
software that creates one or more virtual disks in memory MUST
NOT BE USED for datafiles.
Optimal Flexible Architecture
Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), the Oracle standard set of configuration
guidelines for Oracle databases, is not supported on HP OpenVMS Alpha.
Using Hummingbird Exceed
If you use the Hummingbird Exceed X Windows emulator while installing and
using Oracle9i, then set the window manager to run in Native mode so that
Microsoft Windows functions as the window manager. Refer to your Exceed
documentation for instructions on configuring the window manager.
Following are common problems with the Hummingbird Exceed X Windows
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-3
Installation Procedure Requirements
Exceed does not handle screen coordinates correctly. The Oracle Universal
Installer window and related Oracle Universal Installer dialogs or configuration
assistants can encounter display problems when run through the emulator.
One display problem is the sudden truncation of the main window when
clicking the Next button during the installation, rendering the screen
unreadable. Another display problem is that the expansion of an installer
window can display the dialog buttons off the screen so that they are not
selectable with a mouse. If one of these display problems occurs, then exit the
entire X Windows session and start a new session.
Display problems exist in the AQ Database Information dialog box of the
Oracle Applications InterConnect installation. The last text field on this dialog
box, which prompts for Consumer Name, appears truncated when viewed
through Exceed. This dialog box displays as expected when viewed through
native X Windows on OpenVMS.
To correct any problems with hidden dialog fields, perform the following steps:
1. Select the xconfig application under the Exceed Program Group from the
Windows Start Menu.
2. Select the Fonts applet.
3. Select the Font Database button in the Font Settings dialog box.
4. Deselect the Automatic Font Substitution option in the Font Database
dialog box.
5. Select the Add… button.
The Add Font Directory dialog box is displayed.
6. Select the Server radio button in the Add Font Directory dialog box.
7. Enter the host name for your machine in the Host Name field in the Add
Font Server dialog box.
8. Leave all other entries at their default settings.
9. Select OK.
10. Select Close on all dialog boxes to save the settings.
Installation Procedure Requirements
This section provides installation procedure requirements.
3-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Installation Procedure Requirements
Oracle Server Database Administrator Account
Create an HP OpenVMS Alpha user account to administer the Oracle9i Enterprise
Edition installation and maintenance, or modify your existing Oracle user account
to meet the account quotas and privileges that are specified in this guide.
Setting up an Oracle9i account is the same as setting up any other
HP OpenVMS Alpha user account. The following are the steps to set up an
Oracle9i account:
1. Decide which values that you will supply to create the account.
2. Run AUTHORIZE to add a record in the User Authorization File (UAF).
3. Use AUTHORIZE to set the following account requirements:
Account quotas
Account privileges
Process rights identifiers
4. Exit AUTHORIZE to complete the account setup.
Note: The Oracle9i account use of HP OpenVMS Alpha resources
affects other user processes. Before setting up an Oracle9i account,
you must thoroughly understand the reasons for changing system
resources at your site.
Additional Information: See the Hewlett-Packard documentation
for more information about running the AUTHORIZE utility.
Deciding Account Information
To add an account, you must supply the following information:
Account name
Account password
USER and GROUP numbers for the UIC (octal values)
Login device and directory
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-5
Installation Procedure Requirements
Although this guide refers to this account as the Oracle9i account, you can assign
any name or number to the account with the UIC restrictions noted below.
The Oracle9i account will own the runtime libraries and executable images for
every Oracle product. Therefore, the database administrator (DBA) should manage
this account and install all Oracle products from it.
Oracle9i Account is NOT the SYS or SYSTEM Account
In the Oracle9i Administrator’s Guide, the Oracle9i account is sometimes referred to
as the DBA account. The Oracle9i account is not the same as the SYS or SYSTEM
database usernames that are created for every database. It is an OpenVMS account
Oracle9i Account UIC Must Be Greater than MAXSYSGROUP
The UIC GROUP number of the Oracle9i account must be greater than the system
parameter MAXSYSGROUP (which defaults to octal 10). GROUP numbers 1
through MAXSYSGROUP are reserved for use by the OpenVMS operating system
itself. If the UIC GROUP number is not greater than the system parameter
MAXSYSGROUP, then the Oracle9i account cannot issue the following commands:
If your Oracle9i account has a UIC group number that is less than MAXSYSGROUP,
then you must create a new account with a UIC group number higher than
MAXSYSGROUP before you install Oracle9i.
The following command gives the value of MAXSYSGROUP (in decimal format):
Adding a Record in the User Authorization File (UAF)
Use the AUTHORIZE utility to create or modify records in the User Authorization
File (UAF):
1. To run AUTHORIZE, enter:
3-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Installation Procedure Requirements
2. At the UAF prompt, enter the ADD command to create the user account from
which you will install the product software:
UAF> ADD Oracle9i /PASSWORD=ORACLE/UIC=[277,100]-
In this example, the account name is Oracle9i. Note that the UIC GROUP number
is 277. The UIC GROUP number must be larger than MAXSYSGROUP.
After adding the account, you must alter the account privileges and quotas.
Although this can be done in any order, usually the account privileges are set before
the account quotas.
For more information on using AUTHORIZE, refer to the Hewlett-Packard
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-7
Installation Procedure Requirements
Setting Account Privileges
The following privileges are required as both authorized and default privileges for
the Oracle9i database administrator account:
Note: An exception is explained in "Security Issues with Multiple
Databases" on page 3-12.
Note: Appendix B, "Oracle9i 64-bit Feature" has additional
information that explains the meanings of the privileges.
Use the AUTHORIZE utility to set the account privileges for the Oracle9i database
administrator account.
3-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Installation Procedure Requirements
At the UAF prompt, use the MODIFY command to add the required default and
authorized privileges as follows:
Setting Account Quotas
Use the AUTHORIZE utility to change account quotas to accommodate the
requirements of your Oracle9i installation.
Modifying the Default Quotas
After adding a record with the default quotas, use the MODIFY command to alter
the default values. The following example changes the Enqueue quota (ENQLM)
from the default value to a value of 150:
Account Quotas
The following table lists the Oracle9i account quotas, their minimum recommended
values, and their equivalent HP OpenVMS Alpha quota names as displayed by the
Note: These quotas depend on the number of log files, the number
of databases, the number of network connections, and other
logicals on your system. You might need to customize them.
Table 3–1 Oracle9i Account Quotas
Account Quota
Minimum Value
250 (the default)
Quota Name
Asynchronous System Trap limit
Buffered I/O limit
Channel Count
2000 (the default)
Enqueue quota
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-9
Installation Procedure Requirements
Table 3–1 Oracle9i Account Quotas (Cont.)
Account Quota
Minimum Value
Quota Name
Open file quota
Job table quota
0 (the default)
Max detached processes
Max active jobs
0 (the default)
1,500,000 (recommended)
Paging file quota
Working set default
Working set extent
Working set quota
Appendix B, "Oracle9i 64-bit Feature" has additional information explaining the
meanings of the quotas and how to determine their values.
Process Rights for Database Administrators
The Oracle server Database Administrator (DBA) account must be granted one or
more process rights identifiers. These identifiers provide the ability to issue the
CONNECT / AS SYSDBA command that is required to perform database
administration functions. The following table displays the combinations of adding
and granting rights identifiers to this account:
Table 3–2 Adding and Granting Process Rights Identifiers
and Granting...
Allows Control of...
any database instance, provided it does
not also have an ORA_<sid>_DBA
identifier defined for it.
database instance <sid> only
all database instances except <sid>
For example, to grant the ORA_<sid>_DBA rights identifier to the Oracle9i account
for an instance called TEST, issue the following command:
3-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Installation Procedure Requirements
Then grant the rights identifier to the Oracle9i account as follows:
If you add the ORA_TEST_DBArights identifier, but grant only ORA_DBAto
ORACLE9i,then the account would have insufficient privileges to administer the
instance TEST.
The third line of the table shows that you can add and grant different identifiers,
thereby restricting control of a particular instance while still granting control to
other instances.
You can grant database maintenance privileges to accounts (for example, privileges
to start up and shut down the database) in addition to the Oracle9i account.
(However, with the Oracle9i account, the user UIC GROUPnumber must be greater
than MAXSYSGROUP). By granting the ORA_<sid>_DBAidentifier, you can
similarly restrict user privileges to an instance named <sid>.
Process Rights for SGA Protection
Releases of the Oracle RDBMS on HP OpenVMS Alpha after Release
feature a change in the way that the software runs and accesses the SGA. Previous
to Release, the SGA was protected by allowing only processes that are
running in supervisor mode to access it directly. Starting with Release, the
SGA is protected by an Access Control List to accommodate the kernel remaining in
user mode.
Before bringing up a database, add a rights identifier to the User Authorization File
(UAF). Have your system manager adhere to the following directions.
At the UAF>prompt, type:
ANY USER. Oracle manages the assignment of the rights
identifier when it starts the database.
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-11
Installation Procedure Requirements
Process Rights for Intelligent Agent (OEMAGENT)
To install the Intelligent Agent, you must add the ORA_AGENT_ID identifier to
your system before starting the installation. Use the following command:
All users that will submit jobs to the Intelligent Agent must have
ORA_AGENT_ID. Use the following command:
Security Issues with Multiple Databases
If your site has several databases managed by different DBAs, then you might not
want to grant the CMKRNL privilege to every DBA Oracle9i account. This
privilege allows a DBA to activate any process rights identifiers and to install
shared images.
For security reasons, Oracle Corporation recommends that the OpenVMS system
administrator handle these tasks. This person should be responsible for starting
Oracle9i instances from a controlled account with a UIC group greater than
MAXSYSGROUP. If this is not possible, then at least one Oracle9i database
administrator must have the CMKRNL privilege.
Completing Account Setup
Exit the AUTHORIZE utility.
If the user account that you modified was logged on at the time, then this user must
log out and log back in before the changes take effect.
Verifying Privileges
Use the following command to verify that your account has the correct privileges
and rights identifiers:
3-12 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
HP OpenVMS Alpha SYSGEN Parameters
HP OpenVMS Alpha SYSGEN Parameters
For instructions on calculating MIN_GBLPAGES, MIN_GBLSECTIONS, and
MIN_MAXBOBMEM, refer to the READMEVMS.DOC in the RDBMS directory.
Using the Reserved Memory Registry
Through its interface within the SYSMAN utility, the Reserved Memory Registry
allows an HP OpenVMS Alpha system to be configured with large amounts of
memory set aside for use within memory-resident global sections. The AUTOGEN
utility considers the pre-allocated reserved memory when it tunes the system.
The advantages to reserving memory for an SGA are as follows:
You can be certain that the memory is available and that the system is correctly
The memory is reserved at boot time as contiguous aligned physical pages.
This allows the system to optimize the mapping of the SGA.
The memory is pre-allocated and zeroed. This results in faster SGA mapping
and faster instance startup.
To reserve memory for an SGA, use the SYSMAN utility. The size qualifier is
specified in megabytes. For example, to reserve memory for a 6 GB SGA for the
SID named TEST, use the following commands:
Note: 1 GB = 1024 MB
Then run AUTOGEN and reboot the system to allow AUTOGEN to adjust other
system parameters for the reduced amount of memory that is available to the rest of
the system.
Memory for multiple SGAs may be reserved. Any change to the name or size of a
piece of reserved memory may require rebooting the system. During instance
startup, Oracle server compares the size of the reserved memory, if any, with the
size of the SGA. If appropriate, one of the following messages will be included in
the Alert log:
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-13
HP OpenVMS Alpha SYSGEN Parameters
** Reserved memory size = <size> greater than created SGA size = <size>**
** Please reduce reserved memory size to avoid wasting memory. **
** Memory was not reserved for the SGA. SGA size = <size> **
** There might be performance advantages to allocating memory for
the SGA in the VMS reserved memory registry. **
If memory is reserved for an SGA, but not enough memory is reserved, then the
instance startup will fail. In this case, the amount of reserved memory must be
adjusted, AUTOGEN must be run, and the system must be rebooted. For example,
to expand the SGA to 6.5 GB for the TEST instance, use the following commands:
Then run AUTOGEN and reboot the system.
To avoid rebooting the system, SYSMAN can be used to free the memory
reservation. Then you may start the instance. The risk is that the system may not
have enough fluid pages to create the SGA. Also, the performance advantages of
using reserved memory are not available.
Additional Information: For more information about the reserved
memory registry, refer to the Hewlett-Packard documentation.
To review memory reservations on your node, run the following command:
$ show memory/reserved
System Memory Resources on 13-JUL-2001 09:57:11.72
Memory Reservations (Pages)
In Use
Page Table
Total (40.04 Mbytes reserved)
Please consult Hewlett-Packard if you need more information about reserving
Because SYSGEN parameters affect the entire operating system, your system
administrator is the only person who should modify them. Of course at some sites,
3-14 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
HP OpenVMS Alpha SYSGEN Parameters
the DBA and system administrator may be the same person. The instructions in
this section are directed to the system administrator.
For setting or modifying SYSGEN parameters, OpenVMS provides the AUTOGEN
utility. You can also use SYSGEN, but this is an older utility, and its use is
discouraged, except perhaps for checking current values. You must have SYSPRV
or BYPASS privilege to run these utilities.
AUTOGEN provides a permanent method for setting parameters, and it documents
all changes. AUTOGEN also lets you recalculate any parameters that depend on
other parameters that you might have changed. Remember to record parameter
values before changing them, and determine beforehand what results you expect
from your changes. If the expected changes do not occur, then restore the old
values before trying again.
1. Run the AUTOGEN utility with the SAVPARAMS parameter by entering the
following command:
This step saves current parameters to a file named AGEN$FEEDBACK.DAT.
2. If you have not already done so, then run AUTOGEN GETDATA to ensure that
the file PARAMS.DAT has been generated.
3. Examine the parameter settings in the current PARAMS.DAT, and if they are
inappropriate, then change them in the MODPARAMS.DAT file by using the
format MIN_<parameter>=<value> as in the following commands:
The MIN prefix indicates that you are setting a lower limit for the specified
parameter. To use the MIN prefix, identify the current value of the specified
parameter (using SYSGEN) and the amount by which you want to increase the
parameter. The sum of these two values is used for the MIN_<parameter>
4. Run the AUTOGEN utility with the GENPARAMS and REBOOT parameters by
entering the following command:
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-15
HP OpenVMS Alpha System Configuration
Warning: The REBOOT parameter in this example will cause
the system to automatically reboot when the SYSGEN is
This step generates new SYSGEN parameters in a file named SETPARAMS.DAT
and runs the SYSGEN utility to set these parameter values as specified in that
See Also: For more information about using the AUTOGEN
utility, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference.
HP OpenVMS Alpha System Configuration
If your system fails to satisfy any listed requirement, then perform the tasks listed in
the next section as necessary to configure your system to meet these requirements.
Table 3–3 lists the requirements for installing Oracle9i on your HP OpenVMS
Table 3–3 HP OpenVMS Alpha System Configuration Summary
System Factors
Requirement for Oracle9i
HP OpenVMS Alpha
Minimum Global Pages/ Verify that the values for MIN_GBLPAGES and
MIN_GBLSECTIONS are greater than, or equal to, the values
that were calculated for these parameters, as documented in
OpenVMS Accounts
You need an OpenVMS account that is dedicated solely to
installing and upgrading Oracle products. The instructions in
this book are provided with the assumption that the account is
called oracle9.
Permissions for File
Default Protections
Setup Tasks to Perform as the SYSTEM User
Log in as the system user and perform the following tasks to set up your
environment for Oracle9i:
3-16 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Setup Tasks to Perform as the SYSTEM User
Create an OpenVMS Account to Own Oracle Software
Create an OpenVMS Account to Own the Apache Server
Create an OpenVMS Account to Own Oracle Software
The oracle9account is the OpenVMS user account that owns the Oracle9i
software after installation. Run Oracle Universal Installer with this user account.
Use the AUTHORIZEutility to create an oracle9account with the following
Table 3–4 lists the properties of Oracle9i accounts.
Table 3–4 Properties of the Oracle9i Account
Login Name
Any name, but this document refers to it as the oracle9
The group UIC number, which is greater than MAXSYSGROUP.
Home Directory Choose a home directory consistent with other user home
directories. The home directory of the oracle9account does
not need to be the same as the ORA_ROOT directory.
Caution: Use the oracle9account only for installing and
maintaining Oracle software. Never use it for purposes unrelated
to the Oracle9i server. Do not use SYSTEMas the oracle9
Sites with multiple ORA_ROOT directories on one system may install Oracle
software with the same oracle9account, or separate accounts. Each oracle9
account must have the same group UIC.
Create an OpenVMS Account to Own the Apache Server
The Apacheaccount is an OpenVMS user account that owns the Apache server
after installation. If you use a default Apache configuration (one that listens to
ports lower than 1024, which are reserved to System), then Oracle Corporation
recommends, for security reasons, that a separate account owner be set up for
Apache. Configure the Apache server to assign ownership of listener and module
actions to this account. It is not necessary for the Apache user account to have
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-17
Setup Tasks to Perform as the Oracle User
privileges to run the Apache Server on a port < 1023. Images that are linked with
privileges during installation in the 'oracle'account ensure that this can be
done. For details on how to configure the server to run as a user other than the
'oracle'user, refer to section "Customizing the Server Environment" on
page D-8.
The Apache account owner should have minimal user privileges, and should not be
a member of any groups whose files are not intended to be visible to the public.
Setup Tasks to Perform as the Oracle User
Log in to the Oracle9account and perform the following tasks as necessary:
Set Permissions for File Creation
Set Display
Set Permissions for File Creation
Set default file protectionsfor the oracle9account to ensure that group
and worldhave read and execute permissions, but not write permission, on
installed files.
1. Enter the $SHOW PROTECTIONcommand to check the current setting.
2. If the $SHOW PROTECTIONcommand does not show the expected protection,
then set protection in the login.comof the oracle9as follows:
$ SET PROTECTION=(s:RWE, o:RWED, g:RE, w:RE)/default
3-18 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Setup Tasks for Oracle Products
Set Display
Before starting the Oracle Universal Installer, set your display appropriately. Enter:
$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/TRANSPORT=TCPIP/NODE=<workstation_name or IP_address>
and verify that it is correct by using the following command:
Refer to each logical entry in this section for instructions on setting the logical
Note: If an Oracle server already exists on your system, then its
settings may have a bearing on the settings that you choose for the
new environment.
Do not use the hostname or IP address of the system where the software is being
installed unless you are performing the installation from the X-Windows console of
that system. Use the machine name or IP address of your own workstation if you
are installing from a remote system. If you are not sure of the X server and screen
settings, then use 0 (zero) for both.
Setup Tasks for Oracle Products
The following products require pre-installation steps to be completed before you
install Oracle9i software:
Precompilers and Tools
Network and System Management Products
Precompilers and Tools
Complete pre-installation tasks for the precompilers and tools that are required for
hp OpenVMS Alpha.
Pro*COBOL Restriction
The use of incorrectly aligned binary data (such as COMP-1) in Pro*COBOL
applications will generate unaligned access warnings that will prevent optimum
compiler performance, but will not affect the application results.
CD-ROM Pre-installation Requirements 3-19
Setup Tasks for Oracle Products
Java Runtime Environment
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is certified for use with Oracle9i software
is used by Oracle Java applications such as the Oracle Universal Installer and is the
only Java application supported to run with these applications. Do not modify this
JRE unless you use a patch that is provided by Oracle Support Services.
Network and System Management Products
This section describes tasks that need to be completed prior to installation if you
have existing network and system management products.
Setup Tasks for Oracle Net Services
If you have an existing installation of Oracle Net8 server, then shut down all
listeners before installing Oracle Net. To determine if any listeners are running,
enter the following command:
$ lsnrctl status [listener_name]
The listener_namefield is required if the listener has a name other than the
default name listener.
To shut down a running listener, enter the following command:
$ lsnrctl stop listener_name
Verify Oracle Supported Protocols
Oracle Universal Installer automatically installs the TCP/IP protocol with all
Oracle9i database installations. Before installing any protocol, verify that the
underlying network is functioning and is configured properly.
To verify that the network is functioning properly, transfer and retrieve a test file
using the ftp utility by entering the following commands:
$ ftp remote_server_name
ftp> put test_filename
ftp> get test_filename
3-20 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Installation Mount Options
Installation Mount Options
Mount and Unmount the Oracle9i CD-ROM
If you run the Oracle Universal Installer while the current working directory is in
the CD-ROM, then perform the following steps to mount the next CD-ROM:
Mount the Oracle9i CD-ROM device. For example:
<ddcn>is a valid CD-ROM device.
Note: Oracle Corporation does not support using the Oracle
Universal Installer that is shipped with releases 8.1.x or 9.0.1 to
install release components.
Installation Option, Installing Oracle9i from the Hard Drive
You can avoid the need to mount and unmount CD-ROMs during installation by
copying the contents of each CD-ROM to your system hard drive. You must have a
file system that is not in use by other applications. You must also have at least
2.5 GB of disk space available.
1. Copy the CD-ROMs to your system hard drive. Copy the contents of each
CD-ROM to a directory on a disk. For example:
$ copy <first CD> disk$disk1:[cdrom]
$ copy <second CD> disk$disk1:[cdrom]
2. Start the Oracle Universal Installer from the hard disk. The Oracle Universal
Installer automatically finds the contents of each CD-ROM and does not prompt
for the location of any CD-ROM during the course of the installation.
4-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle Universal Installer
Oracle Universal Installer
The following procedure describes the installation of products with the use of the
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
Installing an Oracle9i Database
1. Log in as the Oracle user.
2. Start the Oracle Universal Installer from the CD-ROM mount-point directory at
the SYSTEM directory level with the following command:
$ @<ddcn>:[disk1]runInstaller
If the default temp directory (SYS$SCRATCH) is not ODS-5, then you will need
to use the -scratchPath flag to specify an alternate temporary directory.
For more information about ODS-5 format requirements, refer to "Oracle9i
Release 2 Dependency on ODS-5 Disk Structure" on page 2-3.
$ @<ddcn>:[disk1]runInstaller -scratchPath <ODS5_temp_dir>
After the Oracle Universal Installer starts, the Welcome window appears.
Click Next to continue the installation.
3. The Inventory Location window appears.
If this is the first time that any Oracle9i products are installed on the current
system, then the Inventory Location window appears.
Enter a directory where the inventory of all installations will be kept.
Note: This directory must be on an ODS-5 disk.
If this is not the first time any Oracle9i products are installed on the current
system, then go to the next step.
Click Next to continue the installation.
Installation 4-3
Oracle Universal Installer
4. The File Locations Window appears.
Source: You should not need to change the default. This points to the
installation files.
Destination (Name): Enter a name to refer to your ORACLE_HOME.
Destination (Path): Enter the path of your ORACLE_HOME.
Note: ORACLE_HOME must be on an ODS-5 disk.
Click Next
5. The Available Products window appears.
Choose Oracle9i Database.
Click Next to continue.
6. The Installation Types window appears.
Choose an installation type: Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, or
Click Next.
7. The Database Configuration window appears.
Select a database that is suited to your needs.
Click Next.
8. The Database Identification window appears.
The Software Only option will not install the starter database.
If you choose this option, the next step will use the Enable Real
Application Clusters window (step 12).
Click Next.
9. The Database Identification window appears.
Enter the Global Database Name for this database.
Enter the system identifier (SID).
Click Next.
4-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle Universal Installer
10. The Datafiles Location window appears.
Enter a path for the location of the data files.
Click Next.
11. The Database Character Set window appears.
choose the desired character set.
Click Next.
12. The Enable Real Application Clusters (RAC) window appears.
Select YES if you wish to enable RAC.
13. The Summary window appears.
This window displays all of the options that have been chosen.
Click Install to proceed with the installation, or click Previous to change
your selections.
14. The Install window appears.
This window indicates installation progress.
Errors or warnings produce a dialog box where you can choose to fix and
retry, to ignore and continue, or to abort.
a. If you chose to install Software Only, then the End of Installation window
appears next.
b. If you chose to install a starter database, then the Configuration Tools
window appears, followed by the Database Configuration Assistant
c. When configuration is complete, the End of Installation window appears.
15. From the End of Installation window, you may exit or install additional
This window appears when your installation is complete. You may choose
to exit OUI or to begin another installation:
a. Click Exit to end this session with OUI.
b. Click Next Install to begin another installation without stopping and
restarting the Oracle Universal Installer.
Installation 4-5
Oracle Universal Installer
Installing Oracle9i Client
1. Log in as the Oracle user.
$ @<ddcn>:[disk1]runInstaller
If the default temp directory (SYS$SCRATCH) is not ODS-5, then you will need
to use the -scratchPath flag to specify an alternate temporary directory.
For more information about the use of ODS-5 format, refer to "Oracle9i
Release 2 Dependency on ODS-5 Disk Structure" on page 2-3.
$ @<ddcn>:[disk1]runInstaller -scratchPath <ODS5_temp_dir>
3. After the Oracle Universal Installer starts, the Welcome window appears.
Click Next to continue the installation.
4. The Inventory Location window appears.
If this is the first time that any Oracle9i products are installed on the current
system, then the Inventory Location window appears.
Enter a directory where the inventory of all installations will be kept.
Note: This directory must be on an ODS-5 disk.
If this is not the first time any Oracle9i products are installed on the current
system, then refer to the next step.
5. The File Locations Window appears.
Source: You should not need to change the default. This points to the
installation files.
Destination (Name): Enter a name to refer to your ORACLE_HOME.
Destination (Path): Enter the path of your ORACLE_HOME.
Note: ORACLE_HOME must be on an ODS-5 disk.
Click Next.
4-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle Universal Installer
6. The Available Products window appears.
Choose Oracle9i Client.
Click Next to continue.
7. The Installation Types window appears.
Choose an installation type: Custom, Administrator, or Runtime.
Click Next.
8. The Summary window appears.
This window displays all of the options that have been chosen.
Click Install to proceed with the installation, or click Previous to change
your selections.
9. The Install window appears.
This window indicates installation progress.
Errors or warnings produce a dialog box where you can choose to fix and
retry, to ignore and continue, or to abort.
10. From the End of Installation window, you may exit or install additional
This window appears when your installation is complete. You may choose
to exit OUI or to begin another installation:
a. Click Exit to end this session with OUI.
b. Click Next Install to begin another installation without stopping and
restarting the Oracle Universal Installer.
Installation 4-7
Oracle Universal Installer
Oracle9i Database Custom Installation
When you select Custom Installation, the Available Product Components window
appears. It displays all products and components that are available for
installation. A typical Custom installation configuration is selected by default.
Some actions that may differ from a standard installation are:
1. Select the products that you want to install, or deselect products that you do not
want to install, and click Next.
2. Provide responses to any window prompts that appear.
With custom selection of products, you may want to change default values for
items such as: port numbers, product-specific directory names, or Rdb gateway
The Summary window appears.
Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session
The Oracle Universal Installer creates the oraInventory directory the first time
that it is run in order to keep an inventory of products that it installs on your system
as well as an inventory of other installation information.
The location of the OraInventorydirectory is defined in the OraInst.loc file,
which is located in the directory where OUI is run. An inventory is created the
first time that an OUI installation is performed on a particular system. The
inventory is then detected and referenced during subsequent installation sessions.
The log file of the most recent installation is
oraInventory_location:[logs]installActions.log. Previous
installation log files use the following log file name format:
For example:
4-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle Universal Installer
Caution: Do not delete or manually alter the oraInventory
directory or its contents. Doing so can prevent the Oracle Universal
Installer from locating products that you install on your system.
The make.logfile in the ORA_ROOT:[install]directory
contains a log of every makefile action that is executed during the
installation process. The make.logfile also records any link errors
during installation. Do not delete or alter the make.logfile.
Installing Real Application Clusters
Because the disk on which the Oracle software will be installed is mounted cluster
wide, and is therefore accessible from multiple nodes, installing Real Application
Clusters (RAC) on OpenVMS is no different than installing non-RAC, except for the
screen in OUI (Oracle Universal Installer) on which you are presented the option.
For complete details about configuring RAC, refer to the generic documentation.
The following steps are taken after the software has been installed and a database
has been created.
Note: The following steps are provided here with the assumption
that the instance on node1 is sidA, and that the instance on node2 is
1. Set up your environment:
$ @orauser sidA
2. $ set default ora_root:[network]
3. Create the DCL script needed for bequeath connections:
$ @create_orasrv_beq <ora_db> <sidB> <db_name>
for example:
$ @create_orasrv_beq DISK$DISK1:[Oracle9i.Home1.ORADATA.DB92] -
_$ sidB DB92
4. $ set default ora_root:[dbs]
Installation 4-9
Oracle Universal Installer
5. Create a copy of the Password file:
$ copy orapwsidA.; orapwsidB.;
$ copy initsidA.ora initsidB.ora
7. Create a copy of the properties file:
$ copy
8. Edit the files that were created in step 6 and step 7. (Before starting the
instance, refer to the "List Of Parameters" following these numbered steps.)
9. Ensure that parameter remote_login_passwordfileis set to SHARED
(default: EXCLUSIVE).
10. SQL> connect / as sysdba
11. SQL> startup
12. SQL> alter database add logfile thread 2
group 4 ('ora_db:redo04.rdo') size 100m,
group 5 ('ora_db:redo05.rdo') size 100m,
group 6 ('ora_db:redo06.rdo') size 100m;
13. SQL> alter database enable public thread 2;
14. SQL> create undo tablespace UNDOTBS2 datafile
'<filespec>' size <size>;
15. SQL> @ora_root:[rdbms.admin]catclust
16. Set up your environment:
$ @orauser sidB
17. SQL> connect / as sysdba
18. SQL> startup
4-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle Universal Installer
List Of Parameters
The following parameters need to be defined before starting an instance that will
participate in RAC:
cluster_database = true
undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS1 or UNDOTBS2
= sidA or sidB
= sidA or sidB
instance_number = 1 or 2
thread = 1 or 2
Completing Installation of Oracle9i Server Enterprise Edition
Assistant (DBCA)" on page 5-2).
Non-Interactive Installation and Configuration
For non-interactive installations, use the Silent Mode Installation, which is
described in Chapter 1, "Oracle9i Installation Planning" on page 1-16.
Cleaning Up After a Failed Installation
If an installation fails, then (before you attempt another installation) you might need
to remove files that the Oracle Universal Installer created during the last session.
To clean up after a failed installation:
1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.
2. Click the De-install Products button and select any products that were left after
the failed installation.
3. Click the Remove button.
To complete the clean up, you might need to manually remove the ORA_ROOT
Installation 4-11
Oracle Universal Installer
4-12 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Post-Installation for Oracle Products on page 5-14
Starter Database Contents on page 5-18
Adding or Upgrading Products on page 5-27
Relinking the Oracle Code on page 5-29
Note: This chapter describes basic configuration only. Refer to
the Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for
hp OpenVMS Alpha and to the product administration and tuning
guides for more sophisticated configuration and tuning
Post-Installation 5-1
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
Interactive Mode
To invoke DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) in the interactive mode,
perform the following:
1. Set up the X-Windows environment by using the following DCL command:
SET DISPLAY/CREATE/TRANSPORT=TCPIP/NODE=< workstation_name or IP_address>
2. Invoke @<ORACLE_HOME>
3. Invoke
The DBCA GUI appears.
Non-interactive Mode
Silent mode does not have any user interface (other than what you provide in an
argument or response file) or user interaction. It displays all messages (including
information, errors, and warnings) into a log file.
From the command line, enter the following command to see all of the DBCA
options that are available when using silent mode:
dbca -help
Note: Because of the DCL limit of eight command line parameters on
OpenVMS, it is not possible to specify directly on the command line
all of the required parameters to create a database. Therefore, as a
workaround, DBCA command line arguments may be placed into a
file called SYS$SCRATCH:DBCA.ARGS. The DBCA.COM script looks
for this file and, if present, passes the specified arguments to the
DBCA Java application. DBCA.COM will ignore all arguments that
are passed on the command line except: –silent,
-responseFile <response_file>,and -help. In order to
avoid inadvertently applying the same arguments to the next
invocation of DBCA when DBCA.ARGS exits, if an arguments file was
used, then it is renamed to SYS$SCRATCH:DBCA.ARGS_OLD.
5-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
Note: Because the DBCA design (in a similar manner to that of the
Oracle Universal Installer) causes GUI classes to be loaded (even in
silent mode), a silent installation still requires an X connection.
The following sections contain examples that illustrate the use of silent mode.
DBCA Silent Mode Example 1: Creating a Clone Database
To create a clone database, enter the following into SYS$SCRATCH:DBCA.ARGS:
-templateName Transaction_Processing.dbc
-gdbname ora9i
-sid ora9i
-datafileJarLocation /disk$disk1/oracle9i/ora9i/assistants/dbca/templates
-datafileDestination /disk$disk1/oracle9i/ora9i/oradata
-responseFile NO_VALUE
-characterset WE8ISO8859P1
Note: Either VMS-style arguments or UNIX-style arguments may
be used in the arguments that are contained in an argument file.
Then, assuming that the ORACLE_HOME environment is set up by executing:
$ @<ORACLE_HOME>orauser
invoke DBCA. Log files are located in the same place as with an interactive install.
In this example:
Also, check the <ORACLE_HOME>[.assistants.dbca.logs]directory.
DBCA Silent Mode Example 2: Creating a Seed Template
To create a seed template, enter the following into SYS$SCRATCH:DBCA.ARGS:
-sourceDB ora9i
-sysDBAUserName sys
-sysDBAPassword change_on_install
Post-Installation 5-3
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
-templateName copy_of_ora9i
-datafileJarLocation /disk$disk1/oracle9i/ora9i/assistants/dbca/templates
Then, assuming that the ORACLE_HOME environment is set up by executing the
orauser script, invoke DBCA. Log files for creating a seed template are located in
the <ORACLE_HOME>[.assistants.dbca.logs]directory.
Using DBCA Response Files
An alternative to creating an argument file to pass command line options to DBCA
is to use a response file. A sample response file (dbca.rsp) is provided in the
<ORACLE_HOME>[.assistants.dbca]directory. Make a copy of this file and
customize it as necessary. Follow the instructions that are contained in comments.
The value that is specified for the CREATE_TYPE field determines which of the
other sections are applicable. Each field has a comment header block with the
following entries: Name, Datatype, Description, Valid values, Default value, and
Mandatory (Yes/No) descriptions.
For example:
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Type of database creation
# Valid values : "createDatabase" \ "createTemplateFromDB" \
# Default value : None
# Mandatory : Yes
CREATE_TYPE = "createDatabase"
All mandatory values must be provided, but only for the applicable sections as
indicated by the CREATE_TYPEvalue. After customizing the response file, invoke
DBCA, passing the name of the response file on the command line, as follows:
$ dbca –silent –responseFile <full_response_file_name>
Note: Either VMS-style arguments or UNIX-style arguments may
be used in fields that are contained within a response file, but the
response file argument that is passed to the DBCA.COM script on
the command line with the –responseFilekeyword must be in
VMS-style syntax.
5-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
The following sample DBCA.RSP file is included here for reference:
DBCA response file
1998, 2001, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
## Copyright
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize Oracle
## Database Configuration installation.
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment identifies the
## variable type.
## Please specify the values in the following format :
: Example
: "<value>"
: True or False
: <numeric value>
StringList : {"<value1>","<value2>"}
## Examples :
1. dbca -progress_only -responseFile <response file>
Display a progress bar depicitng progress of database creation
2. dbca -silent -responseFile <response file>
Creates database silently. No user interface is displayed.
3. dbca -silent -createDatabase -cloneTemplate
-responseFile <response file>
Creates database silently with clone template. The template in
reponsefile is a clone template.
# GENERAL section is required for all types of database creations.
Post-Installation 5-5
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Version of the database to create
# Valid values : "9.0.0"
# Default value : None
# Mandatory : Yes
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Type of database creation
# Valid values : "createDatabase" \ "createTemplateFromDB" \
# Default value : None
# Mandatory
: Yes
CREATE_TYPE = "createDatabase"
#-----------------------*** End of GENERAL section ***------------------------
# CREATEDATABASE section is used when CREATE_TYPE is defined as
# "createDatabase".
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Global database name of the database
# Valid values : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL
<db_name> - when database domain is NULL
# Default value : None
# Mandatory : Yes
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: System identifier (SID) of the database
# Valid values : Check Oracle9i Administrator's Guide
5-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
# Default value : <db_name> specified in GDBNAME
# Mandatory : No
SID = "orcl9i"
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Name of the template
# Valid values : Template name as seen in DBCA
# Default value : None
# Mandatory
: Yes
TEMPLATENAME = "New Database"
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Location of the data file jar
# Valid values : Directory containing compressed datafile jar
# Default value : None
# Mandatory
: Yes, when the clone template is used for database creation
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Character set of the database
# Valid values : Check Oracle9i National Language Support Guide
# Default value : "US7ASCII"
# Mandatory
: NO
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: National Character set of the database
# Valid values : "UTF8" or "AL16UTF16". For details, check Oracle9i National
# Language Support Guide
# Default value : "AL16UTF16"
# Mandatory
: No
Post-Installation 5-7
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: Boolean
: Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.
# Valid values : TRUE \ FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory
: No
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
# Mandatory
: String
: Specifies the name of the directory service user
: YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: The password of the directory service user.
You can also specify the password at the command prompt
# instead of here.
# Mandatory
: YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
# Name
# Datatype
: String
# Description
: Specifies list of listeners to register the database with.
By default the database is configured for all the listeners
specified in the
# Valid values : The list should be space separated names like
"listener1 listener2".
: NO
# Mandatory
#LISTENERS = "listener1 listener2"
5-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Location of the file containing variable value pair
# Valid values : A valid file-system file. The variable value pair format
in this file
is <variable>=<value>. Each pair should be in a new line.
# Default value : None
# Mandatory : NO
#----------------*** End of CREATEDATABASE section ***------------------------
# createTemplateFromDB section is used when CREATE_TYPE is defined as
# "createTemplateFromDB".
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: The source database from which to create the template
# Valid values : The format is <host>:<port>:<sid>
# Default value : none
# Mandatory
SOURCEDB = "myhost:1521:orcl"
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory : YES
# Name
# Datatype
: String
# Description
: The password of the DBA user.
You can also specify the password at the command prompt
instead of here.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory : YES
Post-Installation 5-9
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Name for the new template.
# Default value : None
# Mandatory : Yes
#----------------*** End of createTemplateFromDB section ***-------------------
# createCloneTemplate section is used when CREATE_TYPE is defined as
# "createCloneTemplate".
# Name
# Datatype
: String
# Description
: The source database is the SID from which to create the
This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory : YES
SOURCEDB = "orcl"
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory : YES
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: The password of the DBA user.
You can also specify the password at the command prompt
# instead of here.
5-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
# Default value : none
# Mandatory : YES
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Name for the new template.
# Default value : None
# Mandatory : Yes
# Name
# Datatype
# Description
: String
: Location of the data file jar
# Valid values : Directory where the new compressed datafile jar will be placed
# Default value : $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates
# Mandatory
: NO
Post-Installation 5-11
User Passwords
User Passwords
Oracle Corporation recommends that you change the password for user names
immediately after installation.
To change a password:
1. Start SQL*Plus by using the following command:
$ sqlplus
2. Connect with the user name and password that you want to change by using
the following command:
Enter user-name: username/password
3. Change the password by using the following command:
Log in as the systemuser and perform the following tasks:
Create Additional OpenVMS Accounts
Automate Database Startup and Shutdown (Optional)
Set Initialization Parameters
Create Additional OpenVMS Accounts
If necessary, create additional OpenVMS accounts with the AUTHORIZE utility.
Each DBA user on the system must be granted the ORA_DBA or ORA_<sid>_DBA
Rights Identifier.
Query the data dictionary view using SQL*Plus to list the accounts in the default
database. Accounts in the database are based upon the products chosen in the
Oracle Universal Installer.
SQL> SELECT username from dba_users;
You should delete accounts that you do not need.
5-12 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the Oracle User
Automate Database Startup and Shutdown (Optional)
You can configure your system to automatically start Oracle databases when your
system starts up and to shut down Oracle databases when your system shuts
down. Automating database startup is optional, but automatic shutdown is
recommended because it guards against improper shutdown of the database.
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the Oracle User
Perform the following task as the oracleuser.
Set Initialization Parameters
Modify init.ora Parameters
When you create a database, your initsid.oraparameters are automatically set.
You can manually modify the initialization parameters in the initsid.orawith
an OpenVMS editor. Activate the modified initsid.orafile by shutting down
and restarting the database.
Do not use logicals in parameter files unless they are defined at an appropriate high
level (in other words, at a group level or system level).
See Also: Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for
hp OpenVMS Alpha for information on init.oraparameters.
Post-Installation 5-13
Post-Installation for Oracle Products
Post-Installation for Oracle Products
Perform the product-specific steps as necessary for your installation. Not all
configuration tasks in this manual, but more sophisticated tuning requires
Oracle Net
Oracle Options
Oracle Precompilers (Pro*COBOL, Pro*C/C++, Pro*FORTRAN)
Oracle Supported Protocols
Oracle Net
Configuring a complete Oracle network is beyond the scope of this manual and is
covered in detail in the Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide and the Oracle9i
Net Services Reference Guide.
Verify and complete your initial configuration with the following steps:
1. Following installation, check the status of the listener by using the command:
$ lsnrctl status <listener_name>
The listener_namefield is required if the listener has a name other than the
default, which is listener.
If the listener is not running, then start it with the following command:
$ lsnrctl start <listener_name>
2. Install and configure Oracle client software on a remote system, if necessary,
then start SQL*Plus to test the connection to the server.
$ sqlplus username/password@net_service_name
Note: 1521 is the default port.
5-14 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Post-Installation for Oracle Products
If you can successfully connect to the server with SQL*Plus, then you have
established network connectivity over TCP/IP. For more advanced network
configuration, refer to the Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide.
Oracle Options
Oracle interMedia
Note: There is no upgrade from previous releases of ConText
Cartridge to Oracle interMedia Text. However, there is a migration
that can be performed manually. See the Oracle9i ConText to
interMedia Text Migration Guide for documentation of this process.
If you intend to install Oracle interMedia Text after your initial server installation,
then ensure that you have at least 10 MB of disk space for the data dictionary.
Your database must include tablespaces that are specific to interMedia Text data.
Verify that tablespaces exist to serve as default and temporary tablespaces for
Oracle interMedia Text. Oracle interMedia Text uses the DRSYS tablespace for its
default and temporary tablespaces. If tablespaces for Oracle interMedia Text do not
exist, or if you do not want to use the DRSYS tablespace, then create additional
tablespaces before proceeding.
See Also: Oracle9i SQL Reference for information on creating
Shared Server
Oracle servers that are configured with Shared Server require a higher setting for
the initialization parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE or a custom configuration that
uses LARGE_POOL_SIZE. If you created a database manually, then you should
raise SHARED_POOL_SIZE in the initsid.orafile. Typically, you should add
1 KB for each anticipated concurrent user. Refer to Oracle9i Database Performance
Tuning Guide and Reference for further information on configuring Shared Server.
Post-Installation 5-15
Post-Installation for Oracle Products
Oracle Precompilers
The following list provides references and configuration files that are associated
with Oracle precompilers.
For precompiler Pro*C/C++, the configuration file is pcscfg.cfg. This file
installs without content. Use any text editor to customize it to your site
requirements. For more information on configuring the pcscfg.cfg file, refer to
Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer’s Guide.
For precompiler Pro*COBOL, the configuration file is pcbcfg.cfg. This file
installs without content. Use any text editor to customize it to your site
requirements. For more information on configuring the pcbcfg.cfg file, refer to
Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer’s Guide.
For precompiler Pro*COBOL18, the configuration file is pcccob.cfg. This file
installs without content. Use any text editor to customize it to your site
requirements. For more information on configuring the pcccob.cfg file, refer to
Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer’s Guide.
For precompiler Pro*FORTRAN, the configuration file is pccfor.cfg. This file
installs without content. Use any text editor to customize it to your site
requirements. For more information on configuring the pccfor.cfg file, refer to
the Pro*FORTRAN Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide.
SQL*Modula Ada
For precompiler SQL*Modula Ada, the configuration file is pmscfg.cfg. This
file installs without content. Use any text editor to customize it to your site
requirements. For more information on configuring the pmscfg.cfg file, refer to
the SQL*Module for Ada Programmer’s Guide.
5-16 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Post-Installation for Oracle Products
For precompiler PROTOTYPE INFO, the configuration file is xxxcfg.cfg. This
file installs without content. Use any text editor to customize it to your site
requirements. For more information on configuring the pmscfg.cfg file, refer to
the SQL*Module for Ada Programmer’s Guide.
Note: You cannot use Oracle Precompilers independently of
Oracle9i to convert embedded PL/SQL.
Oracle Supported Protocols
All Supported Protocols
Perform the following steps after installing any protocol:
1. Verify that you have created and installed the necessary configuration files for
the network.
2. Start the listener on the server:
$ lsnrctl start <listener-name>
3. Check the listener process:
$ lsnrctl status <listener-name>
4. As the oracleuser, start SQL*Plus to test the connection:
$ sqlplus username/password@service_name
Configuring the Secure Socket Layer
For details on Secure Socket Layer, refer to the Configuring Secure
Socket Layer Authentication in the Oracle Advanced Security
Administrator’s Guide in the generic documentation set.
Post-Installation 5-17
Starter Database Contents
Starter Database Contents
The starter database is a seed database that is shipped with the Oracle9i software. It
contains all that is needed in a "general purpose" environment. If the starter
starter database, as well as basic information on Oracle database usernames,
passwords, and file locations.
Identifying Databases
Locating Redo Log Files
Locating Control Files
Using Rollback Segments
Using the Data Dictionary
Unlocking and Resetting User Passwords
Passwords for all Oracle system administration roles and privileges (except SYS,
SYSTEM, and SCOTT) are expired upon installation. You are required to unlock
user names and to reset passwords for all other administrative user names before
using them. You can do this through Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).
Unlocking and Resetting Passwords Automatically
During installation, click the Password Management button from the Database
Configuration Assistant window to change passwords immediately after
An alternative method is available to reset your passwords. If you unlock the
password but do not specify a new password, then the database user account will
be unlocked, and the password will remain expired until the next time that you log
in as that user. SQL*Plus will then prompt you for a new password.
5-18 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Unlocking and Resetting Passwords Manually
To manually change a password and unlock an account, review the list of default
administrative user names, passwords, and functions in Table 5–1, "Default User
Names and Passwords". Select a user, and then unlock and reset the password by
using the following commands:
1. Start SQL*Plus and log in as SYSDBA by using the following commands:
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
2. Change the password by using the following command:
The alter statement will both reset the password and unlock the account.
Note: If you want unauthenticated access to your data via HTTP,
then unlock the ANONYMOUS user account.
See Also: Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide for more
information on unlocking passwords after installation and for
information on Oracle security procedures and best security
Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator’s Guide for more
information on using Oracle Security Manager or Oracle DBA
Studio to change passwords.
Reviewing User Names and Passwords
All databases that are created by Database Configuration Assistant include the SYS,
SYSTEM, and DBSNMP user names and passwords. In addition, Oracle
Corporation provides several other administrative users. Unlock users and reset
passwords before using these administrative accounts.
Note: To unlock administrative user passwords after installation,
click the Password Management button in the Database
Configuration Assistant window.
Post-Installation 5-19
Starter Database Contents
Table 5–1 describes the default user names and passwords.
Table 5–1 Default User Names and Passwords
User Name
See Also
CTXSYS is the Oracle Text user name with
Oracle9i Oracle Text
CONNECT, DBA, and RESOURCE database roles. Reference
Oracle Intelligent Agent
User’s Guide
and SNMPAGENT database roles. Run
catnsnmp.sql if you want to delete this role and
MDSYS is the Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Oracle Spatial User’s
Locator administrator user name. Guide and Reference
ORDPLUGINS ORDPLUGINS ORDPLUGINS is the Oracle interMedia Audio and Oracle9i interMedia User’s
Video user name with the CONNECT and
Guide and Reference
non-native plug-in formats.
ORDSYS is the Oracle interMedia Audio, Video,
and Image administrator user name with
database roles.
Oracle9i interMedia User’s
Guide and Reference
OUTLN includes the CONNECT and RESOURCE Oracle9i Database
database roles, and supports plan stability. Plan
stability allows you to maintain the same execution
Oracle9i Database
Performance Guide and
plans for the same SQL statements. OUTLN acts
as a role to centrally manage metadata associated
with stored outlines.
5-20 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Starter Database Contents
Table 5–1 Default User Names and Passwords (Cont.)
User Name
See Also
CHANGE_ON SYS is used for performing database
Oracle9i Database
Administrator’s Guide
administration tasks. SYS includes the following
database roles:
You can use SYSTEM to perform database
Oracle9i Database
Administrator’s Guide
administration tasks. SYSTEM includes the
database roles.
Oracle9i Database
Administrator’s Guide
Post-Installation 5-21
Starter Database Contents
Note: Any database user can be granted limited SYS role database
privileges to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Diagnostics Pack.
Grant users access to these necessary SYS privileges by granting
them the OEM_MONITOR role. This role is created when the
database is installed. The role is defined in the following SQL
In addition to being granted the OEM_MONITOR role, users must
have sufficient default tablespace quota within the monitored
database in order for OEM to run and to evaluate some advanced
events. Failure to allocate sufficient tablespace to users that are
granted the OEM_MONITOR role will result in an insufficient
privilege message.
The passwords are necessary only when the user resets and unlocks
the passwords manually. They are not required when it is done
Identifying Databases
The Oracle9i software identifies a database by its global database name. A global
database name consists of the database name and network domain. The global
database name uniquely distinguishes a database from any other database in the
same network domain. Enter a global database name when prompted in the
Database Identification window during Oracle9i database installation.
Example of a Global Database Name:
In the preceding example, salesis the name of the database. The database name
portion is a string of no more than 8 characters that can contain alphanumeric and
additional characters. The database name is also assigned to the DB_NAME
parameter in the init.orafile.
Also in the preceding example, is the network domain in which
the database is located. Together, the database name and the network domain
make the global database name unique. The domain portion is a string of no more
than 128 characters that can contain alpha, numeric, period (.), and additional
characters. The domain name is also assigned to the DB_DOMAIN parameter in
the init.orafile.
5-22 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Starter Database Contents
The DB_NAME parameter and the DB_DOMAIN name parameter combine to
create the global database name value that is assigned to the SERVICE_NAMES
parameter in the init.orafile.
The System Identifier (SID) identifies a specific Oracle9i database instance. The
SID uniquely distinguishes a database from any other database on the same
computer. Multiple ORACLE_HOME directories enable you to have multiple,
active Oracle databases on a single computer. Each database requires a unique SID
and database name.
The SID name comes from the value entered for the SID prefix in the Database
Identification window. The SID can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters in length.
For example, if the SID and database name for an Oracle database are ORCL, each
database file is in the ora_root:[oradata.orcl]directory and the initialization
parameter file is in the ora_root:[admin.orcl.pfile] directory. The ORCL
directory is named after the DB_NAME parameter value.
Tablespaces and Data Files
An Oracle9i database is divided into smaller logical areas of space known as
tablespaces. Each tablespace corresponds to one or more physical data files. Data
files contain the contents of logical database structures such as tables and indexes.
You can associate each data file with only one tablespace and database.
Configuration Assistant, the tablespaces and data files that are
described in the following table are automatically included in the
Custom database.
Table 5–2 describes the tablespaces in the Oracle9i database that is located in the
ora_root:[oradata.<db_name>] directory.
Table 5–2 Tablespaces and Data Files
Data File
Example Schema
Oracle Text-related schema objects
Indexes associated with the data in the
USERS tablespace.
Post-Installation 5-23
Starter Database Contents
Table 5–2 Tablespaces and Data Files (Cont.)
Data File
The data dictionary. This includes
definitions of tables, views, and stored
procedures needed by the Oracle database.
Note: The database maintains information
in this area automatically. The SYSTEM
tablespace is present in all Oracle
Temporary tables and/or indexes created
during the processing of your SQL
Note: You might need to expand this
tablespace if you are executing a SQL
statement that involves a lot of sorting,
on a very large table, or the constructs
The Installer creates this data file when the
user wants to install any third-party or
Oracle tools/products.
As you generate and enter data into tables,
you fill this space with your data.
See Also: Oracle9i Database Concepts and Oracle9i Database
Administrator’s Guide for more information on tablespaces and data
5-24 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Starter Database Contents
Locating the Initialization Parameter File
The database initialization parameter file (init.ora) is generated when a database
is created. The init.ora file is used to bring up the instance and to create the
database and the data dictionary. When the database is complete, the instance is
shutdown, and the init.ora file is saved to
ora_root:[dbs]init<SID>.ora. The logical, ORA_PARAMS, points to
The init.ora file is a text file that contains a list of preconfigured instance
configuration parameters and that must exist for an instance to start. No edits are
required to this file in order to use the starter database.
See Also: Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide and Oracle9i
Database Reference for more information on database-specific
initialization parameters and their default values.
Locating Redo Log Files
The starter database and the custom database each contain three redo log files that
are located in the ora_root:[oradata.<db_name>] directory. Table 5–3
describes the redo log files.
Table 5–3 Redo Log files
Redolog Files
Disk Size
100 MB
100 MB
100 MB
Redo log files hold a record of all changes
that are made to data in the database
buffer cache. If an instance failure occurs,
then Oracle9i uses the redo log files to
recover the modified data in memory.
Oracle9i uses redo log files in a cyclical
fashion. For example, if three files
constitute the online redo log, then
Oracle9i fills the first file, then fills the
second file, and then fills the third file. In
the next cycle, it reuses and fills the first
file, the second file, and so on.
See Also: Oracle9i Backup and Recovery Concepts for more
information on redo log files.
Post-Installation 5-25
Starter Database Contents
Locating Control Files
The starter database contains three control files. These files are located in the
ora_root:[oradata.<db_name>]directory. The files control01.ctl,
control02.ctl, and control03.ctlare automatically included in the Custom
database. Oracle Corporation recommends that you keep at least three control files
(on separate physical drives) for each database and set the CONTROL_FILES
initialization parameter to list each control file. Table 5–4 describes the database
control files.
Table 5–4 Database Control Files
Control Files
A control file is an administrative file. Oracle9i requires a
control file to start and run the database. The control file
records the physical structure of the database. For example, a
control file contains the database name, and the names and
locations of the database data files and redo log files.
See Also: Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide for more
information on setting this initialization parameter value.
Using Rollback Segments
Rollback segments record the old values of data that are changed by each
transaction, whether or not the transaction has been committed. Every database
contains one or more rollback segments. Use rollback segments to provide read
consistency, to roll back transactions, and to recover the database. The rollback
segments of the starter database are as follows:
Rollback segment SYSTEMis contained in tablespace SYSand is used by SYS.
Rollback segments _SYSSMU1$ through _SYSSMU10$ are a pool of rollback
segments that any instance can use if it requires a rollback segment. They are
contained in tablespace UNDOTBS<n>and are used by PUBLIC.
Using the Data Dictionary
The data dictionary is a protected collection of tables and views containing
reference information on the database, its structure, and its users. The data that is
stored in the dictionary includes the following:
5-26 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Adding or Upgrading Products
Names of the Oracle database users
Privileges and roles granted to each user
Names and definitions of schema objects, including tables, views, snapshots,
indexes, clusters, synonyms, sequences, procedures, functions, and packages
Integrity constraints
Space allocation for database objects
Auditing information, such as who accessed or updated various objects
See Also: Oracle9i Concepts and Oracle9i Database Reference for
Adding or Upgrading Products
This section includes:
Preparing to Add a Product
Adding a Product Summary
Preparing to Add a Product
Before you add or upgrade a product, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that your system has Oracle9i installed.
2. Log onto your HP OpenVMS Alpha machine.
3. Run the following ORAUSER file for your database:
$ set default <Oracle_Home>
$ @orauser <sid>
4. If you plan to upgrade any Oracle product tables, change the Oracle SYSTEM
password to MANAGER.
Note: If you do not change the Oracle SYSTEM password to
MANAGER, your installation may fail. Oracle installation scripts
often assume that the password is MANAGER. Alternatively, you
can check for hard coded user names and passwords in the Oracle
scripts and change them to your own user names and passwords.
Post-Installation 5-27
Adding or Upgrading Products
5. Back up the old code and database files (data, redo log, and control).
6. Mount the distribution media.
7. Run Oracle Universal Installer.
Select custom install.
After completing these preliminary steps, you are ready to load and configure your
Oracle products.
Adding a Product Summary
1. Execute ora_root:[bin]runInstaller.
2. Point to existing ORACLE_HOME.
3. Select custom install.
4. Select products to install.
5. Configure products if OUI asks questions.
6. Click Install button.
7. Exit OUI.
8. Start an instance.
9. Build or upgrade database tables menu.
5-28 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Relinking the Oracle Code
Relinking the Oracle Code
The Oracle code must be relinked under the following conditions:
Change to operating system, for example upgrade
Change to Oracle Net configuration
Change to RDBMS configuration
Step 1 Shutdown the Given Database(s)
First verify that you are pointed to the right database instance. At the DCL
Invoke SQLPLUS and connect SYS. Select from the view V$PROCESS. If no other
processes are active, and if you are pointed to the right instance, then shut down the
given database.
After the database is shut down, all Oracle background processes will no longer
exist. Type SHOW SYSTEMat the DCL prompt to verify.
Step 2 Remove Images
Type REMORACLEat the system prompt.
Note: Generally, no response is returned except for the return of
the DCL prompt.
Step 3 Invoke the Oracle Installation Utility
1. Type at the DCL prompt:
$ ora_root:[bin]relink <product | all>
2. Select option 4, “Build Selected Licensed Products”.
Post-Installation 5-29
Relinking the Oracle Code
5-30 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
This appendix describes the products that are included with Oracle9i:
Oracle9i Database Components on page A-2
Oracle9i Client Components on page A-8
Product Descriptions on page A-2
Note: The Custom installation type is not listed for any of the
three top-level components because it allows you to install all
components in the current top-level component category. Some
components can be installed only through a Custom installation.
Such components have an availability of “No” listed in this
appendix for other installation types.
Oracle9i Products A-1
Oracle9i Database Components
Oracle9i Database Components
The following sections contain alphabetical lists of the components that are
available with each installation type of the Oracle9i server top-level component.
Enterprise Edition
This section alphabetically lists additional components available with each
installation type of the Oracle9i server Enterprise Edition. Enterprise Edition
includes all the components in the Standard Edition, with the exception of the
Oracle Enterprise Manager Standard Management Pack. Refer to the release notes
for your platform for updates on component availability.
Advanced Queuing
Advanced Replication
Character Set Scanner
Common Schema Demos
Object Type Translator, which includes the following:
Oracle INTYPE File Assistant
Oracle Advanced Security, which includes the following:
Encryption and Integrity Support, including:
DES40 Encryption
DES56 Encryption
3DES_112 Encryption (2-key option)
3DES_168 Integrity (3-key option)
MD5 Integrity
RC4_40 Encryption
RC4_56 Encryption
RC4_128 Encryption
RC4_256 Integrity
SHA-1 Integrity
A-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Database Components
Thin JDBC Java-based Encryption Support, including:
DES40 Encryption
MD5 Integrity
RC4_40 Encryption
RC4_56 Encryption
RC4_128 Encryption
RC4_256 Integrity
SHA-1 Integrity
Authentication Support, including:
Kerberos (with SSO support)
SSL (with X.509 version 3)(with SSO support)
Enterprise User Security, including:
Oracle Wallet Manager
Note: Oracle Wallet Manager is a feature of Oracle Advanced
Security. You can use it only if you purchase an Oracle Advanced
Security license.
Oracle Call Interface
Oracle Dynamic Services
Oracle JDBC Drivers, which include the following:
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle Locale Builder
Oracle Locator
Oracle9i Products A-3
Oracle9i Database Components
Oracle Net, which includes the following:
Oracle Net Listener
Oracle Protocol Support
Note: When Oracle Net Client is installed by using the Enterprise
Edition or Standard Edition installation type, the Oracle Universal
Installer installs Oracle Protocol Support for the networking
protocols that it detects.
Oracle Partitioning
Oracle Real Application Clusters
Oracle Spatial
Oracle SQLJ, which includes the following:
SQLJ Runtime
SQLJ Translator
Oracle Text
Oracle Trace
Oracle Universal Installer, which includes the following:
Oracle’s Java Runtime Environment version
Oracle Utilities, which includes the following:
Migration Utility
Recovery Manager
Oracle XML Developer’s Kit
Oracle XML SQL Utility
Oracle9i Advanced Analytic Services — Data Mining
A-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Database Components
Oracle9i JVM, which includes the following:
Java Virtual Machine
Oracle9i Server (the Oracle9i database), which includes the following:
Oracle Database Demos
PL/SQL Gateway
SE List
This section alphabetically lists the components that are available with each
installation type of the Oracle9i server Standard Edition top-level component. Refer
to the release notes for your platform for updates on component availability.
Advanced Queuing
Advanced Replication
Character Set Scanner
Common Schema Demos
Object Type Translator, which includes the following:
Oracle INTYPE File Assistant
Enterprise User Security, including:
Oracle Wallet Manager
Note: Oracle Wallet Manager is a feature of Oracle Advanced
Security. You can use it only if you purchase an Oracle Advanced
Security license.
Oracle Call Interface
Oracle Dynamic Services
Oracle9i Products A-5
Oracle9i Database Components
Oracle JDBC Drivers, which include the following:
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle Locale Builder
Oracle Locator
Oracle Net, which includes the following:
Oracle Net Listener
Oracle Protocol Support
Note: When Oracle Net Client is installed by using the Enterprise
Edition or Standard Edition installation type, the Oracle Universal
Installer installs Oracle Protocol Support for the networking
protocols that it detects.
Oracle SQLJ, which includes the following:
SQLJ Runtime
SQLJ Translator
Oracle Text
Oracle Trace
Oracle Universal Installer, which includes the following:
Oracle’s Java Runtime Environment version
Oracle Utilities, which includes the following:
Migration Utility
Recovery Manager
Oracle XML Developer’s Kit
A-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Database Components
Oracle XML SQL Utility
Oracle9i JVM, which includes the following:
Java Virtual Machine
Oracle9i Server (the Oracle9i database), which includes the following:
Oracle Database Demos
PL/SQL Gateway
Oracle9i Products A-7
Oracle9i Client Components
Oracle9i Client Components
The following sections provide information on the Oracle9i Client components.
Runtime Edition
This section alphabetically lists the components that are available with each
installation type of the Oracle9i Client Runtime top-level component. Refer to the
release notes for your platform for updates on component availability.
Advanced Queuing
Documentation for your HP OpenVMS Alpha
Oracle Advanced Security, which includes the following:
Encryption and Integrity Support, including:
DES40 Encryption
DES56 Encryption
3DES_112 Encryption (2-key option)
3DES_168 Integrity (3-key option)
MD5 Integrity
RC4_40 Encryption
RC4_56 Encryption
RC4_128 Encryption
RC4_256 Integrity
SHA-1 Integrity
A-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Client Components
Thin JDBC Java-based Encryption Support, including:
DES40 Encryption
DES56 Encryption
MD5 Integrity
RC4_40 Encryption
RC4_56 Encryption
RC4_128 Encryption
RC4_256 Integrity
SHA-1 Integrity
Authentication Support, including:
Kerberos (with SSO support)
SSL (with X.509 version 3) (with SSO support)
Note: Kerberos is installable through the Custom installation
Authentication Methods window.
Enterprise User Security, including:
Oracle Wallet Manager
Note: Oracle Wallet Manager is a feature of Oracle Advanced
Security. You can only use it, if you purchase an Oracle Advanced
Security license.
Oracle Dynamic Services Server
Oracle JDBC Drivers, which include the following:
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle Net
Oracle9i Products A-9
Oracle9i Client Components
Oracle SQLJ, which includes the following:
SQLJ Runtime
SQLJ Translator
Oracle Universal Installer, which includes the following:
Oracle Java Runtime Environment version
Oracle Utilities, which includes the following:
Recovery Manager
A-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Client Components
Administrator Edition
Oracle9i Client Administrator includes the components in the Oracle9i Client
Runtime and also the following components, which are listed alphabetically. Refer
to the release notes for your platform for updates on component availability.
Advanced Queuing
Documentation for your HP OpenVMS Alpha
Object Type Translator
Oracle Advanced Security, which includes the following:
Encryption and Integrity Support, including:
DES40 Encryption
DES56 Encryption
3DES_112 Encryption (2-key option)
3DES_168 Integrity (3-key option)
MD5 Integrity
RC4_40 Encryption
RC4_56 Encryption
RC4_128 Encryption
RC4_256 Integrity
SHA-1 Integrity
Oracle9i Products A-11
Oracle9i Client Components
Thin JDBC Java-based Encryption Support, including:
DES40 Encryption
DES56 Encryption
MD5 Integrity
RC4_40 Encryption
RC4_56 Encryption
RC4_128 Encryption
RC4_256 Integrity
SHA-1 Integrity
Authentication Support, including:
Kerberos (with SSO support)
SSL (with X.509 version 3) (with SSO support)
Note: Kerberos is installable through the Custom installation
Authentication Methods window.
Enterprise User Security, including:
Oracle Wallet Manager
Note: Oracle Wallet Manager is a feature of Oracle Advanced
Security. You can only use it, if you purchase an Oracle Advanced
Security license.
Oracle Call Interface
Oracle Dynamic Services Server
Oracle Enterprise Manager, which includes the following:
A-12 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i Client Components
Oracle JDBC Drivers, which include the following:
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC Thin Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.1
Oracle JDBC/OCI Driver for JDK 1.2
Oracle Net
Oracle SQLJ, which includes the following:
SQLJ Runtime
SQLJ Translator
Oracle Universal Installer, which includes the following:
Oracle’s Java Runtime Environment version
Oracle Utilities, which includes the following:
Recovery Manager
Oracle XML Developer’s Kit
Oracle XML SQL Utility
Pro*COBOL 1.8.75
Pro*COBOL 9.0.1
Pro*FORTRAN 1.8.75
SQL*Module Ada
Oracle9i Products A-13
Product Descriptions
Product Descriptions
The following list provides descriptions and release numbers for products that are
available for installation. Some of the described products are automatically
installed with other products. Refer to the release notes for your platform for
updates on component availability.
The list format is as follows:
1. Product and release
For more information, refer to...
Product Descriptions
1. Oracle Diagnostics Pack release 9.0.1
The Oracle Diagnostics Pack extends Oracle Enterprise Manager to enable the
monitoring, diagnosing, and capacity planning of the multi-tiered Oracle server
environment. The Diagnostics Pack provides discovery and graphical
representation of targets, such as databases or nodes, automated collection of
performance and resource usage data, and central monitoring and
administration of remote systems using intelligent agents.
For more information, refer to Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack.
2. Oracle Standard Management Pack release 9.0.1
The Oracle Standard Management Pack combines the diagnostic, tuning, and
change management functions of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Management
Packs into one pack for smaller business enterprises that use the standard
edition of the database, such as Oracle8i or Oracle9i. This pack monitors and
diagnoses problems, tunes high impact indexes and tracks, and compares
changes in the Oracle software environment. The Oracle Standard
Management Pack includes the following applications: Oracle Performance
Manager, Oracle Index Tuning Wizard, Oracle Create Baseline, Oracle Compare
Database Objects, and Oracle Advanced Database and Node Events.
For more information, refer to Getting Started with the Oracle Standard
Management Pack.
A-14 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Descriptions
3. Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications release 9.0.1
The Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications extends Oracle
Enterprise Manager to enable administrators to correlate all tiers of their Oracle
Applications deployment. This deployment extends from Oracle
Applications-specific Concurrent Processing down through the middle tier to
the database and node.
For more information, refer to Getting Started with the Oracle Management Pack for
Oracle Applications.
4. Oracle Tuning Pack release 9.0.1
The Oracle Tuning Pack provides advanced tools that focus on tuning the
highest impact database performance areas, such as application SQL, indexing
strategies, instance parameters controlling I/O, SGA performance and object
sizing, placement, and reorganization. The applications that are included in
the Oracle Tuning Pack are Oracle SQL Analyze, Oracle Expert, Outline Editor,
Outline Management, Oracle Index, Tuning Wizard, Reorg Wizard, and the
Tablespace Map.
For more information, refer to Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack.
5. Oracle Enterprise Manager Quick Tours release 9.0.1
These quick tours are HTML-based training tools for learning Oracle Enterprise
Manager products.
For more information, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator’s Guide.
6. Oracle HTTP Server Powered By Apache release
Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache provides a pre configured,
ready-to-use listener.
Note: Oracle HTTP Server replaces Oracle Application Server
For more information, refer to Apache documentation.
Oracle9i Products A-15
Product Descriptions
7. Oracle Integration Server release
Oracle Integration Server is a suite of installable components that Oracle
Corporation designed to transform traditional businesses into e-businesses. It
integrates and facilitates communication among the various applications
(including CRM, ERP, business-to-business internet marketplaces, and auction
sites) that form an e-business. Oracle Integration Server consists of the
following components:
Advanced Replication
Oracle Advanced Security
Oracle9i database (with Advanced Queuing and Oracle9i JVM)
For information on Oracle Applications InterConnect (OAI), refer to the Oracle
generic documentation
8. Oracle Intelligent Agent release
Oracle Intelligent Agent monitors targets on a managed node for registered
events and scheduled jobs that are sent by the Console.
Oracle Intelligent Agent also collects statistical data for Capacity Planner and
Performance Manager, which are data-collecting applications in the Oracle
Diagnostics Pack.
For more information, refer to Oracle Intelligent Agent User’s Guide.
9. Oracle interMedia Image release (Installed with Oracle interMedia,
formerly Oracle Image Cartridge)
Oracle interMedia Image provides for the storage, retrieval and processing of
two-dimensional, static bitmapped images. Images are stored efficiently using
popular compression schemes in industry-standard desktop publishing image
interchange formats.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i interMedia Audio, Image, and Video User’s
Guide and Reference.
A-16 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Descriptions
10. Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Drivers release
Oracle JDBC Drivers are a standard set of Java classes, specified by JavaSoft,
that provide vendor-independent access to relational data.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i JDBC Developer’s Guide and Reference.
11. Oracle Java Tools release
Oracle Java Tools provides tools to build and deploy Java stored procedures
with Oracle Java Virtual Machine.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference.
12. Oracle Locale Builder release 9.0.1
Oracle Locale Builder simplifies manipulation of National Language Support
locale data definitions. It provides a graphical user interface for viewing,
modifying, and defining locale-specific data.
For more information, refer to Oracle Globalization Support Guide.
13. Oracle Locator release (Installed with Oracle interMedia)
Oracle Locator enables Oracle9i to support online Internet-based geocoding
facilities for locator applications and proximity queries.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Spatial User’s Guide and Reference.
14. Oracle Management Server release 9.0.1
Oracle Management Server is the middle tier of Oracle Enterprise Manager. It
provides centralized intelligence and distribution control between clients and
managed nodes. The Oracle Management Server relies on a database
repository that maintains system data, application data, and the state of the
managed targets that are distributed throughout the environment.
For more information, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Oracle9i Products A-17
Product Descriptions
15. Oracle Names release
Oracle Names is a distributed naming service developed for Oracle
environments to help simplify the setup and administration of global,
client/server computing networks. It establishes and maintains an integrated
system of Names servers.
Oracle Names servers work like a directory service, storing addresses for all the
database services on a network and making them available to clients that want
to make a connection.
For more information, refer to Oracle Net Administrator’s Guide.
16. Oracle Net release
Oracle Net provides products that enable client connections to databases across
a network. A client-side application sends a request to Oracle Net to be
transported across the network to the server.
Oracle Net (not Oracle Universal Installer) installs TCP/IP and Named Pipes.
For more information, refer to Oracle Net Administrator’s Guide.
17. Oracle Net Listener release
Oracle Net Listener accepts connections (through a protocol) from client
applications on the network.
Note: Oracle Net Listener is not installable through any Oracle9i
Client installation types.
Oracle Net clients communicate with Oracle servers through net service
names. Oracle Net resolves net service names using the following naming
Directory Names
Host Names
Local Names
Oracle Names
For more information, refer to Oracle Net Administrator’s Guide.
A-18 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Descriptions
18. Oracle Partitioning release
Oracle Partitioning provides more control in managing tables and indexes by
directing all maintenance operations to individual partitions rather than to
tables and index names.
Note: This product requires a separate license.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Concepts and Oracle9i Data Warehousing
19. Oracle PL/SQL Gateway release
The PL/SQL Gateway provides support for building and deploying
PL/SQL-based applications on the web. PL/SQL stored procedures retrieve
data from database tables and generate HTTP responses. You can deploy the
gateway in the following manner:
mod_plsql: This configuration supports running in a stateless mode in
which each HTTP request maps to a new database session. This is the
recommended configuration if you want to develop stateless
PL/SQL-based web applications.
For more information, refer to Oracle Internet Application Server Release: Using
mod_plsql and to Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for
HP OpenVMS Alpha
20. Oracle Real Application Clusters release 9.0.1
Oracle Real Application Clusters is an option that enables the database to run in
clustered systems. Oracle instances in the nodes of the cluster provide shared
access to the single database. A clustered database enhances scalability and
high availability for all types of applications.
Note: This product requires a separate license.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Installation and
Oracle9i Products A-19
Product Descriptions
21. Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard release 9.0.1
Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard is an optional feature that provides
enhanced high availability for clusters. Oracle Real Applications Clusters
Guard supports a primary or secondary configuration with rapid failover and
minimal overhead.
For more information, refer to Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard
Administration and Reference Guide.
22. Oracle Spatial release
Oracle Spatial provides data management for location data, including
information regarding addresses, road networks. and sales territories. Oracle
Spatial provides powerful spatial type management, indexing methods. and
spatial operators for the deployment of location-based services. and it extends
the capabilities of existing Oracle-based applications.
Note: This product requires a separate license.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Spatial User’s Guide and Reference.
23. Oracle Spatial Index Advisor release 9.0.1 (installed with Oracle Enterprise
Manager Integrated Applications)
This component helps to analyze and tune spatial indexes on data. Use it to
determine if indexes are properly defined for optimum query performance.
You can also use it to visually inspect the distribution of the data.
For more information, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide.
A-20 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Descriptions
24. Oracle SQLJ release
Oracle SQLJ provides a standard method to embed SQL statements in Java
programs. Oracle SQLJ consists of the following components:
a. Oracle SQLJ Runtime release (Installed with SQLJ)
Oracle SQLJ Runtime is a thin layer of pure Java code that runs above the
JDBC driver. When Oracle SQLJ translates your SQLJ source code using
standard SQLJ code generation, embedded SQL commands in your Java
application are replaced by calls to the SQLJ runtime. When you run the
application, the SQLJ runtime acts as an intermediary, reading information
about your SQL operations from your profile and passing instructions
along to the JDBC driver.
b. Oracle SQLJ Translator release 9.0.1 (Installed with SQLJ)
Oracle SQLJ Translator is a preprocessor for Java programs that contain
embedded SQL statements. It converts the SQL statements to JDBC calls.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference.
25. Oracle Text release (formerly Oracle interMedia Text)
Oracle Text uses standard SQL to index, to search, and to analyze text and
documents that are stored in the Oracle database, in files, and on the Web.
Oracle Text analyzes document themes and gists, and it searches text using
various search strategies. It also renders search results in several formats, and
it analyzes and indexes most document formats with over 150 document
filters. Oracle Text supports approximately 39 languages. It bulk loads
documents in the database with SQL*Loader.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Text Reference and Oracle Text Application
Developer’s Guide.
26. Oracle Text Manager release 9.0.1 (Installed with Oracle Enterprise Manager
Integrated Applications)
OracleText Manager is an application for managing Oracle Text functionality.
For more information, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide.
27. Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) release
Oracle Universal Installer is a Java-based application that lets you quickly
install, update, and remove Oracle products.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Installation Guide and Oracle Universal
Installer Concepts Guide.
Oracle9i Products A-21
Product Descriptions
28. Oracle Utilities release
Oracle Utilities consists of the following products for database administration:
Export Utility
Import Utility
Migration Utility
Password Utility Recovery Manager
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Utilities.
29. Oracle Wallet Manager release 9.0.1
Oracle Wallet Manager stores and manages public-key security credentials for
clients and servers. It generates a public-private key pair and creates a
certificate request for submission to a certificate authority.
For more information, refer to Oracle Advanced Security Administrator’s Guide.
30. Oracle XML Developer’s Kit release
This kit consists of a set of APIs for parsing and generating XML data. These
interfaces have been written for Java, C, and PL/SQL. This kit consists of the
following components:
XML Parser for Java
XML Parser for C
XML Parser for PL/SQL
XML Class Generator for Java
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Application Developer’s Guide - XML and
Oracle9i XML Reference.
A-22 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Descriptions
31. Oracle9i Advanced Analytic Services — Data Mining release 9.0.1
Oracle9i Advanced Analytic Services — Data Mining, which is embedded in the
Oracle9i database, enables you to build integrated business intelligence
applications with complete programmatic control of data mining functions that
deliver powerful, scalable modeling and real-time scoring. All model-building
and scoring functions are accessible through a Java-based API. Data Mining
enables e-businesses to incorporate predictions and classifications throughout
all customer interactions and business processes.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Advanced Analytic Services — Data Mining
Administrator’s Guide and Oracle9i Advanced Analytic Services — Data Mining
32. Oracle9i JVM Enterprise Edition release
The Oracle9i JVM includes Oracle Java Virtual Machine, CORBA 2.0 Object
Request Broker, Machine, embedded JDBC drivers, SQLJ translator.
For more information, refer to Oracle9i Java Developer’s Guide.
33. Oracle9i Server release
Oracle9i Server is the database component of Oracle9i.
For more information, refer to Getting to K Now Oracle9i.
34. Pro*C/C++ release
Pro*C/C++ takes SQL statements that are embedded in C and C++ programs
and converts them to standard C code. When you precompile this code, the
result is a C or C++ program that you can compile and use to build applications
that access an Oracle database.
Note: This product requires a separate license as a part of Oracle
For more information, refer to Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer’s Guide.
Oracle9i Products A-23
Product Descriptions
35. Pro*COBOL release 1.8.76 and release 9.0.1
Pro*COBOL takes SQL statements that are embedded in a COBOL program and
converts them to standard COBOL code. When you precompile this code, the
result is a COBOL program that you can compile and use to build applications
that access an Oracle database.
Note: This product requires a separate license as a part of Oracle
For more information, refer to Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer’s Guide.
36. Pro*FORTRAN release 1.8.76 and release 9.0.1
Pro*FORTRAN takes SQL statements that are embedded in a FORTRAN
program and converts them to standard FORTRAN code. When you
precompile this code, the result is a FORTRAN program that you can compile
and use to build applications that access an Oracle database.
Note: This product requires a separate license as a part of Oracle
For more information, refer to Pro*Fortran Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers
37. SQL*Module Ada release
SQL*Module Ada takes SQL statements that are embedded in an Ada program
and converts them to standard Ada code. When you precompile this code, the
result is an Ada program that you can compile and use to build applications
that access an Oracle database.
Note: This product requires a separate license as a part of Oracle
For more information, refer to SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide.
A-24 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Product Descriptions
38. SQL*Plus release
SQL*Plus is a command line interface that enables you to use SQL and PL/SQL
database languages with an Oracle database.
For more information, refer to SQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference.
39. SQL*Plus Worksheet release 9.0.1 (Installed with Oracle Enterprise Manager)
SQL*Plus Worksheet is a graphical user interface for manually entering SQL,
PL/SQL and DBA commands or for running stored scripts.
For more information, refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator’s Guide.
40. TCP/IP Protocol Support release
TCP/IP Protocol Support enables client/server conversation over a network
using TCP/IP and Oracle Net. This combination of Oracle products enables an
Oracle application on a client to communicate with remote Oracle databases
through TCP/IP (if the Oracle database is running on a host system that
supports network communication using TCP/IP).
Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) Support is available in TCP/IP networks.
Connection Pooling is available only with MTS on TCP/IP networks.
For more information, refer to Oracle Net Administrator’s Guide.
41. XML Development Kit (an Oracle version) release
XML Development Kit is required for integrating and running XML
applications with the database.
No applicable reference is available.
Oracle9i Products A-25
Product Descriptions
A-26 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
Topics covered in this appendix are:
Introduction to the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
Suggested Parameter Settings
Other Recommendations
Attention: The 64-bit feature is a standard feature of Oracle9i for
HP OpenVMS Alpha and cannot be de-installed. 64-bit feature
tuning is under constant revision. Therefore, this information
will be updated as further tuning suggestions are realized.
Oracle9i 64-bit Feature B-1
Introduction to the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
This section includes the following information:
Introducing the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
Benefits of the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
Implementation of the Oracle 64-bit Feature on HP OpenVMS Alpha
Introducing the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
The Oracle 64-bit feature provides the ability to support Very Large Memory (VLM)
system configurations with large amounts of RAM.
Benefits of the Oracle9i 64-bit Feature
The primary benefit of the 64-bit feature is "performance", because many operations
can now run at memory speed instead of disk speed. With larger amounts of data
in memory, the database issues fewer calls to disk, thus eliminating the delay of
disk I/O.
Oracle’s 64-bit feature also provides the advantage of "scalability", to support larger
number of users and larger amounts of data. The system does not need to swap
data in and out of memory to process all of the transaction requests and can more
effectively accommodate requests for larger amounts of data.
The 64-bit feature can benefit both query-intensive (DSS) and read-write (OLTP)
transactions. For DSS, the database feature provides particular advantage for index
builds, full table scans, ad hoc queries, and multi-way joins. For OLTP, the feature
provides the ability to support very large tables, large amounts of data, and large
numbers of users.
Implementation of the Oracle 64-bit Feature on HP OpenVMS Alpha
Starting with release, HP OpenVMS Alpha supported the Very Large
Memory (VLM) 64-bit feature. The HP OpenVMS Alpha operating system has
native 64-bit memory addressing, which allows Oracle9i to implement the 64-bit
feature. The need to estimate the maximum System Global Area (SGA) at
installation time is now eliminated and process startup times are faster. The Server
no longer includes an SGAPAD.
By default, SGA creation uses the support which first appeared in the
HP OpenVMS Alpha version 7.1 operating system that allows the creation of global
B-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Suggested Parameter Settings
sections that are not backed by any file. These global sections are not pageable and
do not require a backing file.
Suggested Parameter Settings
1. Big Oracle Blocks (BOB) provide the ability to support larger I/O transfers
between memory and disk. BOB complements large SGA configurations,
because BOB allows the system to move data faster between memory and disk.
With VLM configurations, system performance depends directly on the ability
of the system to move database blocks into the SGA as efficiently as possible.
Without the benefits of improved data transfer, performance can decline.
For a pure decision support system (DSS) application, you may wish to choose
a large value (such as 32K) for DB_BLOCK_SIZE. For an OLTP type of
application, choose a lower value (such as, 2K or 4K). The larger the DB_
BLOCK_SIZE, the more serious the impact on single-row lookups.
2. Configure the size of the Oracle buffer cache such that it will provide the best
possible cache hit ratio without affecting memory requirements of other Oracle
and system processes.
For example, for a 3 GB buffer cache, with DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8192, set DB_
3. To enable Cost Based Optimizer (CBO), set:
optimizer_mode = choose
To use CBO, make sure all the tables and indexes are analyzed so that the
statistics are up-to-date. Use the SQL*Plus commands "analyze ...estimate" for
large tables and "analyze index ... compute statistics" for indexes.
Note: When no statistics are gathered or available, the Rule-based
Optimizer (RBO) is used.
Note: Ensure the query does not use the rule hint (/*+ rule */).
Otherwise the CBO will be disabled.
4. Set the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter with care. SORT_AREA_SIZE is the
space used in Program Global Area (PGA) for each sort executed by each Oracle
process. If the value is too high, the PGA will use excessive memory when
sorting. The default value (512 K) is usually sufficient.
Oracle9i 64-bit Feature B-3
Other Recommendations
Check statistics, such as V$SYSSTAT, to see if the number of sorts to disk is high
compared to in-memory sorts. If it is, then increase the value of SORT_AREA_
Other Recommendations
Check the size in number of rows of the tables involved in the query, and translate
this size into total number of blocks. Based on the query, try to fit as many of the
hard hit table blocks in DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS.
For example, if there are four tables involved in the query, but columns from one of
the tables are used repeatedly in the "where" clause in joins, "in", etc.; try to fit as
many blocks from this table as possible into the cache to see if
DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS can be increased. To ensure the hard hit tables are cached
and stay in the most recently used (MRU) end of the cache, perform either of the
following steps:
Type (using SQLPLUS),
alter table <tablename> cache
At the time of creation,
create table <tablename> ... cache
If there are enough buffers to accommodate all blocks from all tables involved in the
query, use the alter command to cache all the blocks. The purpose is to cache most
blocks into memory to ensure that I/O to disks is eliminated or remains low.
B-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Oracle Transparent Gateway
This chapter describes how to install the gateway software from the distribution
CD-ROM. The following topics are included:
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
Installing Oracle Transparent Gateway
Removing Oracle Transparent Gateway
Oracle Transparent Gateway C-1
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
Review your system hardware and software to ensure that it meets requirements,
and then determine gateway configuration before you install the gateway.
Gateway components can be located on one platform or distributed over several
Oracle Corporation supports the software configurations that are described in this
section as long as the underlying system software products are supported by their
These gateways are shippped on the server CD-ROM and are built with Oracle
libraries. The operating system requirements for the gateways are therefore the
same as that for the Oracle database. Refer to Chapter 1, "Oracle9i Installation
Planning" and Chapter 2, "Release Information" for the database requirements.
The requirements for Oracle networking on the gateway computer are Oracle Net
Server release 9.2.0. The requirements for Oracle networking on the Oracle
database server computer are Oracle Net Client release 9.2.0.
The requirements for RMS are RMS release xxxxx, where xxxxx is the complete
version of OpenVMS that is listed as the supported version for the gateway.
Use the installation worksheet that is provided for your configuration to ensure that
"RDB Gateway Requirements"
"RMS Gateway Requirements"
"Tested Gateway Configurations"
"Gateway Installation Worksheets"
Reference Documents
Oracle Transparent Gateway for Rdb Administrator’s Guide Release 9.0.1 on Alpha
Oracle Transparent Gateway for RMS Administrator’s Guide Release 9.0.1 on Alpha
C-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
RDB Gateway Requirements
Table C–1 describes the hardware and software requirements for an RDB gateway.
Use it to ensure that your system meets requirements to create a gateway for RDB.
Table C–1 RDB Gateway Requirements
A HP Alpha workstation running the required version of OpenVMS
26 MB of real memory is recommended to support the gateway. The
total real memory requirement for the concurrent use of the gateway
depends on the following factors:
The SQL statement issued by the user
The number of cursors currently opened against RDB
The number of columns in the table being accessed
CD-ROM Drive An internal or external CD-ROM drive
Disk Space
200 MB
HP OpenVMS 7.3
System Patch
Use the latest patch kit from Hewlett-Packard. Hewlett-Packard
provides patch information at:
Oracle Net
Oracle Net on HP OpenVMS is developed and certified using
Hewlett-Packard TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX). If you wish
to use the TCP/IP protocol adapter for Oracle Net, you should have
version 5.1 ECO 4 or higher of TCP/IP Services for HP OpenVMS Alpha
installed. TCP/IP protocol stacks from other vendors may work with
Oracle, but customers use these products at their own risk. Any TCP/IP
problems that cannot be reproduced using TCP/IP Services for
HP OpenVMS Alpha will be referred to the TCP/IP vendor.
Vendor-provided protocol services are usually upward compatible, so
that existing applications will continue to work without modification.
Thus, later releases of TCP/IP are upward compatible with Oracle Net,
provided that the vendor-specified Application Programming Interface
(API) does not change with new releases.
Oracle Database Oracle9i Enterprise Edition server release 2 (
Oracle database server can reside on any supported platform.
Oracle Transparent Gateway C-3
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
Table C–1 RDB Gateway Requirements (Cont.)
On gateway machine:
Oracle Net Server release 9.2
Oracle Adapter for Named Pipes or TCP/IP
The following are required on the Oracle database server machine:
Oracle Net Client release 9.2
Oracle Adapter for Named Pipes or TCP/IP
Oracle Net products are included on the distribution CD-ROM.
Oracle Net or Oracle Net Client and the Oracle Adapter must be installed
on the machine where the Oracle database server is installed. Oracle Net
Server and the Oracle Adapter must be installed on the machine where
the gateway is installed.
RDB release
RMS Gateway Requirements
Table C–2 describes the hardware and software requirements for an RMS gateway.
Use it to ensure that your system meets requirements to create a gateway for the
Oracle Transparent Gateway for RMS.
Table C–2 RMS Gateway Requirements
A HP Alpha workstation running the required version of OpenVMS
26 MB of real memory is recommended to support the gateway. The
total real memory requirement for the concurrent use of the gateway
depends on the following factors:
The SQL statement issued by the user
The number of cursors currently opened against RMS
The number of columns in the table that is being accessed
CD-ROM Drive An internal or external CD-ROM drive
Disk Space 200 MB
C-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
Table C–2 RMS Gateway Requirements (Cont.)
HP OpenVMS 7.3
System Patch
Use the latest patch kit from Hewlett-Packard. Hewlett-Packard provides
patch information at:
Oracle Net
Oracle Net on HP OpenVMS is developed and certified using
Hewlett-Packard TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX). If you wish
to use the TCP/IP protocol adapter for Oracle Net, then you should have
version 5.1 ECO 4 or higher of TCP/IP Services for HP OpenVMS Alpha
installed. TCP/IP protocol stacks from other vendors may work with
Oracle software, but customers use these products at their own risk.
Any TCP/IP problems that cannot be reproduced using TCP/IP Services
for HP OpenVMS Alpha will be referred to the TCP/IP vendor.
Vendor-provided protocol services are usually upward compatible, so
that existing applications will continue to work without modification.
Thus, later releases of TCP/IP are upward compatible with Oracle Net,
provided that the vendor-specified Application Programming Interface
(API) does not change with new releases.
Oracle Database Oracle9i Enterprise Edition server release 2 (
Oracle database server can reside on any supported platform.
On gateway machine:
Oracle Net Server release 9.2
Oracle Adapter for Named Pipes or TCP/IP
The following are required on the Oracle database server machine:
Oracle Net Client release 9.2
Oracle Adapter for Named Pipes or TCP/IP
Oracle Net products are included on the distribution CD-ROM.
Oracle Net or Oracle Net Client and the Oracle Adapter must be installed
on the machine where the Oracle database server is installed. Oracle Net
Server and the Oracle Adapter must be installed on the machine where
the gateway is installed.
RMS release
Oracle Transparent Gateway C-5
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
Tested Gateway Configurations
The following gateway configurations have been tested by Oracle Corporation at
the time of this document release. Oracle Corporation continues to provide
support for the most recent releases of Oracle and non-Oracle systems in a timely
Gateway and Operating System
RDB release
RMS release
tg4rdb release 9.2 running on HP OpenVMS Alpha
tg4rms release 9.2 running on HP OpenVMS Alpha
See Also: Oracle Corporation continually updates supported
gateway configurations. For the latest supported configuration
information, either contact Oracle Support Services or visit the
following web site:
Gateway Installation Worksheets
Select the worksheet in one of the following tables that is appropriate for your
system. Use the values (that you enter) as a reference during the configuration
"RDB Gateway Worksheet"
"RMS Gateway Worksheet"
C-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
System Requirements for Oracle Transparent Gateway
RDB Gateway Worksheet
Enter your system values in the following Table C–3 to prepare for an RDB gateway
Table C–3 RDB Gateway Installation Worksheet
Oracle database server machine name
Oracle database server platform (OS and its version number)
$ORACLE_HOMEof Oracle database server (full path name)
Gateway machine name
Gateway machine platform (OS and its version number)
$ORACLE_HOMEof the gateway (full path name)
Location of RDB database to which the gateway will connect
RMS Gateway Worksheet
Enter your system values in the following Table C–4 to prepare for an RMS gateway
Table C–4 RMS Gateway Installation Worksheet
Oracle database server machine name
Oracle database server platform (OS and its version number)
$ORACLE_HOME of Oracle database server (full path name)
Gateway machine name
Gateway machine platform (OS and its version number)
$ORACLE_HOMEof the gateway (full path name)
Oracle Transparent Gateway C-7
Installing Oracle Transparent Gateway
Installing Oracle Transparent Gateway
Use the following procedures and tables to install Oracle Transparent Gateway.
Mounting Transparent Gateway from the CD-ROM
Install the gateway software from the CD-ROM as follows:
1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.
Note: Complete instructions for mounting and running the Oracle
"Installation" to find complete mounting and starting instructions
for your platform.
2. Install the gateway by responding to installation prompts as indicated for your
platform in "Installation Prompts for Transparent Gateway".
Installation Prompts for Transparent Gateway
The Oracle Universal Installer screens and the sequence in which they appear
depend on your platform. Select the installation prompt section that corresponds
to the gateway that you wish to install.
"Installation Prompts for RDB Gateway"
"Installation Prompts for RMS Gateway"
C-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Removing Oracle Transparent Gateway
Installation Prompts for RDB Gateway
Response) as a guide during your gateway
Location of RDB database:
Enter the complete path for RDB database.
Follow the instructions in the Response column for each entry in the Screen
column. When you have completed the responses, follow the instructions in section
"Completing RDB Gateway Installation" on page C-9.
Completing RDB Gateway Installation
When the Summary screen appears, click Install.
Verify that the installation was successful after the Oracle Universal Installer
confirms that the installation has been completed. Check the contents of the
installActions.log file located in the orainventory_location:[logs]
Installation Prompts for RMS Gateway
There are no installation prompts for the RMS gateway.
Removing Oracle Transparent Gateway
Remove the gateway as follows:
1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.
2. Click the De-install Products button on the Welcome window or the Installed
Products ... button that is available on any Oracle Universal Installer window.
The Inventory window appears and displays a list of installed products.
3. Click to select the gateway product in the Inventory window and click Remove.
Only the files that were copied into the ORACLE_HOME directory during the
gateway installation are automatically removed. You must manually remove
all other related files.
Oracle Transparent Gateway C-9
Removing Oracle Transparent Gateway
C-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Post-Installation Checklist
Post-Installation Checklist
After you configure the Oracle HTTP Server, perform the following tasks to ensure
a successful startup:
Check Disk Quota
Each of these tasks is explained below. Once you have completed them, you can
test the installation by starting the Oracle HTTP Server.
After the installation, run SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM (AUTOGEN) to evaluate
your system parameters and make adjustments based on your hardware
configuration and system workload. On the Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS,
AUTOGEN will probably increase the page file size and the number of swap file
Check Disk Quota
If the disk quota is too low, the Oracle HTTP Server will not start. Either raise the
disk quota for the user account ORACLE, or grant the account the EXQUOTA
privilege, thus allowing it to bypass disk quota restrictions. Use the following
$ SHOW QUOTA/USER=[server-uic]/DISK=device-name
When the Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS is started, the following login files are
SYLOGIN.COM (system login file)
LOGIN.COM (login file for ORACLE)
Check these files to make sure that any SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE statements are
executed only in INTERACTIVE mode. For example:
D-2 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Test the Installation
Failure to do so might result in ill-formed HTML intermittently being returned to
clients. This problem might also appear when executing CGI scripts.
Test the Installation
Now you will manually start the Oracle HTTP Server to verify the installation and
configuration of the server. Enter the following command:
Browser Test
You can test the installation using your web browser. Replace host.domain in the
following URL with the information for the Oracle HTTP Server you just installed:
If this is a new installation, the browser should display the standard introductory
page with the following bold text at the top:
"If you see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server
software on this system successful."
The Apache logo is displayed at the bottom.
You can also use TELNET on the local host to test the installation. Use the
following procedure:
1. Enter the following command:
$ TELNET 0 80
The following text is displayed:
%TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying ...
%TELNET-I-SESSION, Session 01, host localhost, port 80
-TELNET-I-ESCAPE, Escape character is ^]
2. Press ENTER and enter the following HTTP command:
3. Press ENTER twice.
Text similar to the following is displayed:
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-3
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 17:05:05 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.12 (OpenVMS)
Last-Modified: Mon, 22 May 2000 15:33:27 GMT
ETag: "33dfec-681-39295347"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 1665
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
%TELNET-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed
-TELNET-I-SESSION, Session 01, host localhost, port 80
If you do not receive a response from the Oracle HTTP Server, check the following:
Look in your SYLOGIN.COM file and make sure there is no SET
TERMINAL/INQUIRE statement for NETWORK processes.
Look for the following files:
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Starting and Stopping the Server
To startup the Oracle HTTP Server, enter the following command:
$ APACHECTL startup
To stop the Oracle HTTP Server, enter the following command:
Server Log File
The server log file for APACHE$WWW is written to:
D-4 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Performance Considerations
You should have prior experience tuning the performance of the OpenVMS
operating system. For general information on OpenVMS performance, see the
OpenVMS Performance Management Manual at the following URL:
Recommendations for improving performance on a Oracle HTTP Server are
provided below and in the Release Notes:
Limits and Quotas
The following table shows sample values for the ORACLE Account from a working
and exercised Oracle HTTP Server with a light to moderate load. These values are
presented as an example of a system performing well within its context. If you
should experience performance difficulties, refer to this table for guidelines in
making adjustments. For heavier loads, we point out which values, in our
experience, need to be increased as load increases. Keep in mind that no one set of
values will be appropriate for all situations.
Table D–1 Sample Values for the ORACLE Account
On Hewlett-Packard Web Server
ASTLM (NonPooled)
Total number of asynchronous
system trap (AST) operations and
scheduled wake-up requests the
user can have queued at one time
BIOLM (NonPooled)
Number of outstanding buffered
I/O operations permitted for a
user’s process
You might also need to increase the
because it limits BIOLM,DIOLM, and
BYTLM (Pooled)
Amount of buffer space a user’s
process can use
Increase this value for a heavy load.
FILLM and CHANNELCNT should be
increased to match each other.
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-5
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Table D–1 Sample Values for the ORACLE Account (Cont.)
On Hewlett-Packard Web Server
DIOLM (NonPooled)
Number of outstanding direct
I/O operations permitted to a
user’s process
You might also need to increase the
because it limits BIOLM,DIOLM, and
ENGLM (Pooled)
Specifies the lock queue limit
FILLM (Pooled)
Number of files a user’s process
Increase this value for a heavy load.
You might also need to increase the
because it limits BIOLM,DIOLM, and
can have opened at one time.
Includes the number of network
logical links that can be active at
the same time
JTQUOTA (Pooled)
Byte quota for the job-wide
logical name table
PGFLQUO (Pooled)
Number of pages the user’s
process can use in the system
page file
If you increase PGFLQUO, you should
monitor the free size of the system page
and swap files; they may need to be
PRNumber of subprocesses a
user’s process can createCLM
You should increase this value for a
heavy load.
TQELM (Pooled)
Number of entries a user’s
process can have in the timer
queue or the number of
temporary common event flag
clusters a user’s process can have
To change the quotas for the Oracle Account SYSUAF, use the system manager
account and run the AUTHORIZE utility. For example:
D-6 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 64000
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0
Prclm: 8 DIOlm: 150 WSdef: 2000
%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated
Server Experiencing Medium to High Usage
After you install the server and have been running it, look in the log file for errors of
the "cannot open" variety. Errors of this type often indicate you need to modify
system parameters. Try the following:
Set FILLM to limit the number of files a user process can have open.
Set the SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT to 1024 (unless it is already set to a
higher value).
Note: Whenever you change system parameters, you must reboot
the system to enable the new settings.
Global Pages and Global Sections
If a browser installation stalls, then this could be an indication that the number of
global pages or global sections is too low. Run AUTOGEN to evaluate the number
of global pages and global sections that you need. Some browsers might need
Excessive File Build Up
A large number of .LOG and .PID files can amass over time in the directories
APACHE$ROOT:[0000000] and APACHE$ROOT:[LOGS]. Purging these files can
become a burden on application or system managers.
System managers should manually use explicit SET DIRECTORY/VERSION
commands on these two directories.
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-7
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Customizing the Server Environment
The installation procedure creates a file named HTTPD.CONF and places it in
APACHE$ROOT:[CONF]. The HTTPD.CONFfile stores information that the Oracle
HTTP Server uses to set up the server environment. HTTPD.CONF has been
tailored to use OpenVMS syntax, but its overall functionality is essentially identical
to HTTPD.CONFon the UNIX platform.
HTTPD.CONF contains an explanation for each line that it can execute. You can
refer to these explanations when customizing the file for your environment. You
can also refer to any generally available Apache documentation on HTTPD.CONF.
Note the following about HTTPD.CONFon OpenVMS:
MOD_OSUSCRIPT has been added to enable CGI scripts that were originally
written for the OSU server.
UNIX-style path names are recognized by OpenVMS. You can use either
UNIX-style or OpenVMS-style path names in the configuration file. However,
you cannot intermix the two styles within a specification.
In an OpenVMS Cluster, you can specify either clusterwide or system-specific
How to Configure Apache
Perform the following steps to configure Apache to run while using an account
other than the 'oracle'account:
1. Modify the configuration file HTTPD.CONF to include the following line:
User <username>
2. Modify APACHEUSER.COM to define logical APACHE_USERNAME to the
required username. Make sure that the username is exactly the same as
the entry in the httpd.conffile.
3. Restart the Apache Server if it is already running.
Modules and Directives
Following is a list of the modules included in the Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS
distribution kit. The list shows the directives supported in each module. All
supported modules and directives function as documented by the Apache Software
Foundation at the following web site:
D-8 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-9
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
D-10 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-11
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
D-12 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-13
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Supported and Unsupported Features
The server documentation from the Apache Software Foundation at the following
web site:
provides most of the information needed to run your Oracle HTTP Server for
OpenVMS. Information specific to the OpenVMS operating system is provided
Modules Not Included
The following modules are not included in this version of the Oracle HTTP Server
for OpenVMS kit:
D-14 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Unsupported Directives
The following directives are not supported:
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-15
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
D-16 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Command Line Options
This section describes the HTTPD command line options supported on the Oracle
HTTP Server. Before you can use them you must first define HTTPD as a symbol,
as follows:
Then you can use the following format to enter a command line option:
$ HTTPD -option
where -option is one of the following command line options:
Displays the HTTPD version and its build date.
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-17
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Displays the HTTPD base version, its build date, and a list of compile
settings that influence the behavior and performance of the server.
Displays a list of the HTTPD options.
Displays a list of all modules compiled into the server.
Displays a list of directives with expected arguments and places where
the directive is valid.
The following example shows how to enter the L option to list the available
configuration directives:
$ HTTPD -"L"
Virtual Host Support
The term virtual host refers to the practice of maintaining a single server to serve
pages for multiple virtual hosts. Both IP-based and name-based virtual host
support are available on the Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS.
Note: On OpenVMS, the security profile of the running server is
the same on all virtual hosts.
For more information, see the Apache Software Foundation documentation at the
following web site:
Dynamic Shared Object Support
Dynamic shared object support provides a method to format code so that it will
load into the address space of an executable program at run time. This
functionality is supported on OpenVMS. For more information, see the Apache
Software Foundation documentation at the following web site:
File Handlers
The Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS supports the ability to use file handlers
explicitly. For more information, see the Apache Software Foundation
documentation at the following web site:
D-18 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Content Negotiation
The MOD_NEGOTIATION module provides content negotiation. This module lets
you specify language variants of HTML files. To specify language variants on
OpenVMS, use an underscore instead of a period before the language extension.
For example:
On UNIX, filename.html.fris the French variant of filename.html.
On OpenVMS, filename.html_fris the French variant of filename.html.
For more information, see the Apache Software Foundation documentation at the
following web site:
Apache API
You can use the standard Apache API to write your own modules that will run on
the Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS. For more information, see the Apache
Software Foundation documentation at the following web site:
suEXEC Support
The suEXEC feature provides the ability to run CGI programs under user IDs
different from the user ID of the calling web server. This is not supported by the
Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS.
File Formats
All file formats are supported. However, the Web browser status bar will not show
page loading progress for logical or VFC format files larger than 8 K.
Page loading progress relies on an accurate byte count. Accurate byte count is not
readily available for files in logical or VFC format. For files in these formats, the
Oracle HTTP Server must count the bytes as the files load. The counting process
can slow performance, so it has been turned off in this situation.
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-19
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
File Naming Conventions
In general, users who are running the Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS can
specify either UNIX-style file names or OpenVMS-style file names. The Oracle
HTTP Server usually displays UNIX-style file names.
The ODS-5 volume structure, introduced in HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1,
supports long file names, allows the use of a wider range of characters within file
names, and preserves case within file names. However, the DEC C RTL that is
shipped with HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1 does not provide full support for
extended file names on ODS-5 devices. This lack of full support imposes certain
restrictions on users running the Oracle HTTP Server for HP OpenVMS Alpha.
Because mixed UNIX-style and OpenVMS-style extended file names are not yet
supported by the DEC C RTL, you might be required to use UNIX-style syntax
when interacting with the Oracle HTTP Server. An example would be appending
additional directories or a file name to a root.
The following examples illustrate mixed UNIX-style and OpenVMS-style file names
that are not supported in HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1:
You can, however, modify the last example so that it will work as an OpenVMS
extended file name that has a tilde (~) as the first character. Precede the leading
tilde (~) with the Extended File Specifications escape character (^). For example:
For more information about using the tilde (~) in OpenVMS extended file names,
see the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications at the following web site:
Mixed UNIX-style and OpenVMS-style file names will be supported in a future
release of the DEC C RTL for HP OpenVMS Alpha.
File Transfer Process and Access Control List
When performing a File Transfer Process (FTP) operation, ensure that the Access
Control List (ACL) for the target directory on the Oracle HTTP Server allows FTP
access, as follows:
When transferring new files:
D-20 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
When replacing existing files:
Logical Names
The Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS creates the following logical names, which
are listed with their descriptions in table Table D–2.
Table D–2 Oracle HTTP Server Logical Names and Their Descriptions
Logical Name
Concealed logical name that defines clusterwide files in
System executive mode logical name pointing to installed,
shareable images. Not intended to be modified by the
System executive mode logical name pointing to installed,
shareable images. Not intended to be modified by the
Used by CGI programs for PUT/POST methods of reading
the input stream.
System executive mode logical name defined during
startup and used to control access to the services provided
by the APACHE$PRIVILEGED image. Not intended to be
modified by the user.
System executive mode logical name defined during
startup and used to control access to the services provided
by the APACHE$PRIVILEGED image. Not intended to be
modified by the user.
System executive mode logical name pointing to installed,
shareable images. Not intended to be modified by the
System executive mode logical name defined during
startup that points to the top-level directory.
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-21
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Table D–2 Oracle HTTP Server Logical Names and Their Descriptions
Logical Name
Concealed logical name that defines system-specific files in
APACHE$ROOT (device:[APACHE.SPECIFIC.node-name])
System logical name that controls how CGI environment
logicals are defined in the executing CGI process. There
are three different options. Note that only one option is
available at a time.
Default. Environment logicals are defined as
local symbols and are truncated at 970 (limitable with DEC
Environment logicals are defined as local symbols
unless they are greater than 970 characters. If the
environment value is greater than 970 characters, it is
defined as a multi-item logical.
Environment logicals are defined as logicals. If
the environment value is greater than 512 characters, it is
defined as a multi-item logical.
If defined, this system logical name enables
If defined, this system logical name provides information
for troubleshooting DCL command procedure CGIs by
forcing a SET VERIFY before executing any DCL CGI. Use
If defined, this system logical name provides information
for troubleshooting the CGI environment by dumping all of
the symbols and logicals (job/process) for a given CGI.
APACHE$PREFIX_DCL_CGI_SYMBOLS_WWW If defined, this system logical name prefixes all CGI
environment logical symbols with "WWW_". By default
no prefix is used.
If defined, this system logical name causes CGI
environment symbols to be defined globally. They are
defined locally by default.
D-22 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Table D–2 Oracle HTTP Server Logical Names and Their Descriptions
Logical Name
If defined, this system logical name forces CGI images to
execute within a DCL process. The default is to execute
CGI images directly. (Note: Direct execution of CGI
images in not currently supported.)
If defined to be true (1, T, or Y), this system logical name
disables case-insensitive symbol name lookups whenever
case-sensitive lookups fail. See
If defined to be true (1, T, or Y), this system logical name
forces case-sensitive dynamic image activation symbol
lookups. By default, symbol lookups are first done in a
case-sensitive manner and then, if failed, a second attempt
is made using case-insensitive symbol lookups. This
fallback behavior can be disabled with
OpenVMS Cluster Considerations
An OpenVMS Cluster is a group of OpenVMS systems that work together as one
virtual system. The Oracle HTTP Server runs in an OpenVMS Cluster so you can
take advantage of the resource sharing that increases the availability of services and
data. Keep the following points in mind:
The Oracle HTTP Server is supported on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-2 or
The Oracle HTTP Server runs in an Alpha or a mixed-architecture cluster.
Individual System versus Clusterwide Definition
To define clusterwide versus individual configuration files, APACHE$ROOTuses the
following concealed logical names:
APACHE$COMMON defines clusterwide files.
APACHE$SPECIFIC defines system-specific files.
When reading a file, the server first looks for a system-specific version of the file in
APACHE$SPECIFIC:[directory]. If it does not find one, then it looks for a
clusterwide file in APACHE$COMMON:[directory].
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-23
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
To avoid confusion, always use the appropriate concealed logical name to specify
the file that you want to edit. For example, to edit a clusterwide version of
HTTPD.CONF,refer to:
If you referred to:
then the server would open the clusterwide file but save it as a system-specific
version. The latest version of HTTPD.CONFwould then be visible only to the
individual node on which it was saved.
Within HTTPD.CONFitself, you should make this distinction whenever you refer to
a path or to a file location. This improves performance and ensures that the server
will return a complete directory listing. For example, you should specify
The following extract, from the HTTPD.CONFfile, refers to APACHE$COMMON
because the content for the default web page is in the clusterwide directories.
DocumentRoot "/apache$common/htdocs"
<Directory "/apache$common/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
If there were content for one specific node in a cluster, the APACHE$SPECIFIC
logical name would be used.
Mixed-Architecture Cluster
In a mixed-architecture cluster, do not use a cluster alias IP address with the Oracle
HTTP Server. Because the VAX systems will not have the Oracle HTTP Server
running, they will not be able to service HTTP requests.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs execute within the DCL shell on the
Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS. Please note the following OpenVMS specific
D-24 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
CGI Environment Logical
By default, an environment logical symbol takes the form that is designated by the
name of the environment logical. You can determine how environment logicals are
set when the server executes a CGI program.
You can define the APACHE$PREFIX_DCL_CGI_SYMOBLS_WWW logical name to
prefix all environment logical symbols with "WWW_". By default, no prefix is used.
The APACHE$CGI_MODE logical name controls how CGI environment logicals are
defined in the executing CGI program, as follows:
where option can have one of the following values at a time:
Default. Environment logicals are defined as local symbols and are
truncated at 970 (limitable with DEC C).
Environment logicals are defined as local symbols unless they are greater
than 970 characters. If the environment value is greater than 970 characters, it
is defined as a multi-item logical.
Environment logicals are defined as logicals. If the environment value is
greater than 512 characters, it is defined as a multi--item logical.
APACHE$DCL_ENV is a foreign symbol that lets you define CGI environment
logical, as follows:
APACHE$DCL_ENV [-c] [-d] [-e env-file]
Default. Indicates create environment logicals.
Indicates delete environment logicals.
-e env-file
Specifies an alternate environment file. The environment
file does not need to be specified by the caller because the parent derives it (it
can be easily determined by default).
The following example deletes the environment and then recreates it:
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-25
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS
Referencing Input
CGI scripts that reference input to the Oracle HTTP Server must refer to
Executing CGI
On OpenVMS, CGI images execute within a DCL process. You cannot execute CGI
images directly.
Logicals for Debugging CGI Scripts
Use the following logicals to debug CGI scripts:
Logical Name:
APACHE$DEBUG_DCL_CGI: If defined, this system logical name enables
APACHE$VERIFY_DCL_CGI: If defined, this system logical name provides
information for troubleshooting DCL command procedure CGIs by forcing a SET
VERIFY before executing any DCL CGI. Enabled by APACHE$DEBUG_DCL_CGI.
APACHE$SHOW_CGI_SYMBOL: If defined, this system logical name provides
information for troubleshooting the CGI environment by dumping all of the
symbols and logicals (job/process) for a given CGI. Enabled by
Displaying Graphics with CGI Command Procedures
To display a graphics file with a CGI command procedure, use the
APACHE$DCL_BIN foreign symbol in the following format:
APACHE$DCL_BIN [-s bin-size] bin-file
-s: bin-sizespecifies the actual or approximate file size in bytes. Bin-size
is automatically determined if the image file is larger than 32768 K (default value).
If the image file is smaller than 32768 K, then you can provide an approximate (or
actual) size. This will boost performance.
Specifies the file to be displayed.
For example:
D-26 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
Security Information
$ SAY "Content-type: image/gif"
$ SAY ""
Running the Oracle HTTP Server on OpenVMS 3ñ19
Security Information
The Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS is a non-privileged, user-mode, socket-based
network application. TMPMBX and NETMBX are the only privilege
requirements. The server runs under its own unique UIC and user account
Process Model
The Oracle HTTP Server runs as a single job which consists of:
A master process (ORACLE)
Several subprocesses
Subprocesses are created to service incoming HTTP requests and to execute CGI
Because the server runs as a single job, the OpenVMS security profile for each
process is identical, and no enhanced mechanism is required for these processes to
communicate with one another. Resource utilization is controlled by a single user
account (ORACLE) where pooled quotas are defined.
Privileged Images
The Oracle HTTP Server performs three operations that require additional privilege:
Binding to a port below 1024 (privileged ports).
By default, the server binds to port 8080 (HTTP).
Fetching path information for other users.
The server provides a replacement for the getpwnam C RTL routine to allow
the server to fetch default path information for other users (required by
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-27
Security Information
Changing the "carriage-control" attribute on socket (BG) devices. The server
also enables or disables (or both) the carriage-control attribute on BG (socket)
devices for certain stream operations.
Two protected, shareable images are installed at startup to allow the server to
perform these functions:
APACHE$PRIVILEGED.EXE (exec-mode services)
APACHE$FIXBG.EXE (kernel-mode services)
The APACHE$PRIVILEGED.EXE image provides exec-mode services for binding to
privileged sockets and fetching user default path information. Access to these
services is limited to processes running under the ORACLE username and is
controlled by the APACHE$PLV_ENABLE_APACHE$WWW logical name. This
logical name is defined as:
The "3,80,1023" string represents three parameters where:
The first parameter (3) is a bit-mask which enables or disables the two services:
Bit 0 controls binding to privileged ports.
Bit 1 controls fetching user default path information.
The second and third parameters are the minimum and maximum port that is
allowed to be bound.
When a call to either service is made, the service code:
1. Temporarily enables the privileges SYSPRV, OPER, SYSNAM, and NETMBX.
2. Performs the function.
3. Restores the process original privileges.
The APACHE$FIXBG.EXE_ALPHA image provides a kernel-mode service for
manipulating the carriage-control attribute for BG devices that are owned by the
calling process. No special access control exists on this service. This function can
also be performed using a setsocketoptC RTL run-time call, but it is not
supported by all TCP/IP stack vendors, which is the reason this service exists.
This service does not enable privileges, but executes in kernel mode.
Privileges Required to Start and Stop the Server
The Oracle HTTP Server runs under the ORACLE username and UIC and is started
as a detached, network process. During startup, protected images are installed and
D-28 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
logical names are placed in the system logical name table. Shutdown is
accomplished by sending a KILL signal to the master process and its subprocess.
These actions require enhanced privileges (DETACH, SYSNAM, WORLD, and so
forth) and are usually performed from a suitably privileged account.
File Ownership and Protection
All of the server files reside under its root directories that are pointed to by the
APACHE$ROOT logical name. During installation, file protection is set to
(S:RWED, O:RWED, G, W). During configuration, all files are set to be owned by
Server Extensions (CGI Scripts)
Server extensions, such as CGI scripts run within the context of the Oracle HTTP
Server process or its subprocesses. These extensions have complete control over
the server environment. You can configure the server to allow execution of
arbitrary user scripts, but standard practice is to limit such activity to scripts that
are written by completely trusted users. The Oracle HTTP Server includes
directives that allow a web administrator to control script execution and client
access. The use of these directives is described in numerous books and is not
duplicated here.
suEXEC Not Available for Protecting Script Execution
The Oracle HTTP Server for OpenVMS does not currently support the suEXEC
method of executing scripts under the username that owns the script. Many sites
use this feature to allow execution of arbitrary, user-written scripts without the fear
of compromising the server environment.
Open Source Licenses
This section provides open source license acknowledgments and license references.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation
( You can view the license at the following web site:
Apache Server Installation/Configuration D-29
This product also includes software that is developed by Hewlett-Packard.
D-30 Oracle9i Installation Guide Release 2 ( for HPAlpha OpenVMS
character mode
64-bit feature, B-1
issues and restrictions, 3-2
account privileges
setting, 3-8
lsnrctl, 3-20
umask, 3-18
account quotas
minimum values, 3-9
ADA, version, 1-12
disk space requirements, 1-10
compatibility issues, 1-13
restrictions, 1-15
control files
database roles, 5-20
described, 5-20
authentication methods
Kerberos, 1-15
Secure Socket Layer, 1-15
AUTOGEN utility, 3-15
automating startup and shutdown, 5-13
data files
defined, 5-23
DR01.DBF, 5-23
Big Oracle Blocks, B-3
BOB, B-3
INDX01.DBF, 5-23
SYSTEM01.DBF, 5-24
TEMP01.DBF, 5-24
TOOLS01.DBF, 5-24
USERS01.DBF, 5-24
CATNSNMP.SQL file, capabilities, 5-20
creation methods
default data files
selecting, 1-5
DR01.DBF, 5-23
data dictionary
data files, 5-23
database passwords, 5-19
database user names, 5-19
INDX01.DBF, 5-23
SYSTEM01.DBF, 5-24
TEMP01.DBF, 5-24
USERS01.DBF, 5-24
default initialization parameter file
init.ora, 5-25
rollback segments, 5-26
tablespaces, 5-23
database environments
and Oracle Database Configuration
default redo log files
REDO01.LOG, 5-25
default tablespaces
DRSYS, 5-23
database roles
SYSTEM, 5-24
of MDSYS user name, 5-20
of OUTLN user name, 5-20
of SYSTEM user name, 5-21
DB_NAME parameter, 5-22
TEMP, 5-24
USERS, 5-24
related, xiv
data file, 5-23
tablespace contained in, 5-23
DSS, B-2
See administrators
dbca.rsp file, 1-19
DBSNMP user name
described, 5-20
password, 5-20
DCL command, to check disk format, 2-4
file systems
requirements, 3-3
compilers, 1-12
installActions.log, 4-8
Oracle Universal Installer log files, 4-8
oraInst.loc, 3-2
DEC ADA 3.4.2, 1-12
default control files
permissions for creation, 3-16
supported file systems, 3-3
response files, 4-11
pre-installation tasks, 3-1
general purpose database. See database
environments, 1-4
environment, 3-19
GENPARAMS parameter, 3-15
global database name
Optimal Flexible Architecture, 3-3
installation types
with Oracle9i, A-2
with Oracle9i Client, A-8
memory, 1-8
home directory, 3-17
account required to start, 3-12
requirements, 1-14
SYSTEM tablespace, 5-15
described, 1-10
removing, 5-29
Java Runtime Environment
modifying, cautions about, 3-20
requirements for, 3-20
JRE. See Java Runtime Environment
data file, 5-23
initialization parameter file
description, 5-25
in database, 5-25
init.ora, 5-25
initialization parameters
Initialize command, formatting a new disk to
ODS-5, 2-4
installActions.log file, 4-8
linking Oracle Net, 1-16
aborted, 4-11
character mode, 3-2
See Log roll-forward server (LRS), B-1
lsnrctl command, 3-20
cleaning up, 4-11
Oracle Advanced Security
Oracle Wallet Manager, 1-15
requirements, 1-15
Wallet Manager, defined, A-22
password, 5-20
and Oracle7, 3-3
Oracle Data Migration Assistant, 3-3
modifying system parameters, 3-13
MRU, B-4
multiple databases, 3-12
multiple Oracle homes
system identifier, 5-23
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
and Oracle interMedia, 1-6
selecting, 1-5
response file, 1-19
Oracle Enterprise Manager Quick Tours
defined, A-15
Oracle HTTP Server
defined, A-15
Oracle Integration Server
Oracle Intelligent Agent
non-interactive installation, 3-2
OLTP. See transaction processing
OLTP transactions, B-2
described, A-17
defined, A-16
Oracle inventory
JRE locations, 3-2
log files, 4-8
defined, A-17
defined, A-17
Oracle Locale Builder
defined, A-17
described, A-17
Oracle Management Server
defined, A-17
operating system
configuration, 3-16
Optimal Flexible Architecture
oracle account
home directory, 3-17
how to create
Oracle Names
defined, A-18
Oracle Net
how to create, 3-17
post-installation tasks, 5-13
pre-installation tasks, 3-18
requirements, 3-17
and Oracle Advanced Security, 1-15
removing, C-9
linking options, 1-16
Oracle Protocol Support
installation types available with, A-4, A-6
shutting down listeners, 3-20
Oracle Net Server
installation worksheet for, C-7
Oracle Universal Installer
and upgrading software, 1-7
defined, A-21
defined, A-18
Oracle Options
inventory, 3-2, 4-8
requirements, 1-14
log files, 4-8
Oracle Parallel Server
re-installing, 4-11
response files
list of, 1-19
Oracle Partitioning
Oracle Utilities
defined, A-19
Oracle PL/SQL Gateway
Oracle Visual Information Retrieval
defined, A-19
Oracle Precompilers
and Secure Socket Layer, 1-15
Oracle XML Developer’s Kit
defined, A-22
post-installation tasks, 5-16
Oracle Real Application Clusters
defined, A-19
Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard
Oracle Server
automating startup and shutdown, 5-13
See oracle account
requirements, 3-2
migration, 3-3
Oracle Spatial
defined, A-20
creating account, 3-6
quotas required, 3-9
relinking, 5-29
Oracle Spatial Data Cartridge. See Oracle Spatial
Oracle Spatial Index Advisor, defined, A-20
Oracle Text
Oracle Text Manager
setting system parameters, 3-15
64-bit feature, B-1
Oracle Transparent Gateway
disk space requirements, 1-10
hardware requirements for, C-3
installation prompts for, C-9
installation prompts for, C-8
installation worksheets for, C-6
installation worksheet for, C-7
Oracle9i Client top-level component, installation
types available with, A-8
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition
disk space requirements, 1-10
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition top-level component
installation types available with, A-2
Oracle9i JVM
installation prompts for, C-9
enterprise edition defined, A-23
Oracle9i Server
Shared Server, 5-15
defined, A-23
oraInst.loc file, 3-2
ORDPLUGIN user name
database roles, 5-20
pre-installation tasks
shutting down listeners, 3-20
database roles, 5-20
described, A-23
user name and password, 5-20
OSDBA and OSOPER groups, 5-12
OUTLN user name
Pro*COBOL, 1-12
described, A-24
described, 5-20
Pro*FORTRAN, 1-12
described, A-24
product dependencies, 1-13
disk space requirements, 1-10
response file, 1-19
initialization, 5-13
SYSGEN, 3-13
post-installation tasks, 5-17
TCP/IP, defined, A-25
changing, 5-12
for ORDPLUGINS user name, 5-20
for SYS user name, 5-21
performance, B-2
account, 3-9
redo log files
in starter database, 5-25
REDO01.LOG, 5-25
REDO02.LOG, 5-25
REDO03.LOG, 5-25
related documentation, xiv
file creation, 3-16
setting with umask, 3-18
PGA, B-3
post-installation tasks
Oracle Precompilers, 5-16
Oracle products, 5-29
of ORDPLUGINS user name, 5-20
of OUTLN user name, 5-20
of SCOTT user name, 5-21
of SYS user name, 5-21
file permissions, 3-16
file systems, 3-3
hardware, 1-8
of SYSTEM user name, 5-21
root user
interMedia, 1-14
post-installation tasks, 5-12
memory, 1-8
oracle account, 3-17
Oracle Advanced Security, 1-15
described, 5-21
Secure Socket Layer
requirements, 1-15
ODS-5, 2-4
precompilers, 1-14
Pro*C/C++, 1-14
Pro*COBOL, 1-14
Pro*FORTRAN, 1-14
Secure Socket Layer, 1-15
swap space, 1-9
system installation, 1-8
tools, 1-14
Reserved Memory Registry, 3-13
response files
account privileges, 3-8
clientadmin.rsp, 1-19
clientcustom.rsp, 1-19
custom.rsp, 1-19
dbca.rsp, 1-19
enterprise.rsp, 1-19
standard.rsp, 1-19
protection, 3-11
images, 1-10
Shared Server
restrictions, configuration, 1-15
post-installation tasks, 5-15
shutdown and startup, 5-13
silent install. See installation, non-interactive
SQL*Module, 1-12
SQL*Module Ada
of CTXSYS user name, 5-20
of DBSNMP user name, 5-20
of MDSYS user name, 5-20
described, A-24
described, A-25
SQL*Plus Worksheet
described, A-25
containing SYSTEM01.DBF, 5-24
containing USERS01.DBF, 5-24
defined, 5-23
described, A-21
SQLJ Runtime
described, A-21
standard.rsp files, 1-19
starting instances, 3-12
svrcustom.rsp file, 1-19
SYS account, 3-6
expanding for large sorts, 5-24
in database, 5-23
SYSTEM, 5-24
TEMP, 5-24
SYS user name
database roles of, 5-21
USERS, 5-24
described, 5-21
defined, A-25
SYSGEN parameters, 3-13
SYSMAN, 3-13
account, 3-6
data file, 5-24
tablespace contained in, 5-24
tools, adding or upgrading, 5-27
TOOLS01.DBF, data file, 5-24
TOOLS.DBF, tablespace contained in, 5-24
transaction processing. See database environments
parameters, 3-13
summary of requirements, 3-16
System Global Area
init.ora file, 5-13
system identifier
multiple Oracle homes, 5-23
SYSTEM tablespace
description, 5-24
interMedia Option database objects, 5-15
System user
SYSTEM user name
database roles of, 5-21
described, 5-21
password of, 5-21
UAF, 3-5
umask command
setting, 3-18
uname command, 1-11
upgrading, 3-3
data file, 5-24
tablespace contained in, 5-24
Oracle products, 5-27
to Oracle8 from Oracle7, 1-13
upgrading existing Oracle databases, 1-7
user and group numbers, 3-5
user names
DBSNMP, 5-20
ORDSYS, 5-20
SCOTT, 5-21
SYS, 5-21
SYSTEM, 5-21
data file, 5-24
tablespace contained in, 5-24
VLM, reserving memory, 3-13
VMS mailbox driver, 1-12
window manager
requirements, 1-11
Development Kit, A-25
Oracle XML Developer’s Kit, A-22
configuring, 1-11
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