5510 ACRegenerator
Owner’s Manual
Before You Begin.........................................................1
Connection Diagram....................................................3
Feature Overview.........................................................4
Feature Details
High-Current Outlet Bank......................................8
Voltage Sense Triggers.........................................8
Circuit Breakers.....................................................8
Audio / Video Line Level Protection.......................9
Coaxial Line Protection.........................................9
Telephone Line Protection.....................................9
AC Power Cord......................................................9
AC Surge Protection...........................................10
SurgeGate Plus™ Protection...............................10
Analog Voltmeter & Ammeter.................................5
Convenience Lamp................................................5
Convenience Outlet................................................5
Diagnostic Lights...................................................6
Sequential Startup/Shutdown................................6 Technical Specifications............................................11
Filtered Outlet Banks 1 & 2.....................................7 Contacting Panamax.................................................11
Isolation Transformer Outlets.................................7 Balanced vs. Isolated Power......................................12
Frequently Asked Questions.......................................13
Items included with the MAX® 5510 ACRegenerator™:
1 - MAX®5510 ACRegenerator™
1 - Convenience Lamp with 5W
halogen bulb
1 - RJ-11 Telephone Cable
1 - IEC 320, 120V/15A
10 ft. power cord
2 - Rack mount brackets and
3 - Coax Cables for
Satellite TV, Cable TV
and/or Antennas
mounting screws
Please verify that you have received all these items. If not, contact Panamax.
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Your Audio/Video components are constantly being
bombarded by electromagnetic interference (EMI)
and radio frequency interference (RFI) through their
power cords. This contaminated power can affect
analog and digital equipment and will degrade the
overall performance of your entire system. Digital
components can also introduce noise on their AC
power lines, which can interfere with the performance
of analog components. Common symptoms of con-
taminated power include, among others, pops, hiss-
es, hums, and visual artifacts. Most power filtering
devices remove some of this interference but don’t
provide a comprehensive solution to the problem.
The MAX® 5510 allows you to switch between
Isolated and Balanced modes as there is no way to
categorically state that either filter mode is better than
the other. Both modes provide clean, regenerated
power to your digital source components. Results
will depend upon the quality of incoming power,
noise sources close to your home or system, the
combination of components and the routing of inter-
connected cabling. One setting may provide better
results than the other for your particular system but
the only way to really know is to try both and use the
one that sounds better to you.
Although the MAX® 5510’s functionality revolves
around noise filtration and power protection, many
other exciting features enhance your overall enter-
tainment experience, including:
An analog, backlit voltmeter indicates the AC line
voltage coming into your system.
An analog, backlit ammeter shows the actual cur-
rent draw of all your connected components, giv-
ing a visual reference as to how your system is
functioning under a variety of conditions.
detachable convenience lamp simplifies
Level 2 – for Analog Components:
changing CD’s or DVD’s and making other system
adjustments in low-light situations. A rear panel
connector for the lamp also allows for its use dur-
ing system setup.
The MAX® 5510 ACRegenerator’s Tri-Power
Filtration System is the Complete Solution!
The second level in the Tri-Power Filtration system
features two banks of independently filtered outlets (2
outlets per bank) for analog components. These
outlet banks utilize "Balanced Double L" filter circuits
that are far superior to any other design in filtering
out all forms of electromagnetic and radio frequency
interference in both common and normal modes.
Cross-contamination between your components is
also eliminated with this design.
Level 1 - for Digital Source Components:
A combination ON/OFF/Dimmer switch controls
both the meter lighting and convenience lamp.
An Always-On, convenience outlet on the front
panel is for temporary AC connections.
True isolation from contaminated power sources is
the first level. The heart of the MAX® 5510 is a
500VA, Isolation Transformer that provides power to
four outlets for your digital source components. AC
Regeneration through electromagnetic coupling
between the primary and secondary windings of the
transformer allows only clean, pure AC power to
reach your equipment. None of the EMI/RFI contam-
ination gets past the isolation transformer! In addi-
tion, any noise generated by your digital source com-
ponents is isolated and prevented from reaching the
rest of your connected equipment.
As you read through the rest of this manual, you’ll
discover many more unique features. As audio-
philes, we care about the quality of your listening
and/or viewing experience. Our goals are to:
• Provide clean, pure power
• Protect your investment
• Enhance the pleasure you get from your A/V
Level 3 – for High-Current Components:
The third level of the system specifically addresses
the unique power requirements of current-hungry
components such as amplifiers and powered sub-
woofers. These components rapidly draw large
amounts of current to replenish their capacitors after
thunderous bass notes. Line conditioners that utilize
coils (inductors) in series with the AC power line can
"choke" off this large in-rush current, thereby reduc-
ing the amplifiers’ ability to operate at peak perform-
ance levels. The MAX® 5510’s high-current outlets
are fed by noise filtration circuitry that does not uti-
lize coils. It provides full, unimpeded power for your
amplifiers and powered subwoofers for maximum
performance and the optimum listening experience.
Two different power modes, Isolated and Balanced,
are available as output from the isolation transformer.
These are selected with the front panel AC
Regeneration pushbutton. In the Isolated mode, the
secondary (load side) of the transformer’s winding is
completely isolated from ground connections.
Thank you for choosing Panamax for your power
quality needs. Please finish reading the instructions,
install the MAX® 5510, and enjoy the full potential of
your entertainment system.
In the Balanced mode, a center tap wire from the sec-
ondary winding is connected to ground. This creates
a balanced voltage waveform (+60V Line-Ground & -
60V Neutral-Ground, 180 degrees out-of-phase),
which still provides 120VAC to your equipment.
Other Convenience Features Enhance the
Tri-Power Filtration System
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AC Regeneration
Control and LED
Select either Isolated
or Balanced power for
your digital source
For the 5W-halogen
Convenience Lamp.
Use to illuminate
working area &
other components.
Lamp and Meter LED Indicators:
Dimmer: Status indicator lights
Controls brightness for Switched Outlets,
Convenience Outlet:
Provides a quick convenient
way to plug in components
such as camcorders and
video game systems.
Backlit analog meter
measures current draw
for connected equipment
up to 15 Amps.
Backlit analog meter
measures incoming
voltage source from
0-150 VAC.
1 of 2 Triggers that
can activate a turn-
on or shutdown
sequence for the
Isolated and High-
Current outlets.
of the Ammeter,
DC Voltage Triggers,
and Unsafe Voltage
backlighting and
Convenience Lamp.
Isolation Transformer
Four outlets provide either
Isolated or Balanced power
for digital source components
such as DVD or CD players.
Use the front panel AC
High-Current Outlet Bank:
Two delayed outlets designed
for High-Current components
such as amplifiers and
Satellite Coax Jacks:
Two pair of gold plated
F-Connectors optimized for
Satellite TV signal line protection.
15A Circuit Breaker:
Opens in the event that
equipment plugged into
the MAX® 5510 draws
Filtered Outlet Bank 1:
AV RCA Jacks:
Four pair of RCA style
connectors. Circuits are
optimized for audio and
video signal line protection.
Two Always-On, Balanced,
Double L filtered outlets
for Low-Current analog
powered subwoofers.
too much current. When components such
The current available to
connected equipment is
not limited by the noise
filtration components.
white is visible, the
breaker has opened.
Reduce the load and
push to reset.
as pre-amplifiers,
receivers, VCRs
and tape decks.
Cable TV Coax Jacks:
Gold plated F-Connectors
optimized for Cable TV or
non-amplified Rooftop
Regeneration pushbutton to
select the desired power mode.
Rear Panel
Convenience Lamp
Antenna signal line protection.
IEC Main Power
Ground Lug:
Provides a
Power cord connects common
Filtered Outlet Bank 2:
High-Current Outlets
Turn-On Switch:
Telephone Jacks:
In/Out connections
for telephone line or
pay-per-view line
Isolation Transformer
Circuit Breaker:
Voltage Sense Trigger Inputs:
Two Always-On, Balanced
Double L filtered outlets
for Low-Current analog
components such
as pre-amplifiers,
receivers, VCR’s
3.5 mm Mono Mini-Plug jacks. Connect to a remote
trigger device that provides 12VDC to trigger a startup
/ shutdown sequence. This is the second trigger that
will activate the MAX® 5510 turn-on or shutdown
sequence. (See switched outlets pushbutton on front
3-position slide switch.
Allows adjustment of the
Turn-On delay for the 2
High-Current Outlets.
Choose between 0, 10
and 30 seconds.
Opens in the event that
equipment connected
to the Isolated Outlets
exceeds 4 amps current
draw. When white is
visible, the breaker has
opened. Reduce the
load and push to reset.
to this receptacle.
grounding point
for equipment
with separate
ground leads
and tape decks.
Isolation Transformer Outlets Turn-Off Switch:
3-position slide switch. Allows adjustment of the
Turn-Off delay for the 4 Isolation Transformer Outlets.
Choose between “Always-On”, 10 and 30 seconds.
The analog meters are backlit to provide the ability to view readings in a dark room. LEDs (light emitting diodes) are used
in order to provide durability and long life. An On/Off Dimmer switch controls the brightness. Please note that this switch
also controls the Convenience Lamp described in the next section.
The Voltmeter samples the incoming voltage from the wall receptacle and provides a visual representation of the available
power. The Voltmeter is Always-On and indicates the incoming line voltage even during an unsafe voltage condition.
Readings above 150V will not be accurate due to the meter’s damping characteristics.
The Ammeter measures the amount of current being drawn by the connected equipment and the MAX® 5510. The MAX®
5510 does use a small amount of power and its current is included. The Ammeter needle will fluctuate as music or movie
soundtracks call upon the amplifiers to reproduce thunderous bass notes. During an unsafe voltage condition, the Ammeter
will continue measuring the amount of current being drawn by the MAX® 5510, but since all of the connected equipment
has been disconnected by the SurgeGate Plus™ circuitry, the needle will be only slightly above zero.
Convenience Lamp
The convenience lamp included with your MAX® 5510 plugs into an industry standard XLR receptacle on the front or
rear panel. The lamp is approximately 14" in length and will bend to provide illumination of other audio/video equipment.
1. DO NOT use lamps in both front and rear panel receptacles at the same time. This will overload the lamp’s
power supply and cause damage not covered by the MAX® 5510’s warranty.
5W/BA9S or equivalent. A higher rated bulb will overload the lamp power supply and cause damage not
covered by the warranty.
3. Make sure the protruding lamp does not interfere with cabinet or glass doors. The lamp may be removed and
stored next to the unit if interference does occur.
used on some audio equipment such as microphones. Damage will occur if other types of equipment are
plugged into this receptacle.
On/Off/Dimmer Switch
The rotary switch located next to the lamp receptacle controls the meter backlighting and the convenience
lamp. When the knob is turned completely to the left, it is in its OFF state. Turning the knob to the right will
turn the lamp and meter lights ON and increase their brightness.
Convenience Outlet
A single outlet on the front panel of the MAX® 5510 provides an easy-to-reach power source for electronic equipment typ-
ically used on a part time basis. Such equipment includes anything from video game systems to camcorders. Do not use
this outlet for household appliances like vacuum cleaners!
The convenience outlet not only provides superior surge suppression, but also taps into one of the Balanced Double L Filter
Circuits to provide clean power for your sensitive electronic equipment. This outlet is an Always-On outlet and will contin-
ually supply a steady source of power for your connected equipment. It is important to remember that power will be
disconnected only in the event of an unsafe voltage condition.
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Diagnostic/Indicator Lights
The MAX® 5510 is loaded with special features to save your connected equipment from many different forms of dangerous
power disturbances. Five diagnostic lights on the front panel inform you in the event of a power disturbance or when a spe-
cial feature is activated. The indicators are:
Switched Outlets: Green LED. This light indicates the status of the “Switched Outlets” pushbutton on the front panel and
corresponds with the switch position. When the button is in the “ON” position, the light is ON. When the button is in the
“OFF” position, the light is OFF. “Switched Outlets” refers to the Isolation Transformer Outlets and the High-Current Outlets.
See their respective sections for switching options.
DC Voltage Trigger: Green LED. This light indicates status of the DC voltage triggers on the back panel of the MAX® 5510.
The light is ON when a DC voltage trigger is activated and OFF when a DC voltage trigger is not receiving a signal. This light
will also be ON if nothing is plugged into a DC voltage trigger input jack. This indicates that the DC voltage trigger is being
Unsafe Voltage: Red LED. Under normal voltage conditions, this light stays OFF. When this light is FLASHING slowly
(once per second), it indicates an undervoltage (<95 VAC) or overvoltage (>137VAC) condition. When the light is flashing
quickly (4 times per second), it indicates a 10 second recovery period from an under/overvoltage condition. This light will
flash quickly when the MAX 5510 is first plugged into the wall outlet.
Isolated Power: Green LED. When this light is ON, it indicates that the Isolated Power Mode has been selected for the
power supply to the digital source components.
Balanced Power: Green LED. When this light is ON, it indicates that the Balanced Power Mode has been selected for the
power supply to the digital source components.
AC Regeneration Control: Pushbutton switch used for selecting the power supply mode for the digital source com-
ponents connected to the Isolation Transformer Outlet Bank. One of the adjacent LEDs for Isolated Power or Balanced Power
will illuminate to indicate the active switch position. See the Isolation Transformer Outlets section on the next page for
more information.
Sequential Startup/Shutdown
Complex audio/video systems are susceptible to internally generated surges if all of the system components are powered on
or off at the same time. One of the symptoms of this condition is speaker “thump” (which can damage the speakers). The
MAX® 5510 is designed to eliminate these transients by providing a “start-up” delay for the High-Current Outlets and a “shut-
down” delay for the switched Isolation Transformer Outlets. This allows the components plugged into the switched outlets
to power-up and stabilize before any amplifiers and powered subwoofers are turned on. This sequence is reversed during
shutdown. The amplifiers and powered subwoofers turn off, their power supplies drain, then the equipment plugged into the
switched outlets is turned off.
Information on setting the delay times is included in the Isolation Transformer Outlets and High-Current Outlet Bank
sections that follow.
Filtered Outlet Banks 1 & 2
Four outlets (two banks / two outlets per bank) are fed through separate "Balanced, Double L" noise filtration circuits. These
circuits are designed to eliminate the noise contamination of the AC power that is most detrimental to the performance of
analog or video components like stereo receivers, VCRs or televisions. The two dedicated filters are carefully engineered to
provide power filtration and inter-component noise isolation for both common-mode (line/neutral-to-ground) and normal-
mode (line-to-neutral) EMI/RFI. This means that high-frequency interference will be drastically reduced not only from the
incoming power but also from equipment plugged into the other outlet banks, regardless of what "mode" it occurs in. Even
equipment with ungrounded, 2-bladed plugs receives clean power.
Both banks remain ON continually (Always-On) to provide a constant power source for programmable analog or video com-
ponents. A personal video recorder (such as TiVo™) and VCR are two examples of components that require constant power.
A TiVo™ video recorder relies on continual power to monitor the cable signal and retain its programmed information. A VCR
should be connected to one of these always-on, filtered outlets to maintain correct clock time and programmed recording
Isolation Transformer Outlet Bank
Four outlets are fed power through the heart of the MAX® 5510, the Isolation Transformer. These outlets should be used for
digital components like DVD players, CD players, and laser disc players.
Pure, clean power is obtained by using the isolation transformer to regenerate AC current. The power from a typical wall
outlet is often contaminated with electromagnetic (EMI) and radio frequency (RFI) interference (noise) picked up by the power
lines between the power utility’s generating plant and the wall outlet. This contaminated power feeds the isolation trans-
former's primary winding and is regenerated (through electromagnetic induction) as clean power on the isolated secondary
winding. The outlets are connected to the secondary winding, which has no conductive connection to the primary winding.
This isolates your digital source equipment from contaminated power, and prevents any noise generated in the system’s dig-
ital components from flowing back to other connected equipment.
Two different power filtration modes, Isolated and Balanced, are available as output from the isolation transformer. These
are selected with the front panel AC Regeneration pushbutton. In the Isolated mode, the secondary (load side) of the trans-
former’s winding is completely isolated from ground connections.
In the Balanced mode, a center tap wire from the secondary winding is connected to ground. This creates a balanced volt-
age waveform (+60V Line-Ground & -60V Neutral-Ground, 180 degrees out-of-phase), that still provides 120VAC to your
More information regarding the Isolated and Balanced power filtration modes may be found in the Introduction on page 2
and the Technical Descriptions on page 12.
A 3-position slide switch (Isolation Transformer Outlets Turn-Off) located on the rear panel controls the timing for the
Isolation Transformer Outlets. Together, these outlets can be set as Always-On or with a turn-off delay of either 10 or 30 sec-
onds to prevent internally generated surges. This switch provides the option of having a total of eight Always-On outlets (4
Filtered Outlets and 4 Isolation Transformer Outlets). See the Sequential Startup/Shutdown section for more informa-
When set to one of the delay positions (10 or 30 seconds), the Isolation Transformer Outlets are controlled by the Switched
Outlets pushbutton and/or the DC Voltage Sense Triggers. In this setting, the Isolation Transformer Outlets will not power
down until after the selected time delay has elapsed.
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High-Current Outlet Bank
The two high-current outlets allow amplifiers and powered subwoofers to perform to their full potential. When the movie
thunders with a terrific explosion or when the music reaches a climactic crescendo, an amplifier has to rapidly draw large
amounts of current to replenish its power supply capacitors. Traditional line conditioners impede this current draw, in effect,
starving an amplifier and resulting in a flat, dead sound. The High-Current Outlet Bank provides clean, filtered power to
amplifiers but has no current-limiting components to impede performance.
The high-current outlets are designed with a turn-on delay option of 0, 10 or 30 seconds. The 3-position, High-Current
Outlets Turn-On Switch on the back of the MAX® 5510 is used to select the desired time delay. When a delay is selected,
the high-current outlets will turn on after the isolated outlets and turn off before the isolated outlets (if they are not set to
Always-On). With a delay, the connected equipment will not power up simultaneously, thus preventing loudspeaker noises
such as “thumping”. See the Sequential Startup/Shutdown section for more information.
Voltage Sense Triggers
This feature provides two ON/OFF triggers for the MAX® 5510 using a 12VDC remote control signal. Many components
such as pre-amplifiers and receivers have a 12VDC trigger built in, and will transmit a constant power signal when turned
on and in use. This power signal will initiate the startup or shutdown sequence of the MAX® 5510’s switched outlets. An
AC Adapter of the appropriate voltage, plugged into a switched outlet on the receiver, may also be used if a 12VDC trigger is
not built in.
The MAX® 5510 Voltage Sense Trigger input uses standard 3.5 mm mono mini-plug jacks. These jacks have electrically
isolated switches built in. If nothing is inserted into the input jacks, the voltage sense is bypassed and the MAX® 5510
Switched Outlets button on the front panel controls the startup/shutdown sequence. If a plug is inserted into either one of
the input jacks, the voltage sense becomes the startup/shutdown trigger. Please note: The Switched Outlets pushbut -
ton on the front panel must be left in the “ON” position if you are using a DC trigger.
The DC Voltage Trigger indicator LED (on the front panel) indicates the status of the Voltage Sense Triggers. When at least
one 3.5 mm mono mini-plug is connected to the voltage sense input jacks and a DC voltage signal is present, the LED will
light to indicate that the voltage sense circuit is ON and the MAX® 5510’s switched outlets are ON. When the source com-
ponent is turned off and there is no DC signal, the indicator LED will also be off.
Circuit Breakers
There are two separate circuit breakers on the back panel of the MAX® 5510. The main circuit breaker will trip only if the
total current draw exceeds the maximum current rating (15A). This means that, collectively, all loads must draw more than
15 Amps before the circuit breaker will trip. There is also a 4 Amp circuit breaker to protect the 500 VA Isolation Transformer
and its circuitry. The Isolation Transformer provides pure power for digital source components, which require very little cur-
rent to operate at peak performance. Please note: Do not plug high-powered amplifiers or powered subwoofers
into the Isolation Transformer Outlets. Their current requirements may exceed the 4 Amp limit and cause the
circuit breaker to trip.
SignalPerfect™ A/V Signal Line Protection
In the event of a power surge, system components plugged into different AC receptacles and/or circuits can create voltage
differentials that result in "rogue" surges on the signal lines. These "backdoor" surges can be as damaging to your equip-
ment as an externally generated surge. Equipment that typically provides “backdoor” access for damaging surges includes,
ceiling mounted video projectors or powered subwoofers located away from the main system components. The MAX® 5510
provides four line-level protection circuits that are optimized for audio and video signals. The clamping level is 6.5 VDC.
Although the circuits are individually labeled for video and audio signals (Y, PR, PB, SUB), performance is identical and they
may be used for any combination of audio or video signal lines.
SignalPerfect™ Coaxial Line Protection
Panamax’s exclusive SignalPerfect™ Technology provides application-specific protection for your satellite and cable TV
equipment. The satellite connections are for coaxial cables connected to a DBS (single or dual LNB) satellite dish. The
antenna connection is for a non-amplified rooftop antenna or cable TV line. It may also be used to protect the equipment
plugged into the MAX® 5510 from “backdoor” surges in situations where the video signal runs to another room for an addi-
tional television.
Cable TV (Including HDTV) – TV tuners operate at approximately 10 millivolts (0.01 V) and utilize the frequency spec-
trum of 50Mhz to 950Mhz. The clamping level of the MAX 5510’s cable TV protection circuitry is 700 millivolts (0.7 volts).
That’s less than 1 volt above normal operating levels. The circuitry is shielded to prevent interference and has been opti-
mized to have less than 1dB of signal loss throughout the entire 50Mhz to 950Mhz range.
Satellite - Satellite dish LNB’s can require up to 24 volts to operate and utilize the frequency range of 950Mhz to 2.2Ghz.
The clamping level of the MAX® 5510’s satellite protection circuitry is 27 volts - just 3 volts above the maximum operating
voltage. The circuitry is shielded to prevent interference and has been optimized to have less than 1dB of signal loss
throughout the entire 950Mhz to 2.2Ghz range.
Please note: All coaxial cable sheaths from outdoors must be grounded to the building grounding electrode
system where they enter the building (per applicable NEC/CEC code). A driven ground rod is not adequate and
may be dangerous.
SignalPerfect™ Telephone Line Protection
Satellite TV receivers require a telephone line connection for Pay-Per-View services. The MAX® 5510 also provides surge
protection for this line. One pair of RJ-11/45 compatible telephone jacks is provided for this. The circuitry utilizes auto-
resetting PTCRs and solid-state SIDACtors™ for reliability and unsurpassed protection. The clamping level of the MAX®
5510’s telephone protector is 260 volts. This will allow typical ring voltage (90-130VAC) and operating battery voltage
(-48DC) to pass through the circuit and still protect the modem in your satellite receiver from damage.
Please note: The protection circuitry will not work if the phone lines are reversed. The incoming phone cable
must be connected to the "LINE" jack and the cable to the audio/video equipment must be connected to the
"EQUIP" jack.
Power Cord
The MAX 5510 comes equipped with a UL recognized, 10 foot, IEC320 power cord rated for 120V, 15-Amps, minimum 14
gauge wire and the cord secured to the enclosure with a cord retention bracket. The cord is not intended to be removed.
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The MAX® 5510 provides protection against common problems on the AC power line. This includes spikes/surges and sus-
tained overvoltages or undervoltages. Panamax’s exclusive Protect or Disconnect™ circuitry is designed to protect against
spikes/surges while the SurgeGate Plus™ circuitry is for sustained over/under voltage protection.
Protect or Disconnect™ AC Surge Protection
When the MAX® 5510 ACRegenerator™ is subjected to a high voltage surge, voltage output is limited to a safe level and the
high levels of surge current are diverted away from the connected equipment.
1. Voltage reaches an unsafe level.
2. If surge is greater than MAX
• When subjected to a 6,000V (open circuit voltage) / 500A (short circuit current) surge, the MAX® 5510 limits
voltage output to less than 330V peak, UL’s lowest rating. The MAX® 5510 will withstand without damage,
multiple 12,000A surges, far exceeding the UL maximum requirement of only 3,000 Ampere surges.
5500 capacity, it disconnects.
• If the magnitude of the surge is greater than the capacity of the surge protection components, the MAX® 5510’s
Protect or Disconnect™ Circuitry will disconnect your equipment in order to protect it. The MAX® 5510 will need
to be repaired or replaced by Panamax if this occurs.
SurgeGate Plus™ Protection
The MAX® 5510 constantly monitors the AC line voltage for unsafe voltage conditions such as prolonged overvoltages and
undervoltages (brownouts). These unsafe conditions pose a very dangerous threat to all electronic equipment within the
home. If the MAX® 5510 senses an unsafe power condition, it will automatically disconnect your equipment from the power
to protect equipment from damage. Once the voltage returns to a safe level, the MAX® 5510 will automatically reconnect
the power.
1. Voltage reaches an unsafe high
level and the SurgeGate Plus™
2. Voltage reaches a safe level and
SurgeGate Plus™ automatically
If the line voltage exceeds the overvoltage threshold (137VAC) or falls below the undervoltage threshold (95VAC), the MAX®
5510 will perform the following tasks until line voltage returns to a safe level:
3. Voltage reaches an unsafe low level
1. Disconnects power to all connected equipment.
2. Unsafe Voltage LED is activated and will blink once per second during the unsafe voltage condition.
and SurgeGate Plus™ disconnects.
4. Voltage reaches a safe level and
SurgeGate Plus™ automatically
The MAX® 5510 requires line voltage to return to within the safe operating range for 10 seconds before returning to normal
operating mode. This is referred to as “Over/Undervoltage Recovery”. The safe operating range is considered 5V above the
under-voltage threshold (~100V) and 5V below the overvoltage threshold (~132V). Once this safe operating range is reached,
the MAX® 5510 will perform the following functions:
1. Unsafe Voltage LED will blink 4 times per second for Over/Undervoltage Recovery.
2. Power is restored to all connected equipment after the 10-second delay. The normal start-up sequence as deter-
mined by the “High-Current Outlets Turn-On Switch” and “Isolated Outlets Turn-Off Switch” will be followed.
Connection.......................................................................3.5 mm mono mini-plug
Voltage and Polarity...........................................3-18VDC nominal, bi-directional
Current Requirement....................................................................................>25mA
Dimensions.......................17” W x 12” D x 3.5” H, (4.1” H including feet)
Weight.............................................................................................26 lbs.
Clamping Level................................................................................................27V
Attenuation...............................................................<1 dB from 950MHz - 2.2GHz
Connections......................................................................Gold plated, Female “F”
Filtered Outlet Banks........................................................55 dB (100 KHz - 1 MHz)
Isolation Transformer Outlets...................................... 120 dB (100 KHz - 1 MHz)
High-Current Outlets.......................................................50 dB (100 KHz - 1 MHz)
Clamping Level...............................................................................................0.7V
Attenuation.................................................................<1 dB from 5MHz -950MHz
Connections......................................................................Gold plated, Female “F”
UL 1449 Surge Suppression Rating................................................................330V
Protection Modes....................................................................... L - N, L - G, N - G
Initial Clamping Level..........................................................200V Peak, 141V Rms
Response Time...............................................................................................<1ns
Joule Rating........................................................................................2325 Joules
Peak Impulse Current................................................................................91,000A
Catastrophic Surge Circuit ..............................................................................YES
Clamping Level..............................................................................................260V
Capacitance......................................................................................30pf (approx.)
Suppression Modes...........................................................Metallic & Longitudinal
Wires Protected....................................................................2 wire/ 1 pr. (pins 4,5)
Line Voltage...............................................................................................120VAC
Max Current Rating......................................................................15A (1800 Watts)
Thermal Fuse...................................................................................................YES
Over/Under Voltage Protection.........................................................................YES
Over-voltage shutoff threshold / Response time........137 4 VAC, 10 milliseconds
Under-voltage shutoff threshold / Response time......95 4 VAC, 500 milliseconds
Clamping Level..........................................................................................6.5VDC
Attenuation..........................................................<0.01dB from 1Hz to 6MHz
<0.06dB from 6MHz to 38MHz
<2.0dB from 38MHz to 100MHz
Design and specifications subject to change without notice due to product improvement.
Connections........................................................................................RCA, Female
For product and warranty information, dealer information, and other general information contact
Customer Relations at:
• Fax 707-283-5901
• 800-472-5555 or 707-283-5900, 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. PST
USA & Canada (800) 472-5555 • (707) 283-5900 • Fax (707) 283-5901
Power Modes in the MAX® 5510
Balanced Power
Single-phase grounded-neutral power
The standard method of residential power delivery in the U.S.
The neutral, or "grounded" conductor, is bonded to the earth, or
"grounding" conductor. The N-G panel bond creates a severe
imbalance with respect to common-mode currents, which can
lead to "hum" in A/V equipment. There are three problems with
this configuration that are specifically targeted by our "Isolated"
and "Balanced" power modes:
1. Line and neutral current imbalance. Unbalanced currents in
the L-N can radiate magnetic fields, which can couple inductively
from connected power cords to nearby A/V cables.
With "Balanced Power", the asymmetric, zero-volt N-G reference
at the panel is replaced by a symmetric ground reference
between line and neutral. Hum-producing common-mode cur-
rents (2) and radiated electrostatic fields in the connected power
cords (3) are both eliminated by voltage phase cancellation.
Radiated magnetic fields can still be evident (but to a much less-
er degree than with grounded-neutral power), unless the imped-
ances from L-G and N-G in the connected equipment are equal.
2. Ground skew. Voltage drops due to common-mode current
flowing into the earth ground can cause a skew between signal
ground references in interconnected A/V equipment.
3. Line and neutral voltage imbalance. Unbalanced voltages
from line and neutral to ground can cause connected power
cords to radiate electrical fields, which can couple capacitively to
nearby A/V cables.
"Balanced" and "Isolated" Power are both exceedingly efficient at
overcoming the inherent problems of the unbalanced earth
ground reference in domestic single-phase power systems, with
small but definable distinctions. They are both effective in reduc-
ing common mode currents and radiated magnetic and electro-
static fields from connected power cords. The primary difference
is simple: "Isolated Power" is better at reducing the magnetic
(inductive) component, and "Balanced Power" is better at reduc-
ing the electrical (capacitive) component. Because all A/V cables
have some amount of inductance and capacitance (defined col-
lectively as "impedance"), they are susceptible to both types of
interference, and the trade-offs will vary with the system config-
Isolated Power
With "Isolated Power" the N-G panel bond is broken by floating
the line and neutral, and the ground reference voltage is driven to
neutralize the hum-producing ground leakage currents (2).
Consequently, L-N currents are equalized, effectively eliminating
magnetic field radiation from connected power cords through cur-
rent phase cancellation (1). Radiated electrical fields can still be
evident (but to a much lesser degree than with grounded-neutral
power), unless the impedances from L-G and N-G in the connect-
ed equipment are equal.
My MAX® 5510 power cable does not
reach the wall outlet. Can I use an
extension cord to make it reach?
The Isolation Transformer Outlets are not
switching ON or OFF with the MAX® 5510.
How can I fix this?
The halogen light on the Convenience
Lamp is dead. What type of light do I
replace it with?
Yes, but you must use only Panamax extension
cords to keep your warranty valid. Ask for Part
# GEC1410 (10 feet long) or
These outlets may be set as either switched or
always-on outlets. The 3-position, Isolated
Outlet Turn-Off Delay switch on the back panel
controls this. Change the setting of this switch
from Always-On to a delayed setting. This will
allow the Isolation Transformer Outlets to
become Switched Outlets.
The halogen light must be replaced with a
12VDC, 5-Watt bulb or damage to lamp power
supply may occur. Use USHIO JC12V-5W/BA9S
or equivalent.
# P12X10NEMA5-15 (Premium Grade)
The provided coax or telephone jumper
cables are not long enough to reach my
equipment. Can I use other cables?
There is an audible buzz/hum coming
from my MAX® 5510. What is the cause
of this and how do I make it go away?
The MAX 5510 is ON but the Voltmeter
Yes, any length cable of the same type meets the
and Ammeter are not lit up. What is the
This is the result of a DC Bias that is usually
introduced in your circuit by certain appliances-
most commonly lamps with High-Low dimmer
switches and some room heaters, which use
only half of the AC sine wave. These appliances
introduce a small DC bias placed on the AC sup-
ply. Some audio equipment- especially ampli-
fiers with toroidal power transformers- may react
unfavorably to this DC voltage, and buzz. The
MAX® 5510 isolation transformer will remove
this waveform distortion and protect the loads
plugged into the isolated outlets. If the distortion
is bad, you may actually hear the MAX® 5510
buzzing slightly as it works to correct the AC
power. The best way to stop the buzz is to find
the source of the disturbance (most likely a
quartz lamp) and plug it into a different branch
circuit. Panamax Technical Support will be glad
to help you if you have any questions about this.
warranty requirements.
Check the Meter Light Dimmer control to see if
the lighting is turned ON or OFF. If the control
knob is turned OFF, turn it ON and continue
turning until you have reached the desired light
level. If the control knob is turned ON and there
is no light, turn the knob to maximum. If you
still have no light, call Panamax Customer
Service for help.
The 4 Amp, Isolation Transformer circuit
breaker continually trips. What is the
The four Isolation Transformer Outlets share the
500 VA Isolation Transformer for their power
source. The connected equipment plugged into
the four outlets is drawing more than 4 Amps
collectively, causing the circuit breaker to trip.
These four outlets are designed specifically for
low-current, digital source components. Check
to see if you have connected a high-current
amplifier or subwoofer to the Isolation
Transformer Outlets. If so, unplug the high-cur-
rent components and plug them into the High-
Current Outlet Bank.
I connected the 5W Convenience Lamp
and the lamp will not work. What is the
1. Check to see if the bulb is burned-out.
2. If the bulb is good, if the unsafe voltage LED
is OFF and the light control knob is turned on
and the light is still not on, call Panamax
Customer Service for help.
INS5510 REV. B
USA & Canada (800) 472-5555 • (707) 283-5900 • Fax (283) 283-5901
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