User Manual
Professional 2,000-Watt
and 4,000-Watt Stereo Power
Amplifier with ATR
(Accelerated Transient
Response) Technology
Table of Contents
Thank you
Thank you for choosing a BEHRINGER EUROPOWER amplifier.
This piece of high-end gear was developed for professional use
in live applications, and its many features make it a useful and
dependable part of your sound system.
2.1 Front panel ........................................................................................4
2.2 Rear panel..........................................................................................4
The EUROPOWER amps feature an input filter for each channel,
enabling you to remove the low-frequency portion of the
signal, if desired. Additionally, there is a limiter that protects
your loudspeakers. Various operating modes, such as parallel or
mono-bridged mode, open up various possibilities for effective
implementation with the rest of your audio equipment for almost
any application.
4.1 Connections...................................................................................10
This manual first describes the controls and connection points
so that you fully understand the EUROPOWER amplifier and its
functions. Then it delves into the various applications where the
EUROPOWER amp can be used, and finishes with more details on
installing and making the connections to the amplifier.
Have fun with your new amplifier.
This manual is available in English, German, French,
Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish,
Danish, Portugese, Greek, Japanese and Chinese. There may
also be more current versions of this document. Download them
by going to the appropriate product page at:
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
1.1.3 Online registration
1. Introduction
Please register your new BEHRINGER equipment right after
the terms and conditions of our warranty carefully.
Should your BEHRINGER product malfunction, it is our inten-
tion to have it repaired as quickly as possible. To arrange for
warranty service, please contact the BEHRINGER retailer from
whom the equipment was purchased. Should your BEHRINGER
dealer not be located in your vicinity, you may directly contact
one of our subsidiaries. Corresponding contact information is
included in the original equipment packaging (Global Contact
Information/European Contact Information). Should your
country not be listed, please contact the distributor nearest you.
A list of distributors can be found in the support area of our
and equipment with us helps us process your repair claims more
quickly and efficiently.
Honestly, who really likes to read manuals? We know you want
to get started right away, but please read this manual carefully
and keep it for future reference. It is only after reading these
instructions that you will fully understand and be able to use all
the features your EUROPOWER amplifier has to offer.
1.1 Before you get started
1.1.1 Shipment
Your EUROPOWER was carefully packed at the factory,
and the packaging is designed to protect the unit from rough
handling. Nevertheless, we recommend that you carefully
examine the packaging and its contents for any signs of
physical damage, which may have occurred during transit.
If the unit is damaged, please do NOT return it to
BEHRINGER, but notify your dealer and the shipping
company immediately. Otherwise, claims for damage or
replacement may not be granted.
Thank you for your cooperation!
1.1.2 Initial operation
Please make sure the unit is provided with sufficient ventilation,
and never place your EUROPOWER amp on top of other heat-
emanating equipment or in the vicinity of a heater to avoid the
risk of overheating.
The mains connection is made via the enclosed power cord and a
standard IEC receptacle. It meets all international safety
certification requirements.
Please make sure that all units have a proper ground
connection. For your own safety, never remove or disable
the ground conductor from the unit or the AC power cord.
The sound quality may diminish within the range of
powerful broadcasting stations and high-frequency sources.
Increase the distance between the transmitter and the
device and use shielded cables for all connections.
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
2. Control elements
2.1 Front panel
Fig. 2.1: Front panel control elements
Since control elements of both the EP2000 and the EP4000 are
identical, we have used the EP2000 as the model represented in
the illustrations to assure simplicity.
[3] The CLIP LED lights up when the signal is distorted.
Should distortion occur, reduce the input level, so that the
CLIP LED stops lighting up.
[1] The main switch is used to power up the amp.
[4] The SIGNAL LED lights up as long as a signal is present at
the input.
[5] The Gain control (channels 1 and 2) is used for setting up
the input gain.
[6] The POWER LED lights up as soon as the unit is
powered up.
Merely switching the unit off does not mean that it is fully
disconnected from the mains. When not using the unit for
prolonged periods of time, please unplug the unit’s power
cord from the power outlet.
[2] Ventilation openings are located at the front of the unit, so
that hot air is prevented from being trapped inside the unit,
thus causing faulty operation or even damage.
2.2 Rear panel
Fig. 2.2: Rear panel control elements
[7] These are the balanced XLR inputs (channels 1 and 2).
[8] These are the stereo ¼" TRS inputs (channels 1 and 2).
They can also be used with unbalanced plugs.
[9] These are the MODE switches, used to alter the operating
modes as well as to set the limiters and high-pass filters
(see chapter 2.3).
[11] These are the speaker outputs (channels 1 and 2). When
running the unit in mono-bridged mode (see chapter 2.3.5),
please use the channel 1 output exclusively. For further
information on the connectors please refer to chapter 4.1.
[12] These are the output terminals (channels 1 and 2). When
running in mono, please make sure to use both middle
connectors to connect your loudspeaker.
[10] The unit’s fan is located here. Fan speed adjusts automati-
cally to assure trouble-free operation.
To prevent faulty operation, please assure that the unit is
kept at a distance from other appliances emanating heat.
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
[13] BREAKER (automated fuse). After eliminating the cause of
faulty operation, simply depress the BREAKER and power
up the unit again. The BREAKER acts in place of common
discardable fuses.
2.3.2 Input filter
The LF (high-pass) filter removes frequencies below 30 and
50 Hz respectively. The reproduction of the signal’s bass portion
is thus optimized, since ultra-low, distracting frequencies are
eliminated, and more power is available for the reproduction of
the wanted segment of the signal. Engaging and disengaging
the filters is done by using the switches 3 (ch. 1) and 8 (ch. 2).
Switches 2 (ch. 1) and 9 (ch. 2) determine the cut-off frequency.
As long as the filter is disengaged, frequencies below 5 Hz are
cut to prevent damage.
You should set up the filters so they best suit the frequency
response of your speakers, since some speakers (e.g. bass reflex
speakers) are particularly sensitive to over-excursion below the
listed frequency range.
Before engaging the BREAKER switch, you should power
down the unit (POWER switch set to OFF)!
[14] Power is supplied via an IEC connector. The matching
cable is provided with the unit.
[16] Here you can find a detailed overview of the individual
MODE SWITCHES functions ({9}).
The 50 Hz filter should be engaged when using broadband
speakers because the filter provides a moderate amplification in
the 100-Hz range, resulting in a fuller sound. The 30 Hz filter
is ideally suited for subwoofer operation as well as for broad-
band cabinets. The “Off” setting should be used only for special
applications (e.g. studio applications), in which recognizing and
subsequently removing infra-sound is important.
2.3 Configuration switches
Fig. 2.3: Dip-switches
2.3.1 Clip limiter
When the input signal connected to your amp is too high, you
end up with a distorted output signal. To prevent this, both
channels of your EUROPOWER feature a clip limiter that can
be engaged or disengaged selectively. The limiters automati-
cally recognize distortion and lower amplification until distortion
is reduced to a tolerable level. To preserve the dynamic charac-
teristics of the signal when low distortion levels are occurring,
the clip limiters function with moderate suppression. Use
switches 1 (ch. 1) and 10 (ch. 2) to activate the clip limiters.
When using broadband loudspeaker systems, the clip limiter
reduces high frequency distortions which occur when an
amplifier is overloaded. The drivers are thus protected from
being damaged.
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
2.3.3 2-channel mode (stereo)
The mono-bridged mode puts added demands on amplifier
and speakers. Excessive distortion may occasionally com-
pletely mute the amp’s outputs as well as cause permanent
damage to the speakers. Please assure that your speakers
(minimal impedance 4 Ohms) as well as the cables used can
handle the extra power generated in this mode.
Both channels of your amp function independently from
one another in this operating mode, and each has its own
input signal. Two independent speakers are connected at the
outputs. To activate this operating mode, please set the MODE
SWITCHES 4 and 5 to “STEREO”.
When running the unit in two-channel mode, the switches
for mono-bridged mode must be disengaged (dip switches
6 and 7 in left position).
3. Applications
Running EUROPOWER amplifiers in conjunction with
8-Ohm speakers with a power rating of at least
2 x 400 Watts (EP2000) and 2 x 750 Watts (EP4000) is
recommended to assure optimal operation.
2.3.4 Parallel mode
Running in parallel mode enables you to feed a signal via one
of the inputs into both outputs. Each channel drives its own
loudspeaker with independent amplification, filter and limit
characteristics. To link the inputs, set the MODE SWITCHES
4 and 5 to “PARALLEL INPUTS”.
3.1 Differences between 2-channel,
parallel and mono-bridged operating
2-channel mode is the most common operating mode of
amplifiers. Both channels operate fully independently from one
another. There is always a separate input signal as well as a
separate output signal.
Mono-bridged mode switches must be disengaged when
running in parallel mode.
With inputs set to parallel, you can use the remaining input
connectors to feed the signal into additional amplifiers.
This means that the channel 2 inputs function as outputs.
The parallel mode is well-suited for applications in which
driving two speakers with the same signal but with separate
amplification, filter and limiter settings is desired.
2.3.5 Mono-bridged mode
This operating mode enables you to add up the respective
voltage of both channels and use it to drive a single loudspeaker.
The voltage is therefore doubled, the peak power is quadrupled,
and program power is roughly three times as high as that of the
individual channels. The input, output, gain, filter and limiter
controls belonging to channel 1 are used when running in mono-
bridged mode. The controls belonging to channel 2 are not used.
To prevent signal cancellation due to internal phase inversion,
the GAIN control belonging to channel 2 must be turned to its
left-most position.
Use this operating mode to route the power from both channels
to a single 8-Ohm or 4-Ohm load. To do so, set up the switches
6 and 7 to “BRIDGE MODE ON”. To use the binding posts as
your output, you MUST use the two middle posts only.
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
Parallel mode is identical to 2-channel mode, except for the
• 2-channel (stereo) playback
• Two independent mono signals, e.g. instrument signal
and monitor mix
inputs of both channels are internally connected in parallel. One
input signal routes parallel both channels, while their filters etc.
are independently controlled.
• Bi-amp operation, whereby bass frequencies are run
on channel 1, and high frequencies on channel
2 (see chapter 3.2 “Bi-amping”).
• A mono signal is fed into both channels, whereby amplification
of each channel is controlled separately.
• Parallel mode (as described above) with connection of an
additional amp via the remaining free input connector.
The input signal is present there and may be connected to
further equipment.
When connecting a balanced input signal, please make sure
to exclusively use balanced cables for passing the signal
further on. Otherwise, a single unbalanced cable can turn
the entire signal unbalanced.
Fig. 3.1: 2-channel mode
Fig. 3.3: Parallel operation
Fig. 3.2: DIP switch positions for 2-channel operation
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
Fig. 3.6: DIP switch positions for mono-bridged mode
Fig. 3.4: DIP switch positions for parallel operation
When running in mono-bridged mode, the voltage of both chan-
nels is added up and fed into a single loudspeaker system. There
is one input and one output signal respectively, and only the
controls of channel 1 (and not of channel 2) are used.
When the amp is overdriven for longer periods of time,
the output signal may occasionally be muted for several
seconds. In certain situations, excessive overdriving may
trigger off the automated fuse. To avoid overdriving the
amp, please continually make sure that an appropriate
volume level is applied.
However, should the DIP switches 4 and 5 still be in
PARALLEL INPUTS position while in mono-bridged mode,
the signal on the free input (input channel 2) can be
forwarded to an additional amp.
2-Ohm loads should never be applied when in
• Driving a single 8-Ohm loudspeaker.
• Driving a single 4-Ohm loudspeaker.
mono-bridged mode.
When connecting a balanced input signal, please make sure
to exclusively use balanced cables for passing the signal
further on. Otherwise, a single unbalanced cable can turn
the entire signal unbalanced.
Safety precautions for mono-bridged operation
Running your amp in mono-bridged mode can quickly
result in excessive overdriving and premature shutting
down of the unit itself. In the worst-case scenario, your
loudspeakers may be damaged permanently. Therefore,
you should always make sure that the speakers you use can
indeed handle the power load fed into them.
A voltage of up to 100 V RMS is present between the output
connectors of the EP4000. Always implement appropriate
safety precautions when connecting your speakers to avoid
the risk of electric shock.
Fig. 3.5: Mono-bridged mode
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
3.2 Bi-amping
By using an active crossover, you can divide up the frequency
range into several bands. For example, in doing so you can split
a mono signal into upper-frequency and lower-frequency ranges.
These two signals can then be hooked up to the inputs of your
amp, so that channel 1 amplifies the lows and channel 2 ampli-
fies the highs (2-channel operation). The outputs are connected
to a 2-way speaker, whereby the output signal 1 drives the
woofer and output signal 2 runs the drivers. Of course, you can
use two separate speakers instead of a single 2-way speaker.
A stereo signal can also be split up analogous to the example
described above. However, to do that you need two 2-way
speakers or 4 separate speakers, two EUROPOWER amps and
an active 2-way stereo crossover. The BEHRINGER SUPER-X
PRO CX2310 is optimally suited for this task and offers
additionally a single mono-subwoofer output. By deploying a
third EP2000 amp (preferably in mono-bridged mode) and a
subwoofer, you have a perfect setup that adds a low-frequency
system to the stereo bi-amp application (see fig. 3.7). The amp’s
input filters for the high/mid-frequency ranges should in this
case be engaged and set at 50 Hz. To remove low, disturbing
frequencies from the signal, the input filter for the subwoofer
signal should be set at 30 Hz.
The BEHRINGER EUROLIVE SERIES loudspeakers are an
outstanding solution for expanding your P.A. system, because
each frequency range/application has a speaker type that
optimally suits its characteristics.
Extreme clip limiter settings in bi-amp operating mode can
result in balance shifting.
Fig. 3.7: Stereo bi-amp mode with a separate subwoofer
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
4. Installation
Your EUROPOWER can be installed into a 19" rack and
requires two rack units. Please use four attaching screws and
washers for installation. Reinforce the back end, especially for
on-the-road use. Please assure that enough cool air reaches the
rack, especially when other rack equipment emanates a lot of
heat. In the case of the EUROPOWER EP2000 and EP4000,
hot air circulates at the front of the unit to thermally relieve the
rack enclosure.
Fan speed adjusts automatically and assures safe
operation. Never block ventilation openings. Should
internal temperature reach extreme values, the unit will
shut down automatically.
Fig. 4.1: Professional speaker connectors
Whenever possible, use thick and short speaker cables
to minimize power losses. Never lay output cables near
input cables.
4.1 Connections
4.1.1 Using the binding posts
Each channel features balanced XLR and ¼" TRS stereo jack
inputs, with input impedances of 20 kΩ (balanced) and 10 kΩ
(unbalanced). In general, balanced signals cause less noise than
unbalanced signals.
To connect the loudspeakers to the amplifier’s binding posts,
please do the following:
1) Switch off the amp and disconnect it from the mains
(unplug mains connector).
For balanced input signals, use the XLR and ¼" TRS stereo
inputs. For unbalanced input signals, use the unused pin of the
XLR connector with grounding. No alteration is necessary on
mono jack connectors.
2) Remove the protective plastic covers shielding the binding
posts by loosening the two screws on the right-hand side of
the connections and lift the plastic cover upwards.
3) Attach the terminal of your loudspeaker cable to the
corresponding binding post.
Should you register distractive signals such as noise or
hissing, we recommend separating the amp input from the
signal source. This way, you can quickly determine if the
noise originates in the equipment connected to the amp.
Always make sure to completely lower amplification of both
channels before powering up the amp (GAIN control turned
all the way leftward). Otherwise, permanent damage to
your speakers may occur.
4) Place the protective plastic covers into its original upright
position on each binding post and replace the two screws.
Never operate the device without the protective plastic
covers in place!
Your EUROPOWER offers several output connection
possibilities: two professional speaker connectors and two pairs
of touch-safe binding posts. The professional speaker connectors
were especially developed for driving high-power speakers. They
snap in securely, prevent electric shock and assure correct
polarity. The upper connector drives either one or both channels,
and is therefore well-suited for mono-bridged operation (1+/2+).
The lower connector carries the signals from channel 2 only.
Fig. 4.2: Protective plastic covers shielding the binding posts
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
When using binding post connectors, please make sure that
insulation on cables is not removed too high. Insert the naked
part of the cable fully so that no metal is visible. Cable clamps
must be isolated to avoid the possibility of electric shock. When
running the amp in mono-bridged mode, always use the middle
two binding post connectors, paying attention to correct polarity.
If you notice naked cable endings on the binding post
connectors, do not power up the amp because of the risk
of electric shock.
Fig. 4.4: ¼" TS connector
4.1.2 Connecting to the mains
Always connect your EUROPOWER amplifier to the voltage
specified on the rear of the device. Connecting the amp to an
incorrect voltage can permanently damage your amp.
Before powering up the amplifier, double-check all connections
and fully lower the gain setting.
4.2 Audio connections
Various cables are needed for different types of applications.
The following illustrations show the correct wiring. Always use
high-grade cables.
When connecting a balanced input signal, please make sure
to exclusively use balanced cables for passing the signal
further on. Otherwise, one single unbalanced cable can
turn the entire signal unbalanced.
Fig. 4.5: ¼" TRS connector
Fig. 4.3: XLR connectors
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
5. Specifications
unweighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
-100 dB
Output Power
Voltage gain
RMS @ 1% THD (sine wave), both channels driven
40x (32 dB)
50x (34 dB)
8 Ω per channel
4 Ω per channel
2 Ω per channel
350 W
500 W
650 W
Input sensitivity
V RMS (@ 8 Ω)
EP2000 1.15 V (+3.4 dBu)
EP4000 1.23 V (+4.0 dBu)
Input impedance
8 Ω per channel
4 Ω per channel
2 Ω per channel
550 W
950 W
1250 W
10 k Ω unbalanced, 20 k Ω balanced
Power switch,
gain control (channels 1 and 2)
RMS @ 1% THD (sine wave), bridged mode
DIP switches (10x)
8 Ω
4 Ω
1000 W
1300 W
green LED
red LED, 1 per channel
yellow LED, 1 per channel
8 Ω
1750 W
2400 W
4 Ω
Balanced XLR and ¼" TRS connectors
Peak Power, both channels driven
Touch-Proof binding posts and
professional speaker connectors
8 Ω per channel
4 Ω per channel
2 Ω per channel
400 W
750 W
1000 W
Continuously variable speed fan,
back-to-front air flow
Amplifier protection
8 Ω per channel
4 Ω per channel
2 Ω per channel
750 W
Full short circuit, open circuit, thermal
and HF protection Stable into reactive or
mismatched loads
1400 W
2000 W
Load protection
Peak Power, bridged mode
Turn-on/off muting, AC coupling
8 Ω
Output circuit type
1500 W
2000 W
Class AB complementary linear output
Class H complementary linear output
4 Ω
8 Ω
2800 W
4000 W
Power supply
4 Ω
Mains voltage/Breaker
100 - 120 V~, 50/60 Hz
220 - 230 V~, 50/60 Hz
15 A
8 A
< 0.01%
< 0.02%
Power consumption
1600 W
Frequency Response
at 10 dB below rated output power
at -3 dB points
20 Hz - 20 kHz, +0/-1dB
5 Hz - 50 kHz
Mains connector
Standard IEC receptacle
Damping Factor
> 300 @ 8 Ω
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
Legal Disclaimer
Dimensions (H x W x D)
Technical specifications and appearance are subject to change without
notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing.
BEHRINGER accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any
approx. 88 x 483 x 402 mm
approx. 3.5 x 19 x 15.8
person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or
statement contained herein. Colors and specifications may vary slightly from
product. Our products are sold through authorized dealers only. Distributors and
dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER and have absolutely no authority to bind
BEHRINGER by any express or implied undertaking or representation. This
manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written
permission of BEHRINGER International GmbH.
approx. 15.7 kg / 34.6 lbs
approx. 16.6 kg / 36.6 lbs
BEHRINGER makes every effort to ensure the highest standard of quality. Necessary modifications are
carried out without notice. Thus, the specifications and design of the device may differ from the
information given in this manual.
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 36-38, 47877 Willich, Germany,
Tel. +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 4903
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
§ 1 Other warranty rights and national law
[1]. This warranty does not exclude or limit the buyer’s statutory rights provided
by national law, in particular, any such rights against the seller that arise
from a legally effective purchase contract.
[2]. If the product needs to be modified or adapted in order to comply with appli-
cable technical or safety standards on a national or local level, in any country
which is not the country for which the product was originally developed and
manufactured, this modification/adaptation shall not be considered a defect
in materials or workmanship. The warranty does not cover any such modifi-
cation/adaptation, irrespective of whether it was carried out properly or not.
Under the terms of this warranty, BEHRINGER shall not be held respon-
sible for any cost resulting from such a modification/adaptation.
[3]. Free inspections and maintenance/repair work are expressly excluded from
this warranty, in particular, if caused by improper handling of the product
by the user. This also applies to defects caused by normal wear and tear, in
particular, of faders, crossfaders, potentiometers, keys/buttons, tubes, guitar
strings, illuminants and similar parts.
[2]. The warranty regulations mentioned herein are applicable unless they
constitute an infringement of national warranty law.
§ 2 Online registration
Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER equipment right after
and conditions of our warranty carefully. Registering your purchase and equip-
ment with us helps us process your repair claims quicker and more efficiently.
Thank you for your cooperation!
[4]. Damage/defects caused by the following conditions are not covered by this
§ 3 Warranty
[1]. BEHRINGER (BEHRINGER International GmbH including all
BEHRINGER subsidiaries, except BEHRINGER Japan) warrants the
mechanical and electronic components of this product to be free of defects in
material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year* from the original date
of purchase, in accordance with the warranty regulations described below. If
the product shows any defects within the specified warranty period that are
not excluded from this warranty as described under § 5, BEHRINGER shall,
at its discretion, either replace or repair the product using suitable new or
reconditioned parts. In the case that other parts are used which constitute
an improvement, BEHRINGER may, at its discretion, charge the customer
for the additional cost of these parts.
• improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the unit in compliance
with the instructions given in BEHRINGER user or service manuals;
• connection or operation of the unit in any way that does not comply with
the technical or safety regulations applicable in the country where the
product is used;
• damage/defects caused by force majeure or any other condition that is
beyond the control of BEHRINGER.
[5]. Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by unauthorized personnel
(user included) will void the warranty.
[6]. If an inspection of the product by BEHRINGER shows that the defect in
question is not covered by the warranty, the inspection costs are payable by
the customer.
[2]. If the warranty claim proves to be justified, the product will be returned to
the user freight prepaid.
[7]. Products which do not meet the terms of this warranty will be repaired ex-
clusively at the buyer’s expense. BEHRINGER will inform the buyer of any
such circumstance. If the buyer fails to submit a written repair order within
6 weeks after notification, BEHRINGER will return the unit C.O.D. with
a separate invoice for freight and packing. Such costs will also be invoiced
separately when the buyer has sent in a written repair order.
[3]. Warranty claims other than those indicated above are expressly excluded.
§ 4 Return authorization number
[1]. To obtain warranty service, the buyer (or his authorized dealer) must
call BEHRINGER during normal business hours BEFORE returning the
product. All inquiries must be accompanied by a description of the problem.
BEHRINGER will then issue a return authorization number.
[2]. Subsequently, the product must be returned in its original shipping carton,
together with the return authorization number to the address indicated by
§ 6 Warranty transferability
This warranty is extended exclusively to the original buyer (customer of retail
dealer) and is not transferable to anyone who may subsequently purchase this
product. No other person (retail dealer, etc.) shall be entitled to give any war-
ranty promise on behalf of BEHRINGER.
[3]. Shipments without freight prepaid will not be accepted.
§ 5 Warranty regulations
§ 7 Claim for damage
[1]. Warranty services will be furnished only if the product is accompanied by a
copy of the original retail dealer’s invoice. Any product deemed eligible for
repair or replacement under the terms of this warranty will be repaired or
Failure of BEHRINGER to provide proper warranty service shall not entitle
the buyer to claim (consequential) damages. In no event shall the liability of
BEHRINGER exceed the invoiced value of the product.
* Customers in the European Union please contact BEHRINGER Germany Support for further details.
EUROPOWER EP2000/EP4000 User Manual
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