The LOCATOR is a self-contained engineer’s pocket compass capable of providing precise handheld
bearings to selected objects. It utilizes a lensatic magnifier and sighting hairline to ensure bearing
accuracy. In addition, an adjustable marching line is provided as an aid to maintaining direction
in darkness, fog or through rough terrain. The information that follows describes the parts of your
LOCATOR compass and tells you how to use and care for it.
Your new OUTDOORPAK is ideal for backpacking,
hiking, canoeing and all forms of nature exploration.
It includes a compact, lightweight and easy-to-carry
TRACKER 8x21mm binocular, which is particularly well
suited for birding and other forms of nature watching;
a 9-TOOL pocket tool kit, with more than a dozen
functions; a LOCATOR lensatic ranging compass having
true hand-bearing triangulation capabilities; and a
two-cell pocket flashlight. If you’re interested in the
outdoors, OutDoorPak is sure to increase your enjoyment
and add to your safety at the same time.
TZ- 401
Position Finding
LOCATOR can be used for general direction finding, even without a map or chart. Using a regional
topographical map or marine chart, LOCATOR will allow you to find your position on land or at sea
in coastal waters within sight of charted landmarks and designated aids to navigation.
Tracker Binocular
The 8x21mm TRACKER is a mini-compact binocular with
fully coated optics and ruby tinted lenses for crisp, bright
images and superior infra-red and ultra-violet filtration.
Maximum focusing flexibility is provided by means of a
common center focus knob and independent right diopter
adjustment. Generous eye relief and roll-down eye cups
make viewing easier for those who wear corrective lenses.
The TRACKER’s precision construction ensures
performance under the most demanding conditions.
With reasonable care, it will give you years of pleasure.
This information will help you achieve the most from
your TZ-821 TRACKER by explaining how to use
and maintain it.
to navigation with the sighting
hairline and center the object in
the sighting slot.
Adjustable Eyepiece (Right)
Center Focus Control
Fixed Eyepiece (Left)
5. Using a protractor or parallel rules
and the compass rose printed on
the marine chart or topographical
map for the region, draw lines
through the landmark or aid to
navigation symbols on the chart
at the bearing angles read from
the compass. The intersection of
the lines designates your location.
LOCATOR requires little care. Wipe off any
moisture or dust with a soft cloth or tissue.
your LOCATOR or subjecting it to shock, which could dislodge the compass card from it’s pivot.
Do not immerse in any liquid, or subject it to heavy spray or prolonged dampness.
Eye Spacing Adjustment Pivot
Objective Lenses
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